The Risen Princess
August 2012 - Announcements Page
Turbine Announcements
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1 - Falacot Temple
2 - Fort on Haunted Hill
3 - Messy Separation
4 - My Giant
5 - My Lawn Needed That
6 - They Can Perch Too
Release Notes
Release Fiction
No Release Fiction this month.
Developer Comments
No Developer Comments this month.
Patch Details
Patch Date: 14th August, 2012
Patch Size: 8,598k (Client: 4,640k)
Hotfix: ???k (??th Month)
Town Crier Rumors
Free Rumors:
- Town Crier tells you, "Insert Rumor here"
- Town Crier tells you, "Insert Rumor here"
Pyreal Rumors:
- Town Crier tells you, "Insert Rumor here"
- Town Crier tells you, "Insert Rumor here"
Ulgrim Rumors
Free Rumors:
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Insert Rumor here"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Insert Rumor here"
Stout Rumors:
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Insert Rumor here"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Insert Rumor here"
New UI and Game Changes
- The weather effects have returned to Asheron’s Call! and players will be able to toggle these on and off just as before.
- Luminance can now be shared in fellowships! It's controlled under the same UI option as Xp, but the share range is drastically shorter.
- New Kill Task quests have been added in Tou-Tou.
- The pickup timer for Radiant Mana Infusion's was lowered to 2 weeks.
- Bhravarn ibn Salizim should now give xp to Heavy Weapons skill for Princely/Royal Runed Bastones.
- The Royal Runed Bastone’s maximum damage was adjusted to fit the Heavy Weapons scale.
- Rare armors' +10 DR reduction buffs changed to +5 DR reduction and +5 DR.
- The Core Plating Integrator & Core Plating Deintegrator's now both work again on Ancient Armored Vestments & other odd shirts.
- The wands from many of the undead creatures have been removed to fix a issue that would cause some of them to go into a passive combat state.
- The Focusing Stone & Darker Heart orb are now retainable/de-retainable by leather & sandstone.
- Society NPCs are now able to wield weapons again.
New Quests
Live Events
Updated Quests
- Exploration Society Letters - The Exploration Society Letters quest was updated.
- The way in which some quest weapon are created has been updated. In order to get these new versions, players will need to run the quests for these specific weapons again.
- Weeping Weapons - The way in which Weeping Weapons are created has been updated.
- Olthoi Chasm Quest - An exit portal has been added at the end of the Olthoi Chasm dungeon.
- Halt Dericost Ritual Quest - The Halt Dericost Ritual quest now only requires players to run the Dericost Ritual Investigation quest once to repeat.
- Castle of Lord Mhoire Quest - Each Mhoire Castle tower (NW, SW, SE) now has their respective gargoyle generate a portal back to the Northeast tower.
- Oubliette Quest - An update was made to the way the Oubliette Quest resets to address possible ways to get stuck with extra long reset timers.
- Sealing Away the Book of Eibhil - The Sealing Away the Book of Eibhil quest was fixed so that players who are missing the Book of Eibhil Page can get a new one.
- Slave Master Quest - The Neftet Sand Temple quests' reset timer, as well as its rewards, have been doubled.
- Gear Knight Arrival - The Gear Knight Arrival quest has had Luminance added.
- Apostate Grand Director Quest - The Apostate Grand Director Quest has had Luminance added.
- Death's Allure - The Death's Allure quest has had its reward structure updated.
- Radiant Mana Infusion Quest - The pickup timer for Radiant Mana Infusion's was lowered to 2 weeks.
- Aerbax's Citadel - The Aerbax's Citadel quest was updated and should now cycle through the armor rewards correctly.
- Mhoire Lieutenant (Geraine's Hosts) - The Mhoire Lieutenant's timer was adjusted and he now persists in the world longer and is not as stingy at giving out titles.
- Ritual of the Blight - Adjustments were made to address the slow spawn generation of the Ritual of the Blight Moarsman dungeons.
- Monthly Explorer Society Quests
- WARNING: These quests are standalone quests, the xp bonuses are strictly handled by the NPCs in Kara, speak to them after finishing to get your bonus. Also your timer for the bonuses depend on when you completed last month's set of quests, speak to each NPC to find out if your timer hasn't expired yet. More details here.
- Ansar El-Kerdany: (Monthly) - Frozen Fury
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! We believe that Aurten Rhell of Bluespire could use some assistance."
- Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Investigate the strange occurances in the plateau nearby and return any evidence you find to Aurten."
- Ansar El-Kerdany: (Monthly) - Frozen Fury
- Esmond Fielding: (Bi-Weekly) - Disturbance in the Ley Lines
- Esmond Fielding tells you, ""
- Esmond Fielding tells you, ""
- Esmond Fielding tells you, ""
- Esmond Fielding: (Bi-Weekly) - Disturbance in the Ley Lines
- Niccolo De Luca: (Weekly) - The Caliginous Bethel
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "This month we have decided that Mage Syltyn Rillon could use help in obtaining a Virindi Signet."
- Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Enter the Virindi Complex in the north and battle your way through. Once this is completed, I shall reward you."
- Niccolo De Luca: (Weekly) - The Caliginous Bethel
- Monthly Game Hunter
- WARNING: These Kill Taks are standalone quests, the xp bonuses are strictly handled by the Rand, Game Hunter in Holtburg, speak to Rand after finishing each Kill Task to get your bonus.
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "As a game hunter I've tagged a variety of creatures to test your skills. Kill these creatures to test your skills and prove your abilities and I'll make it worth your while."
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, ""
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, ""
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, ""
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, ""
- Rand, Game Hunter tells you, ""
New NPCs
- New weekly general Stipend NPCs in Arwic at 33.6N, 56.8E.
- New weekly Society Master Stipend NPCs were added in their respective strongholds.
Updated NPCs
- Bhravarn ibn Salizim from the Runed Weapons quests.
- Mhoire Lieutenant from the Geraine's Hosts quest.
Retired NPCs
New Locations
Updated Locations
New Items
Boxed Augmentation Gem
Attribute Reset Certificate
Skill Reset Certificate
Mastery Reset Certificate
Item Spells Certificate
Life Spells Certificate
Creature Spells Certificate
Combat Spells Certificate
Luminance Certificate
Experience Certificate
Box of Ten Promissory Notes
Updated Items
- The
Core Plating Integrator and
Core Plating Deintegrator now both work on Ancient Armored Vestments & other misc. shirts again.
Retired Items
New Titles
- Vanquisher of the Titan
- Derethian Newbie
- Novice Wanderer
- Notable Citizen
- Adept Adventurer
- Intrepid Explorer
- Supreme Soldier
- Epic Warrior
- Paragon of New Aluvia
- An Auberean Legend
- Heretic
- Captain
Portal.dat (Ingame Icons)
New Creatures
[[File:<Creature Class> Icon.png|link=<Creature Class>]] [[<Creature Class>]]
- [[<Creature Name>]]
- [[<Creature Name>]]
Click image for full size.