Releasing the Light

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Releasing the Light
Level: ??
Type: Group
Starts At: ??
Time to Complete: 30-40 minutes
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

Walk Through

  1. Head to the excavation site at 77.6s 96.6e and speak with Shah-hi
    • Route: Run from Sanctuary via recall or wedding invitation
  2. Enter the hole in the ground and enter the portal to the Blessed Caverns (lvl 150+)
  3. Keep making your way down whenever possible (you will encounter numerous Adolescent Gromnies, as well as the new "Emerging" gromnies, complete with wings!
  4. Eventually you will come to a large room with a bridge made of the blocks that fade in and out, with numerous gromnies below.
  5. Cross the room, and continue making your way down whenever possible, until you reach a ledge with numerous tentacles and more gromnies below
    • Note: you may also in this room, jump up to collect the tome above. It may be turned in later for an additional 5,000 luminance XP
  6. Work your way through the tentacles being mindful of the numerous drain spells, until you reach large room full of pillars and tentacles with a Ritual Statue of Entrapment in the middle
  7. Kill the Ritual Statue of Entrapment statue to free the Spirit of Bist'elle.
  8. Talk to the Spirit of Bist'elle who will tell you of her imprisonment, and instruct you to return with news to your employer.
  9. Return to Shah-hi for your Xp, Mana Forge Key, and Luminance.
    • Note: the nearby surface portal just down one of the halls (up a ramp from the statue) will take you right back to the excavation


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
?? ?? -- --


Quest Items

The Sisters of Light



Experience Rewards

Title Rewards


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog


  • ??