Weapon Mastery

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Player Character topics

Character Creation - Character Races - Character Stats - Equipment - Titles - Augmentations - Weapon Mastery

  • Introduced in the Master of Arms event.
  • Each race will gain one melee Mastery and one ranged Mastery which will provide a small damage boost with that type of attack. Higher level characters can work to change this mastery to favor any weapon type.
  • Characters can only have one melee mastery and one ranged mastery at any one time. Melee masteries will include Axe, Dagger, Mace, Spear, Staff, Sword, and Unarmed Combat. Ranged masteries will include Bow, Crossbow, Magic, and Thrown Weapon.
  • Existing characters will get one free change to either the melee weapon augmentation or ranged augmentation of their choice.
  • You gain +5 Damage Rating for a mastery weapon.
  • If you wish to change Weapon Masteries a 2nd time the following is the cost of making the change;

Races, Heritages and their specific Masteries

Races start with the following masteries:

This will also influence which Training Weapons a character starts out with. See Training and Academy Weapons and Character Creation for an overview.

After creation, you can change your Mastery at the Mastery Statues in Arwic at 33.5N, 56.8E:

Mastery Statues

Axe Mastery (Object) Dagger Mastery (Object) Mace Mastery (Object) Spears Mastery (Object) Staves Mastery (Object) Sword Mastery (Object) Unarmed Combat Mastery (Object) Two Handed Combat Mastery (Object) Bow Mastery (Object) Crossbow Mastery (Object) Thrown Weapons Mastery (Object) Magic Mastery (Object)

Players can receive one free Melee Mastery and one free Ranged Mastery change.

Mastery Effects

  • The Mastery will give a slight increase in damage when using the Melee Weapon Mastery or Ranged Mastery that the character has. The exact effects are not yet known, but Turbine stated that the penalty for fighting with an off mastery weapon would be kept reasonable.

See also


  • Free once per character
  • There is a timer on changing the melee mastery:
You have changed your melee mastery too recently

Use the statue again if wish to change your mastery to Spears.
Spears Mastery tells you, "You need 100,000 luminance available to have your mastery changed."