Rescue Fiona Woron

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+Turbine Noworries says, "Good to see you had tried every wrong one before the correct one"

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Rescue Fiona Woron
Level: ??
Type: Solo/Group
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

  • Part 3 in the series of Thug quests.
  • This quest is kind of buggy at the moment.

Walk Through

  1. Talk to Carolyn Woron in Baishi.
  2. Head to 39.2S, 77.2E - Abandoned Sho Building to the west of Hebian-to and loot the Strange Stone from the chest (3 stones per chest pull). The chest is guarded by 6 Thug Bosses on a quick respawn.
  3. Carolyn then redirects you to the Thug Hideout at 65.8S 77.2E.
  4. Go to the dead end wall just beyond the Throne Room (where Fiona's Charm was found during July's Patch).
  5. Use the Strange Stone and it should open the Brick Wall. There is a pit you have to jump over right after the wall.
    • Note: The door sometimes will refuse to open when you use the stone. Its unknown why this happens and it can take a while to work. Just keep trying is my advice.
  6. Run down to an area with a bunch of Thugs and NPCs in cages. Kill every single Thug in the area. Once every Thug is dead then the doors will open to the next part of the dungeon.
  7. Not far a head you will find big room with Fiona Woron and a some various objects and items
    • Warning!: DO NOT TALK TO FIONA WORON. Talking will bug her and you will be unable to complete the quest unless someone from Turbine helps you like they did for my group.
  8. Look on the set of tables on the right side of the room you will see: Mixing Bowls and 4 bottles labeled A through D. There is a Cooking Vat beside the table. On the left side of the room you will see a Recipe. Ignore the recipe! It will just get you killed. There is only one correct potion that will cure Fiona. Other combinations of potions will have various effects including: nothing happening, killing you, casting Poison Health on you, summoning a portal to the top of Palace at Sanamar, killing Fiona, or turning Fiona into a Wight Blade Sorcerer.
    • Pick up bottles A, C, and D.
    • Hand Bottle A to the mixing bowl followed by Bottle C. This should get you a Green Potion.
    • Hand Bottle C to the mixing bowl followed by Bottle D. This should get you a Purple Potion.
    • Hand both bottles to one of the Cooking Vats. This should get you a Black Potion.
  9. Unlock the cage that holds Fiona. Then hand her the Black Potion (only Black!). You only need one person from the group to hand in a potion.
  10. Have everyone talk to Fiona for your reward. Only talk to her once the potion has been handed in. Carolyn Woron has nothing new to say to you even after the rescue.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Thug Hideout ?? -- --


Quest Items



Braced Mana Forge Key


Lore & Dialog

Fiona Woron says, "Oh thank you, I'm feeling much better already, I think that did the trick."

Fiona Woron tells you, "Thank you ever so much for releasing me and finding the antidote to the poison."
Fiona Woron tells you, "I must leave here quickly and find my family, please take this reward as a small token of my appreciation."

Fiona Woron gives you Braced Mana Forge Key.

Fiona Woron tells you, "Thank you once again for saving me, you are so kind."


  • ??