Buffslave II and Azura's Colosseum Guide

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Related topics: Colosseum, Advanced Colosseum Arena


  • The Colosseum runs on Darktide take a slightly different approach in a few areas, but overall tend to be nearly the same as one done in a non-PK world.
  • This guide makes heavy use of quest weapons.
  • This guide assumes no rares will be used, but mentioned when rares can be. A well-equipped, experienced fellowship without rares can finish with 5-7 minutes remaining.
  • This walk through is designed for Darktide and high level players (nearly maxed). Some parts only work correctly with PK status. If you want PK status in a non-PK world, use /pklite.

Optional Augmentations

In general, it is assumed that most PvP augmentations are already obtained, such as Asheron's Lesser Benediction. The following augmentations can help but are not necessary for a win.


Equipment plays a huge role in the success of the fellowship and its importance should not be underestimated. Most guides suggest that rares are required, but this is only the case in a poorly equipped fellowship or one that drags along lower level players. Since there is a variety of equipment needed, this section is broken down into common equipment and then class-specific equipment.













There are several extras you can use to help increase your chances of success:

Fellowship & Teams

As a general rule of thumb, the less Melees in your group, the better. The most reliable and effective team consists of 5 mages and 4 archers. However, there are many successful combinations:

  • 5 Mages, 4 Archers (Best)
  • 5 Mages 3 Archers, 1 Melee
  • 5 Mages, 2 Archers, 2 Melees
  • 6 Mages, 3 Archers
  • 4 Mages, 3 Archers, 2 Melees
  • 6 Mages, 2 Archers, 1 Melee

Note: There are even more successful combinations, these are just some known combinations.


  • Spread Out - Spread out evenly around the permieter of the room. The goal is to allow mages to apply Tusker Fists coverage accross the entirety of the arena. Archers and Melees will pick off the remainders, heavily focusing attention on creatures that spawn on the edges and corners of the arena.
  • All West - Everyone moves to the West side of the arena, huddling together in the area. The goal is to keep the spawn as close as possible, which makes for easy targeting for both mages and melee/archers.
    • Tip: Occasionally in this formation, its a good idea to put a mage on the East wall to Tusker Fists toward the crowd on the West wall to speed things up.
  • East & West Teams - Before staring, the quest leader will split up the fellowship into two teams, East and West. Typically, its best to split the mages evenly between the teams, and then stack the archers on one team and the melees on the other.
    • Tip: When lineing up in East & West Teams, use the bell to center yourself on the East and West side respectively. The goal is to cast Tusker Fists directly back and forth from East to West and vice versa. Don't get too far North or South.
    • Tip: Melees and Archers should stay on top of the mages on their teams in order to keep the creatures within reach of Tusker Fists. If everything is on the opposite side, its perfectly ok for a melee to temporarily join the other team until the spawn is over.
  • Northeast & Southwest Teams - Same as East & West Teams (see above), adjusted so teams set up in the Northeast & Southwest corners. This formation is only used on Arena 18-1, the Tremendous Monougas.


Arena 6

Spawn #1

  • Creatures: Mosswarts
  • Formation: Spread Out
  • Roles:
    • Mages: Bludgeon Rending - Cast Tusker Fists over and over. Try to cover all of the arena.
    • Melees: Fire Rending - Attack nearest creature. Don't block Tusker Fists.
    • Archers: Fire Rending - Half Speed Attacks. Try to attack creatures that near the walls/corners.

Spawn #2

  • Creatures: Lugians, Mattekars
  • Formation: Spread Out
  • Roles:
    • Mages: Bludgeon Rending - Cast Tusker Fists over and over. Try to cover all of the arena.
    • Melees: Lightning Rending - Attack Lugians First. Don't block Tusker Fists.
    • Archers: Lightning Rending - 3/4 Speed Attacks. Attack Lugians First.

Arena 7

Spawn #1

Spawn #2

Arena 8

Spawn #1

  • Creatures: Armoredillos, Zefirs
  • Formation: All West
  • Roles:
    • Mages: Imperil Everything.
    • Melees: Slash Rending - Attack Imperiled Creatures First. Note: PIerce Rending also works here.
    • Archers: Slash Rending - Attack Imperiled Creatures First. Note: Ditto above.

Spawn #2

Arena 9

Spawn #1

Spawn #2

Note: You can optionlly use Shadowfire Weapons instead of Fire Rending weapons, however the attack modifier is low and you can potentially miss often, causing your team to not beat the spawn.

