2004 Live Events

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Town Attacks

October 13, 2004 - TD

  • Mayoi attacked by Moarsmen
  • Baishi attacked by Drudge Raveners
  • Hebian-To attacked by Banderling Slayers, Enforcers.

October 14, 2004 - WE

  • 12 noon EST Time
  • Ayan Baqur
  • Consisted of drudges from Ascendants, Cabalists, Peerless, Seraphs and Mystics in huge numbers.

October 14, 2004 - VT

  • 11AM (EST)
  • Cragstone
  • Bandits, Poachers, Mercenaries, Assassins, Bandit Lords, and a Mage bandit.

October 14, 2004 - HG

  • Attack by large numbers of Banderlings ranging from low level Banderlings to those found in the Valley of Death.

October 14, 2004 - LC

October 14, 2004 - SC

  • Eastham and Rithwic under attack.
  • Rithwic invasion of Murk Drudges and a few other assorted drudges, when we spotted the cows lining up in formation. Of course, we didn't kill them all, we had to tip a few first

October 14, 2004 - MT

  • 10:29pm EST
  • Lower level Reedsharks, followed by Slashers, Reapers and then Doomsharks.

October 14, 2004 - FF

  • Wai Jhou
  • 100+ crystal type creatures spawning and re-spawning.
  • Sapphire Golems, Diamond Golem Surzarians, Crystal Golems, Crystal Moieties and Sentient Crystal Shards

October 15, 2004 - White Rabbit and the Tremendous Monouga Attack

  • 5:45 PM CST, Wintersebb, 6:30 pm, Frostfell
  • Ayan Baqur was attacked by a lot of different creatures.
  • White Rabbit, VoD Urusins, reapers, annihilators, obliterators, marionettes, bile grievvers, Obliterators, and later two Tremendous Monougas in the middle of town

A dark cloud has settled over Ayan Baqur. Monsters have been seen dangerously close to town fleeing from the Burun in the Dires.

After vanquishing the defenders of Ayan Baqur, the monsters have retreated back to their lairs.....

October 15, 2004 - SC

Deven-Kenyon sends a report from SC: "I keep missing these dang things! Anywho, I logged in yesterday to this message about 5:35 PM ET: The brave defenders have fought off the monster incursion at Fort Tethana. Laris Bloodsong also tells me Heb was under attack again."

October 16, 2004 - VT

Divine Singularity of VT reports: "Ahhh the good old raids...Well I just woke up...and was pushin away at Caul when I saw a global message on my screen. "Skeletons have begun amassing near Ayn Tayan" something of that nature."

October 16, 2004

A report from Swordsman the Player: "Dear Maggie - I love your site. I was shopping when Ayan came under siege. In seconds the server population was there. I also caught what I thought was a glimpse of virindi paradoxes and seraph drudges."

October 16, 2004 - SC

Thanks to Deven-Kenyon of SC again! A small brood of Olthoi has been cornered on the Isle of Tears by the Burun. "Alrighty, it was only some Guruk's and VoD Olthoi Primordials. We beat em down fast, and the isle was silent again, not even an end global. Yet anyway. We checked bm 5 for any changes, nothing, nor has Asheron revealed himself in Knorr as of this email. We're checking the noble weapon fort to see if anything is new there.

October 16, 2004 - TD

Thanks to Darkavenger of TD for the following report and pics: "Here's screen shots and a new global of undead attack at a deserted village SE of Danby's Outpost. Attacks were blood fiends, archfriends and numerous undeads."

Word has spread from Danby's Outpost that the Undead are massing to the south east at a nearby deserted village.

October 16, 2004 - TD

Phoenix Warrior of TD reports: "There was a HUGE Virindi Raid at the VoD LS, tons of Virindi, Hollows, Tuskers, Dolls, Rifts, Doomsharks, Carenzi, and Zefir is all I saw. At one point about 12 obliterators spawned! Some pictures attached, (of course). Oh, and the global for this was somthing like... "A Virindi summit has been found near the Obsidian Rim!" Should of taken a screenshot of it but I was so excited/moving to VoD LS so fast I forgot..."

