Talk:Aug Gem: Sir Bellas

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Revision as of 10:52, 9 June 2012 by imported>Arkalor (moved Talk:Augmentation Gems to Talk:Aug Gem: Sir Bellas: Moving generic named page to match its quest contract instead (Contract for Aug Gem: Sir Bellas).)
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Does Advice really belong in the quest guide?

I think the Advice section should move to its own page, perhaps under Game Info -> Player Guides -> Augmentation Order. It provides advice about what order to get augmentation gems and really seems to be less about the Augmentation Gems quest itself. We could provide a link to that page from this one.

Tuxtax 16:58, December 21, 2009 (UTC) Tuxtax

Protection Augmentation Info is Probably Wrong

Experiences with fighting in Darktide tells me that the augmentations for protections are not just "natural" in the sense of taking effect when buffs are not present. People who have taken two augmentations in the same protection are dramatically harder to kill with that element type, and these are people with level 8 protections + epic wards (clearly not unbuffed). I'd like to see if I can get some data on this, but I'm about 99% sure that these augmentations are more like additional damage reductions that are synergistic with protections.