Trophies by Creature/Landscape

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Trophies - By Creature - By Area - By NPC - Popular Trophies - Category:Trophy
Armoredillo  |  Aun Tumerok  |  Auroch  |  A'nekshay  |  Banderling  |  Blighted Moarsman  |  Burun  |  Carenzi  |  Chicken  |  Cow  |  Crystal  |  Doll  |  Drudge  |  Eater  |  Elemental  |  Fiun  |  Gear Knight  |  Ghost  |  Golem  |  Gotrok Lugian  |  Gurog  |  Grievver  |  Gromnie  |  Harvest  |  Hea Tumerok  |  Hollow Minion  |  Human  |  Idol  |  Knath  |  Lugian  |  Margul  |  Marionette  |  Mattekar  |  Misc. Creature Class  |  Mite  |  Moar  |  Moarsman  |  Monouga  |  Mosswart  |  Mukkir  |  Niffis  |  Olthoi  |  Paradox Olthoi  |  Penguin  |  Phyntos Wasp  |  Rabbit  |  Rat  |  Reedshark  |  Remoran  |  Rift  |  Ruschk  |  Scarecrow  |  Sclavus  |  Shadow  |  Shallows Shark  |  Shreth  |  Siraluun  |  Simulacrum  |  Skeleton  |  Sleech  |  Slithis  |  Snowman  |  Statue  |  Thrungus  |  Tumerok  |  Tusker  |  Undead  |  Ursuin  |  Viamontian Knight  |  Virindi  |  Wisp  |  Zefir


Argenory Plant Berimphur Plant Colban Plant Crest of the Shagar Zharala Excavation Directions Ginger Hennacin Plant Lapyan Plant Minalim Plant Nutmeg Orange Monster Seed Pile of Long Sticks Pile of Short Sticks Red Monster Seed Relanim Plant Snowflower Strange Stick Sunflower Verdalim Plant Yellow Monster Seed

Points of Interest

Fire Auroch Steak Fresh Fish Royal Cabbage Salmon Special Cheese Super Cheese Tart Apple Wheat Bread