Arena 10

Spawn #1

Spawn #2

  • Creatures: Tanada Nanjou Shou-jen
  • Formation: All West
  • Roles:
    • Mages: Imperil Everything. Better Yet, VULN everything, assuming Melees and Archers can all use the same element.
    • Melees: Weeping Weapons - Attack Imperiled Creatures First. Armor Renders work just as well or better. Everyone should try to keep to one element (fire is probably the most useful)
    • Archers: Weeping Weapons w/ Olthoi Arrows - Attack Imperiled Creatures First. Armor Renders work just as well or better. Everyone should try to keep to one element (Fire is probably the most useful, Acid if the archers have Weeping arrows, Lightning if they have Raider arrows).

Arena 11

Spawn #1

  • Creatures: Tuskers, Virindi
  • Formation: All West
  • Roles:
    • + Mages: Imperil & Slash or Pierce Vuln Virindi only. If you can't get everyone on Slash or Pierce, use Fire. Then pull out your Singularity Wands and cut them down. Concentrate fire to eliminate individual Virindi as quickly as possible.
      • Tip: One Mage can stand on the East wall and casts Tusker Fists toward the east wall, killing the Tuskers while everyone else attacks the Virindi. Gang up and kill individual virindi to eliminate their war casting as fast as possible, do not take individual targets.
    • Melees: Spectral Weapons - Attack vulned Virindi first.
    • + Deadly AP's or Frogs: Archers: Use Deadly AP's or Frogs if possible, Fire if not. Attack Vulned Virindi first. Concentrate fire on Virindi's to kill individuals as quickly as possible, preferrably all archers on one virindi at a time.

Spawn #2

Arena 12

ARENA 12 – Ruschk / Mukkir

Ruschk - We start in ROOM formation. Mages cast Tusker Fists with bludgeon rend non-stop. Make sure you line up multiple targets for mass damage. Switch to Arcs when only a few remain. Archer and Melees attack at will using bludgeon rend, pierce rend, or slash rend. It is advisable to have at least one skilled with Life Magic or a Lens casting Imperil to speed the process along.

Mukkir – We move to WW formation. Mages cast Tusker Fists non-stop at the opposite group using bludgeon rend with Mukkir slayer. Melees stay on your assigned wall and cast support spells like heal, stamina, or mana as needed. Archer kill at will using bludgeon, slash, or pierce rend with Mukkir slayer.

Arena 13

ARENA 13 - Ravager & Virindi / Lugian / Ursuin

Ravager & Virindi Quidoxes – Here we start in SW formation. Equipping Sing wands Mages cast Imperil and Vuln (Pierce or Slash if Possible for Archers, Fire if not) on all Virindi and then one continues on to Frost Vuln the Ravagers. The other mages switch to Arcs and kill the Virindi. Melee attack the Viriindi with AR weapons (Soulbound Slash or Pierce, agree ahead of time, or AR FIre if not). Once dead, switch to Frost AR and help finish the Ravagers. Archers shoot the Virindi with AR bow and AP or Frog arrows (or Fire if you must), then switch to Spectral/Frost for the Ravagers. The Virindi are the main threat. WOlfpack, gang up, and concentrate fire to remove their warcasting as quickly as possible.

Path of the Blind Lugians – We move to ROOM formation. Mages imp all the Lugians making sure not to miss any in the room. Melees and Archers kill at will using Lightning rend. If a Mage or two can go racial here it will make the room much easier. A group of 5 impers and 4 killers is a good mix.

Enflamed Ursuins – We stay in ROOM formation . Mages imp all the Ursuin making sure not to miss any in the room. Melees and Archers kill at will using fire rend. Again if a Mage or two can go racial it will make this room easier and faster.

Arena 14

ARENA 14 – Virindi / Olthoi

Virindi Quids and Paradoxes – EVERYONE USE MAGIC DEFENSE RARE - We start this room in SW formation. Mages equip Sing wands and target Quidox Virindi first. Mages VULN their selected target with Pierce or Slash (or Fire if they must) and then shoot Arcs until it is dead, then switch to the next target and repeat. Melees move out from the wall a bit in an even formation and cast life rings (Raven Fury) over and over with the Life Sing wand. Keep yourself healed between rings (if you have a spare Life rare you can use it in the previous room in preparation for this). Archers will also move in with the Melee and cast life rings with the same instructions as the Melee. Use of a life rare in the previous room is not absolutely necessary, but will help quite a bit.

Optional Tactic: For those without Raven's Fury/Life Magic. Repeat the tactic of the prior Virindi Room. Mages Vuln to the selected Element (Pierce/Slash/Fire) and use SIngularity wands to finish them off. Melees and Archers use AR weapons of the same element to gang up on the Virindi and bring them down. Quidoxes should be killed first and fastest, as they shoot the high damage war spells. Paradoxes should be kept until last. Ideally, one caster should be doing nothing but vulning, and possibly one of the others following up with Imperils. Everyone should concentrate on killing something that someone else is...the faster individual Virindi die, the less magic damage is coming your way. Do NOT spread out the damage.

