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Acid Elemental Acid Fire Elemental Fire Frost Elemental Frost Lightning Elemental Lightning Elemental Elemental

Related topics: Creatures, Category:Elemental


Walking embodiments of pure natural force, Elementals are spawned by the very turbulent nature of Dereth itself; after all, they seem to appear where nature occurs at its most violent (consider volcanic Aerlinthe Isle). Or, perhaps Elementals are the result of ancient Empyrean magic — mystic creations, like the Golems. Perhaps someday the Master of the Elements, Gaerlan, will share his intimate knowledge of how Elementals are birthed into the world.

Inserting a major atlan stone or the prismatic stone into an Isparian weapon adds elemental slaying properties that greatly amplify damage. While not always true, elementals are most commonly weak to their opposing element, acid for lightning, fire for cold.


Name Lvl XP Melee Def Missile Def Magic Def Health Loot Trophies
Acidic Tentacle 999 -- 15,001 6
Ancient Incendiary Guardian 220 6,130 6
Artifice Proctor 175 2,000 6
Avalanche 125 65,000 500 5
Blizzard 125 66,000 500 5
Caustic Knight 165 450,000 6,130 6
Child of Artifice 175 10,000 6
Child of Enchantment 175 10,000 6
Child of Fire 115 5
Child of Frost 115 800 5
Child of Lightning 115 800 5
Child of Strife 175 10,000 6
Child of Verdancy 175 10,000 6
Conflagration 125 66,000 476 344 530 5
Corrupt Conflagration 220 2,130 6
Electric Tentacle 999 -- 15,001 6
Electric Zenith 175 6
Enchantment Proctor 175 2,000 6
Fiery Tentacle 999 0 15,001 6
Galvanic Knight 165 450,000 6,130 6
Glacial Knight 165 450,000 6,130 6
Harbinger (Easy) 999 100,160 6
Harbinger (Hard) 999 200,000 6
Harbinger (Prodigal) 200,000
Icy Tentacle 999 -- -- -- -- 15,001 6
Incendiary Knight 165 450,000 6,130 6
Luminary Knight 165 450,000 6,130 6
Maelstrom 125 65,000 570 5
Mini Elemental Protector 37 0 178 2
Mini Harbinger 100 0 4
Pillar of Acid 100 2,000 4
Pillar of Fire 100 2,000 4
Pillar of Frost 100 2,000 4
Pillar of Lightning 100 2,000 4
Reflection of the Harbinger 161 20,175 6
Sirrocco 125 550 5
Strife Proctor 175 2,000 6
Tenebrous Knight 165 380,000 6,130 6
Tsuric 125 65,000 570 5
Verdancy Proctor 175 2,000 6

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