October 16, 2004 - TD

Chunin Teiko of TD also reports: "It's the war of ALL wars! I ran southwest of the VoD lifestone and from the top of the mountain Hundreds of Creatures were coming at us. VoD and Caul type of creatures like Rats, Virindi, Rifts, Obliterators, tons of Hollows, Reedsharks and much more. It didn't seem it was ever going to end and seriously I have never seen anything like it. It was quite an event for AC players.... It was great and we came back and whooped em good =D Here's the final screenie =)"

October 16, 2004 - LC

Mr Fizz of LC reports from Glenden Wood: "Hi Maggie, On Saturday night (Oct 16) around 9:00pm on Leafcull there was a global: The Undead have been seen congregating at an Undead Shrine south-west of Crater..

About 15 minutes later another global message appeared: An Undead Army has attacked Glenden Wood

The Undead raid at Glenden Wood had Elite Revenants, Blood Fiends, Dark Magus, Phantasms, Risen Lords, and Lich Oppressors (probably even more undead types; there were numerous waves of attacks, spawning in different parts of the town). The Undead Armies spawned in military fashion. I've attached 3 pics I took of the events. Have a good day."

Another report and a pic of Dolls attacking: "Hiya Maggie, This is Bunny Killer of Leafcull. I took tons of screenshots of the raid on Glenden Wood and thought I'd send a few along. Sorry for the huge delay. =)"

October 17, 2004 - TD

"Hey Maggie! It's Phoenix Warrior from TD. There was a golem raid near Chalicmere (sp) today! Tons of Golems! Pictures attached. Global was: "The ground rumbles from the force of the Golem horde north of Chalicemere Castle." When we killed the Crystal Lord Imperator, the raid ended."

October 17, 2004 - TD

A report from Shaolin of TD: "Me again, just a few screenies of the rather Large golem attack at Chalicemere Castle on TD! The respawn rate on the golems was rather fast and in large numbers, particularly the Sapphires and ancient Platinum variety.... We had to beat back hordes of assorted small golems, as well as diamond/plasma/pyreal/acidic/coral and a hard to kill Diamond lord Imperator. We all had a blast on this event, and there were many deaths."

October 17, 2004 - WE

Elrihm of WE reports: "Around 8:30 pm central there was a mass of golems from vapor, plasma, Sapphire, platinum, Ancient Coral and Diamond golems, and crystal golems, Soverien and Imperator. Raid lasted almost an hour. I got one screen of the mass of Sapphire golems that spawned! The ground quakes as a horde of golems masses just north of Chalicmere Castle!

Thanks also to Tolrath of WE for pics!

October 17, 2004 - DT

B o u r n e of DT reports: "Wow, DT town raids are a bit different than the raids on white servers. I think the screenshots tell the story (taken in Holtburg). Love the site Maggie."

October 17, 2004 - SC

Bastion of Evil was one of the first to announce the Carenzi Stalker attack on Redspire! He sends pics of the pack attack and adds: "Redspire is under attack to say THE LEAST lol."

October 17, 2004 - FF

Maximum Force of FF sends these great pics of the K'nath attack on Ayan. He reports: "The lag was terrible but I'd have to say there was a good hundred or more VOD jellos all over the Ayan area. Not to mention the Crystal Golems in the town. It was so intense, many people died to help the cause :) But in the end the Ispairans won to fight another day!"

October 18, 2004 - VT

Iceiss reports: "Kryst is being overrun! Kryst is being overrun! On VT 1:50pm pst. Went there with my little archer and found lines of Azeal Zefirs and Silt Lurkers. When they were killed they advanced higher and higher in levels till they reached the Dark Zefirs and Reedshark Skinners. Fun, but it was over way too fast!"

October 18, 2004 - FF

lost raven of FF reports: "Golems gathering at Chalicemere Castle (C-note). Sapphire Golems, Crystal Lord Imperators. A good gathering for sure!"

Ophar Kabitaki of FF adds: "At around 9PM EST global about advancing forces of golems near Chalicmere. Arrived at the castle and nada. Ran 2 clicks north and hordes of golems. Majority were sapphires, but the force also consisted of golds, plasmas, vapors, and miniature golems.

