Knorr Trials

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Knorr Trials
Quests Halls of Knorr, Collegium Occultus Ring Quest
Restrictions Level: 60+
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Coordinates Knorr Portal Gem
near N/A
Nearest LS N/A
Route Knorr Portal Gem
Map Files: ACMaps Map
Show location on Dereth map
No Dereth Map available


Access is given by using a Knorr Portal Gem, given to you by Olcris, Nuhmudira's Student in Stonehold in exchange for 1 Trade Note (100,000)

You have been teleported.

You find yourself in a series of 3 one-room dungeons, each with a Guardian giving a riddle. Solving the riddle by handing the right item to the Guardian portals you to the next section:
1. Book -> Portals you to Courtyard of Knorr

You give Diamond Guardian Book.
Diamond Guardian teleports you with Courtyard of Knorr.

2. Mead

You give Diamond Guardian Mead.
Diamond Guardian teleports you with Interior Gates of Knorr.

3. Kite Shield

You give Diamond Guardian Kite Shield.
Diamond Guardian teleports you with Seat of Knorr.

The last one portals you to the Seat of Knorr





  • None

Items and Objects

All items in an alcove at your right hand from drop

1st section:
2nd section:
3th section:



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