Timeline of Ispar

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Before the Roulean Calendar

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Roulean Calendar (RC)

0 RC Roulea marks the beginning of its calendar with the founding of the capital by offspring of the gods.[1]
787 RC Beginning of the reign of Pwyll II in Aluvia.[2]
804 RC End of the reign of Pwyll II in Aluvia.

Viamont Invades Aluvia.

Year of the Comet.

Beginning of the reign of Alfric, Overlord of Viamont, in Aluvia.[2]

824 RC End of the reign of Alfric, Overlord of Viamont, in Aluvia.

Beginning of the reign of Theolaud in Aluvia.[2]

854 RC End of the reign of Theolaud in Aluvia.

Beginning of the reign of Alfrega the Mad in Aluvia.[2]

868 RC End of the reign of Alfrega the Mad in Aluvia.

Beginning of the reign of Osric the Wise in Aluvia.[2]

899 RC End of the reign of Osric the Wise in Aluvia.

Beginning of the reign of Pwyll III in Aluvia.[2]

924 RC End of the reign of Pwyll III in Aluvia.

Beginning of the reign of Cellric II in Aluvia.[2]

1261 RC
-15 PY
Portals to Dereth begin to appear on Ispar.[1][3]
1276 RC
0 PY
On the far away planet of Auberean, the Olthoi Queen of Dereth is defeated.[1][3]
1286 RC
10 PY
After a long lull in Isparian arrivals, a great surge of new Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, and Sho adventurers are called from Ispar to Dereth by mysterious portals in their homelands.[3]
1311 RC Beginning of the reign of Cedraic III in Aluvia.[2]

[Editor's Note: If the date given is correct, this event has not occurred yet, and will not occur until PY 35 (2024 Earth). It is more likely that, since the years of the Aluvian rulers were written in Beta and the Ages of the Empyreans were created post-release, that the date is incorrect.]


  • If an entry has no source listed at the end of the line, its source is the next one listed.
  • Before the Roulean Calendar is abbreviated as BRC.
  • Roulean Calendar is abbreviated as RC.
  • Portal Year is abbreviated as PY.
  • Dates in normal text are confirmed.
  • Dates in italics are a best estimate based on the available information.
  • Entries with no date are placed where they are only as a best estimate based on the available information, and may have occured at another time.
  • When further clarification for the placement of an event is needed, the maintainer(s) of the timeline will place an editor's note.