Egg Orchard Olthoi – We move to WW formation. Mages cast Tusker Fists non-stop at the opposite group using bludgeon rend. Melees stay on your assigned wall and cast support spells like heal, stamina, or mana as needed, or Imperilling the Olthoi. Archers kill at will using Bludgeon Rend.

Making it out of this room entitles you to Two Coins.

Arena 15

ARENA 15 – Mosswart / Undead

Mosswart – We start in SW formation. Mages cast Imperil on all targets. Once all are Imped, then switch to Arcs using Fire Rend. Mages must focus on Gladiators once everyone is Imped. Melees kill at will with Fire Fend. Archers kill at will with Fire Rend.

Undead – MAGES USE WAR RARE. MELEE/ARCHER USE SKILL RARE – We move to BELL formation. Mages cast Fire Rings with Fire Rend wands with Undead slayer. Switch to Arcs when a few remain. Tusker Fists can also be used by a few mages here, but only if they have Undead slayer on a Bludgeon Rend wand. Also make sure if you use this technique you are not drawing too many away from the main attack. Melees can attack at will any that make it inside the ring with Undead Fire Fend or play support as needed (with Imperils). Archers kill at will with Undead Fire Fend. If someone is able to Fire Vuln the undead, then Melees and Archers should use Undead Fire AR, if they have such a thing (not likely).

Arena 16

ARENA 16 – Hands / Swarm Demons

Viamontian Hands – We start in BELL formation. Mages cast Lightning Rings with Lightning Rend, then switch to Arcs when a few remain. Melee and Archers attack at will with Lightning Rend. Note: This tactic works with Fire, as well.

Swarm Demons Olthoi– EVERYONE USE MELEE DEFENSE RARE - Start this spawn in Bell formation. The EAST side group will cast Bludgeon Vuln on all Demons. The WEST side group will cast Futility on all Demons at the same time. Once ALL are Vulned the group will split up and go to the WW formation. Mages will cast Tusker Fists non-stop with Olthoi slaying wands. Mages will switch to Arcs when a few remain. Melees will play support and heal, stamina, or mana as needed, or cast Imperils via Lenses or buffed Life Magic. Archers can attack at will using Bludgeon Rend. This is the room that tends to make or break a Colosseum Run. Archers should try to concentrate fire to remove individual olthoi as fast as possible.

Note: IF you can't pop Melee Rares, then the best way to do things is have one mage BLud Vuln all the olthoi, and someone else Imperil them all (preferably a Lens user). Then concentrate attacks on individual olthoi to remove them rapidly from the equation. Melees just chip in with Olthoi Slayers or Blud AR, Archers use BLudgeon AR. Once they are all Imperilled and VUlned, they die fast...it just takes a while to get there.

Making it out of this room entitles you to 3 coins.

Arena 17

ARENA 17 – Tuskers & Virindi / Penguins

Tuskers & Virindi – We start in BELL formation. Mages cast Rings using Fire Rend wands non stop, then switch to Arcs when a few remain. If only Virindi remain, quickly switch to your Sing wands (remember to switch back before the next spawn). Melees cast Fire Vuln on all the Virindi and then cast Imperil on all the Virindi and switch to Fire rend or Fire AR once all are Vulned/Imped . Archers can target and attack the Vulned/Imped Virindi as they are debuffed with Fire Render or Fire AR.

Penguins – We stay in BELL formation. Mages cast Fire Rings with Fire Rend wands, switch to Arcs when few remain. Melees and Archers attack at will with Fire Rend while not disrupting the Mage’s Rings.

Making it out of this room entitles you to Four Colosseum Coins.

Arena 18

ARENA 18 – Tremendous Monouga / Guardians

TM’s – We start in the TRI formation. Mages using CS/Blud wands or specially tinked TM wands cast Tusker Fists at any open TM. Keep turning side to side to get clear shots. Melees and Archers cast Bludgeon Vuln, Futility, Imperil, and Frost Vuln on all TM’s in that specific spell order. Once all TM’s are fully vulned then the Melees and Archers may attack at will using Frost AR weapons (spectral arrows for Archers preferred). Be sure not to impede the Mage’s wall spells,

Guardians – We move to SW formation. 2 Mages will be assigned to Frost Vuln, Imperil, and Magic Yield all the guardians. Mages will use frost Arcs with CS wands, with Undead Slayer, if possible. Melee will use AR Frost weapons (with Undead Slayer, if possible!). Archers will use AR frost bows (spectral arrows preferred) with Undead Slayer, if possible. Kill the guardians one at a time from the left to the right, concentrating fire.

NOTE: If you don't have Frost Undead Slayers for Wands, use your Fire Undead Slayer Wands, and only WAR the ones that are Frost Vulned. The Undead Slayer effect is more important then a CS effect.