Tokashi Ando

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Tokashi Ando

Introduced during Unfinished Business.

NPC Summary
Name: Tokashi Ando
Title: Researcher
Race: Male Sho
Location: 14.6S, 62.0W in the Resonator Portal
Route: Via your mansion's Portal to Izji Qo's Temple device.
Crystalline Adventurer

Tokashi Ando tells you, "I've been sent to head up the research in this area however I am not able to make significant advancements on my own."
Tokashi Ando tells you, "It's been decided that I should bring others in to assist with the exploration and research about the creatures and crystals in this region."
Tokashi Ando tells you, "I've also been able to recover crystalline shards in the remains of the wisps. They'll assist our research and I'll reward you for bringing them to me."
Tokashi Ando tells you, "If you find any unique wisps they may have unique crystalline shards that I'd be able to grant you a greater reward in exchange for it."
Tokashi Ando tells you, "There are also a few locations that I have not been able to reach on my own. If you can reach these places you may find great reward there."
Tokashi Ando tells you, "Return to me with any objects you may find. Talk to my associates about any other rewards."
Tokashi Ando tells you, "Now get out there and have an adventure!"