Stirrings in the Dark

June 2011 - Announcements Page
Turbine Announcements
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Release Notes
Patch Size: 9,027k (Client: 4,620k)
Town Crier Rumors
Free Rumors:
- Town Crier tells you, "I've seen several fashionable members of the societies lately. I wonder if they'd let me join?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard several reports of disturbing shadow activity ramping up lately."
- Town Crier tells you, "I don't know if you've noticed but the undead seem far more frightening lately."
Pyreal Rumors:
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard reports that Isin Dule is seeking assistance with some vital task."
- Town Crier tells you, "I hear the guards near the Lost City of Neftet have returned. I wonder where they went?"
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Societies are now offering tailorable robes and shield covers! What will they think of next?"
Ulgrim Rumors
Free Rumors:
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Seems that the baby animals around Dereth have begun to grow up. I hate waiting a year to have baby bunny stew again."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I went and collected all of those extra Prickly Pears out near Neftet. I don't think people realize what a powerful brew they can be turned into."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The Olthoi Brood Matrons seem like such push overs lately. It used to be fun to go play catch with them, but now they just don't seem so impressive."
Stout Rumors:
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ler Rhan seems to be getting serious about his plans lately. I think he might try to bring The Hopeslayer back to cause havoc in Dereth. I don't even have a joke for that since if he succeeds, that would truly be a terrible thing."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Don't you worry about where Deewain went to. I'm taking good care of the big softy."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I went to visit the fortune shrine today. Want to hear my fortune?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You will fall into a very deep hole and your broken body will slowly be devoured by the foul :things that reside in the lightless places."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That didn't sound so good."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "My lucky numbers are 6,6,6."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The collectors on Dark Isle have found a new item they are interested in, Corrupted Essences. They seem to be a bit more stingy than before though, as they only want 100 of these items a day. Well I am here to make a stand against such limits. From here on out I will accept as much stout per day as you wish to give me. Hand me another stout and I will show you my dedication to this mission."
New UI and Game Changes
Pack T'thuun dolls will now decay in 20 seconds if left on the ground.
Insatiable Eater Jaw pickup timer reduced to 13 days.
- With the change in seasons all the baby critters have now been removed from the landscape.
- The Lair of the Eviscerators has had a surface portal added at the end of the dungeon.
- The Temple in the Lost City of Neftet has had a texture update to the stairs in the main entry room.
New Quests
Live Events
Updated Quests
- Monthly Explorer Society Quests
- WARNING: These quests are standalone quests, the xp bonuses are strictly handled by the NPCs in Kara, speak to them after finishing to get your bonus. Also your timer for the bonuses depend on when you completed last month's set of quests, speak to each NPC to find out if your timer hasn't expired yet. More details here.
- Quests for June:
- Relic Armor - The unique trophy drops on Dark Isle were replaced with 2 general trophies that can be turned in in amounts of 1, 10, or 100 at a time with a daily limit of 100.
- Dire Champions - Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden was updated to now accepts Dire Champion Tokens in amounts of 1, 10, or 100 at a time with a daily limit of 100.
- Dryreach Rescue - Changes to the Dryreach Rescue quest were implemented so that players don't have to wait a long time to run the quest after another player. NPCs no longer disappear waiting for quest to be completed. Yu Vuo-Ki has also been moved to a new location 8.5S 73.3E.
- Gear Crossbow Quest - A frozen ice wall has been changed to a frozen stone wall, thereby lengthening the path through the dungeon.
New NPCs
Updated NPCs
- Now sell Contracts:
- Barkeeper AmberJill - Town Network (North hall)
- Barkeep Hosaam - Town Network (West hall)
- Barkeeper Lazzaro - Town Network (South hall)
- Hanadi the Barkeeper - Town Network (East hall)
- Shopkeep Gunderson - Eldrytch Web Stronghold
- Shopkeeper Polly - Celestial Hand Stronghold
- Shopkeeper Lazlo - Radiant Blood Stronghold
- Isparian Combat Arena Master - During the Stirrings in the Dark event the name of this NPC was changed from the Isparian Combat Arena Master to Derethian Combat Arena Master.
New Locations
- Summoning Cave - 29.2S 95.8E
Updated Locations
New Items
Contract for Aerbax's Defeat
Contract for Aug Gem: Diemos
Contract for Aug Gem: Luminance
Contract for Aug Gem: Sir Bellas
Contract for Aug Gem: Society
Contract for Colosseum
Contract for Deewain's Dark Cavern
Contract for Empyrean Rescue
Contract for Summoning T'thuun
Contract for Tumerok Salted Meat
Contract for Uncovering the Renegades
Dark Isle
Lesser Corrupted Essence
Corrupted Essence
Fate of Bael'Zharon
Energy Scintilla
Door Key (Summoning Cave)
Message from Ler Rhan to Ter Shen.
File:Celestial Hand Robe Icon.png Celestial Hand Robe Celestial Hand Robe (Armor)
Celestial Hand Shield Cover
Radiant Blood Robe
Radiant Blood Robe (Armor)
Radiant Blood Shield CoverFile:Eldrytch Web Robe Icon.png Eldrytch Web Robe
Eldrytch Web Robe (Armor)
Eldrytch Web Shield Cover
Updated Items
Lost City of Neftet Recall - Spell icon fixed.
- File:Prickly Pear Icon.png Prickly Pear - Icon fixed.
Squalid Shield - The Squalid Shield is now inscribeable.
Core Plating Integrator - The Core Plating Integrator has been updated and is now able to be used on Upgraded Relic Armor.
Prismatic Arrow
Greater Prismatic Arrow
Deadly Prismatic Arrow
Prismatic Quarrel
Greater Prismatic Quarrel
Deadly Prismatic Quarrel
Prismatic Atlatl Dart
Greater Prismatic Atlatl Dart
Deadly Prismatic Atlatl Dart
- Prismatic Ammunition was updated during this event and the requirements to create and weild all Prismatic ammunition items was adjusted.
New Titles
New Creatures
Click image for full size.
Feren, on Wintersebb with his new Hand Olthoi Shield!
Excogitate, on Wintersebb with his new Hand Covenant Shield!
Blayze Garisun and Olthoi Master on Leafull in the new Society Robes.
Known Issues
- Prismatic ammo is working incorrectly (defaulting to piercing damage) with certain quest weapons in addition to any weapons imbued with Critical Strike, Armor Rending or Crippling Blow.
- Crown/Flame suppression effect on inventory paper doll & examine panel still do not update until after relog.