User talk:Tlosk

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Revision as of 20:28, 10 June 2009 by imported>Tlosk
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Feel free to post questions or leave suggestions in this space (click Edit Tab, need to be logged in):

Hey Tlosk,

Would it be possible to have some sort of Quest Item category for items that are just related to quests? If so, would it allow us a way to compile quest-specific items on pages auto-magically? (Quest Items related to this page, or some such)

Also, why do experience tables always show the Percentage & Level Cap column, when a number of quests only have a set amount of experience reward? If the Percentage & Level Cap fields are blank (or set to 0) can we just not show that column? (I've just been setting those fields to zero so it doesn't show ??% up to level ??, or am I using it wrong? See Lou_Ka's_Stolen_Items#Experience_Rewards for example.

thx Ryan

What I mean about the Quest Item category having an iteration may not be possible on a Wiki. I'm used to working with arrays in JavaScript, and it would be nice if we could just iterate all items marked 'quest item' that are linked to a particular quest. So the dream is to have something like {Quest Items} and have it generate an Item table automagically. That way, as you add Quest Items linked to a quest, the quest page gets updated as you add items to the Quest Item category (instead of updating the quest page manually).

Similar thing with Kill Tasks. You can click on a Category:Killtask link to get a list of everything in that category, but it would be nice to be able to automatically create the table currently found on the Kill Tasks page just by using the data from the category (instead of a manual list that gets out of date). Can you pull in data from each item in a Category list like level req, XP rewards, etc.? In JavaScript we'd build a table using something like "Killtask.Name, Killtask.XP, Killtask.SuggLevel" and then just loop through everything in the Killtask Category and spit each item's data into a row in a table. (this is assuming that items in a Category are just entries in a dB table)

Probably not possible in a Wiki without some heavy coding, but could be fun trying to get it to work. -- Ryan