Skull of High Acolyte Quest
Walkthrough & Notes Dungeons & Maps Rewards Images Dialog Update History |
Skull of High Acolyte Quest | |
Level: | ?? |
Type: | Solo/Group |
Starts At: | ?? |
Repeat: | ?? |
Quest Overview
Walk Through
To start this quest head to Qalaba'r and use the Landbridge Villas Portal(74.8S 17.8E.)
From there run to 88.4S, 10.6W. (Note: unless you have more than 200 health and a reasonably high jump, it would be a good idea NOT to jump down behind the Villas. Even at 165, my mage took more than 140 points of impact damage and she was fully buffed.)
Part I: The portal to the Soul Fearing Vestry, Acolyte Towers or Three Towers.
Kill the lich outside of the middle tower. Its death opens the door. Run to the top and pull the lever. This will open the door to the highest tower. Enter the highest tower which spawns a group of liches and undead, kill them all to open the door to the lowest tower. Run down and go inside to trigger a spawn outside, killing all of them triggers the spawn of a Lesser Acolyte. Kill the Acolyte to spawn the portal. Enter the Soul Fearing Vestry Portal.
Part 2A: The first dungeon.
From the drop turn right, follow the passage, look for a button in an alcove to your right. It opens a door to the right further down the passage. Straight across from the open door is another locked door. To open it, go up the ramp and run around the wall to a room full of zombies. Pull the lever in the back of the room. Run back down through both doors.
Head north down the ramp. At the "T" turn left, then right, heading north. Ignore all side passages til the next "T". Turn left, then right, heading north into the final room and the first Lesser Acolyte. Kill him to spawn a portal to the next dungeon.
Part 2B: The second dungeon.
From the drop, go west 'til you get to a locked door on the right. To open it, there is a corridor (just around the corner) on the south wall. Hug the right or west wall, the button is located across the bridge at the end of a short corridor to the right. In order to make the run back easier, you may want to kill everything on your way to the button.
Back to the door, and down the ramp. At the "T" turn right then north up the ramp to a ledge. You must jump across to the room with the lever. After pulling the lever, jump down and go to the west around a wall to a ramp. Go down the ramp and through two doors. The second Lesser Acolyte awaits. Kill him to spawn a portal to the next dungeon.
Part 3: The Skull of the High Acolyte
From the drop use the west corridor, then up the ramp and north 'til you hit a dead end. Go through the door to the right, then north up a ramp. Follow the corridor around 'til you're once again heading north down a ramp. Turn left, then left again, there is a button in an alcove to your right. It unlocks a door on the south wall behind you.
Follow the corridor to the High Acolyte. Kill him to spawn a portal.
But, wait! There's more! Make sure that everyone loots a Yucky Key and a Skull of High Acolyte. Since the High Acolyte only drops one Yucky Key and Skull per death, you'll have to wait for respawn. After everyone has their skull and key, use the portal. The Yucky Key has 4 uses. The chests are located across the hall from the surface portal.
Take the Skull of High Acolyte to Le-Ai Rea located at 75.9S 57.3E. He gives a Golden Key and Le-Ai Rea's Key for each Skull of High Acolyte. These keys are needed for the Focusing Stone Quest.
A Lesser Acolyte has been summoned nearby.
Lesser Acolyte catches your attack, with dire consequences!
Magic swirls around the acolyte, forming a portal to the next area.
<Character Name> plucks the skull from the High Acolyte.
Dungeon | Coordinates | Wiki Map | ACmaps |
Acolyte Towers | ?? | -- | 02EF |
Yucky Key
Skull of High Acolyte
Experience Rewards
Title Rewards
Lore & Dialog
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