Dens of Iniquity/Archive

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Keys and Tokens

Original keys and tokens available when Casinos were first introduced during the A Reign of Stone event. The racial items were replaced with generic versions that could be used at all three Casinos during the Cloak of Darkness event.

Aluvian: Monty's Golden Key Monty's Low-Stakes Gambling Token Monty's Mid-Stakes Gambling Token Monty's High-Stakes Gambling Token Monty's Golden Keyring Sho Gan-Zo's Golden Key Gan-Zo's Low-Stakes Gambling Token Gan-Zo's Mid-Stakes Gambling Token Gan-Zo's High-Stakes Gambling Token Gan-Zo's Golden Keyring Gharu'ndim Arshid's Golden Key Arshid's Low-Stakes Gambling Token Arshid's Mid-Stakes Gambling Token Arshid's High-Stakes Gambling Token Arshid's Golden Keyring

Gamemaster Rewards List

A Reign of Stone

Rewards that were available when the Casinos were first introduced. The odds in brackets are for the Aluvian/Ghaur'ndim/Sho casinos respectively.

Low stakes

Mid stakes

High stakes


Updated rewards made available during the Discoveries event.

Low stakes

Mid stakes

High stakes

** At Aluvian, Gharu'ndim and Sho casinos respectively.

Pack Doll Gambling

Pack Dolls won from the casino as well as other First Generation Pack Dolls originally could be turned in to the Casino Owner for a chance to win one of several special rewards. In the The Changing of the Ways event, Tiny Shards at were added as a possible reward.

Arshid's Golden Key - (40.0%) Gan-Zo's Golden Key - (40.0%) Monty's Golden Key - (40.0%) Golden Gromnie (10.0%) Pyreal Pea (45.0%) Tiny Shard (5.0%)

Golden Chests

When first introduced in the A Reign of Stone event, the three racial Golden Chests contained 12-16 Sturdy Iron Chest type rewards. In the A Swelling Tide event, the chests were updated to give better treasure.

During the Cloak of Darkness event, the chests were updated again and now have a spread of tier 6 loot, Craft 10 Salvage, Pristine Mana Shards, Enhanced Mana Elixirs, and Enhanced Health Elixirs. Monty's Golden Chest Gan-Zo's Golden Chest Arshid's Golden Chest

Grand Casino Chest

First introduced during Risks and Rewards, the grand chests were updated in the Cloak of Darkness event and now generate higher tier 7 loot, 1 Alternate Currency, a bag Foolproof Salvage, Gem of Greater Luminance, Mana Forge Key, Ancient Falatacot Trinket, or Pristine Mana Shard.

Original Random Chance Items

Pristine Mana Shard Ancient Mhoire Coin Colosseum Coin Small Olthoi Venom Sac