Main antagonists were Diamond Golem Suzerain, Crystal Golem Sovereign, and a Crystal Golem Imperator. The sovereign was susceptible to all attack types, while the Imperator was highly resistant to melee, missile, and war damage. Lifebolts seemed to deal the most damage. Fight lasted approximately an hour."

--October 18, 2004 - MT

Kriket of MT reports: "An army of Knaths has been seen just North of the Accursed Hall."

Aravel of MT was also there: "Last night at around midnight eastern (not sure of exact time) K'naths raided The Accursed Halls. I was in Baishi at the time the message went through, so I was one of the first on the scene. The K'naths spawned both inside and outside the small fort and they would spawn in lines of 5+. We destroyed the groups inside the fort and were working on the ones outside when they spawned again inside and with 5 Virindi Paradoxes. The Paras went down quick and so did the K'naths. We then eliminated all of them near the fort and pushed them back into a valley nearby where the final spawn seemed to be. Upon attacking the final spawn, multiple spawns occurred closer to the fort, in the main bulk of our forces, I'd have to say 30+ of them. A few more waves took place and we finished them off. I don't believe I ever saw a message saying it was over though.

note: hope you're never the main target when that many K'naths spawn. I took about 20 volley/arc spells within 20 seconds' time on multiple occasions."

October 19, 2004 - LC

Peerless of LC reports: "Another invasion is on the way, this time at the Singularity Caul. Dozens (if not 100+) caul monsters and black breaths are stationed a few feet beyond the drop. So far all efforts to neutralize them have been in vain."

October 20, 2004 - SC

The appearance of Reeshan hasn't stopped the raids. Deven-Kenyon of SC sent word of an attack on Tou-Tou by Mosswarts that occurred at about 5:45 PM ET: "that lag was horrid, I couldn't move at all. only have brown radar dots to show the mess :/" (see pic above) A pack of rabid Mosswarts is attacking Tou Tou!

October 21, 2004 - MT

A report from Hydrargyrus/Death' Eater of MT: "Also, today around 7:02pm EST, Eastham of MT was invaded by Reedsharks and Caul-level rats. I heard there were Doomsharks but did not see any myself. There were many Reapers and Caul rats with 6500 health. Many of the adventurers of MT came to Eastham's aid to defend the town."

October 21, 2004 - WE

The Grim One of WE sent word of rats attacking on WE as well. There were also reports of attacks on HG and an attack on LC at Neydisa Castle.

October 22, 2004 - LC

Epica of LC reports: "We had a Olthoi invasion outside of VoD tonight on Leafcull. Still going on, but I can't get back as my framerate drops to unplayable in that area."

A second report from Kristen: "Imagine my surprise to see the place I am lifestoned at surrounded by Olthoi forming ranks! I sent a shout on the server chanel, and soon we had a merry party going and roasted, bludgeoned and skewered many a bug in merry fellowship. I took some party photos too..."

The Mark sent these impressions: "The attack was all Olthoi Sentinels and Primordials. When I first got there, I saw about 4 people all up on a Lifestone completely surrounded by this huge swarm. There was many many bodies on the ground."

October 22, 2004 - WE

A report from Elrihm of WE: Despite his staggering strength, Ulgrim has succumbed to a bandit assault in an out of the way mountain retreat. "All hell broke loose around 9:30pm central as the Mountain retreat came under attack! Most of the bandits that spawned were the bandits from the Weeping Weapon quest. It was a close call, but we fought them off. Ulgrim has no recollection of the event. We all assumed he got drunk and passed out after it started."

Jyng of WE sends some of the smack talk heard during the skirmish: Adroth spits on the ground as he sizes up Gocymer. "Dunno how yeh found us, mate. Seems like the longer we all stay in this world, the more we get a sixth sense for danger, eh? Anyway. Time to pay yer toll."

Adroth's boots clank loudly as he lunges at Jyng!

Torgrym glares over his orb at Casey Ray the hero. "Come on, foight like a man. Been whackin' on these dumb local critters too long, eh? No challenge in em, I say."

"Itala falls before Jyng's assault as she fought, silently."

Torgrym glares over his orb at Casey Ray the hero. "Come on, foight like a man. Been whackin' on these dumb local critters too long, eh? No challenge in em, I say."

"C'mon ya dumb bastards, fight like a team," Adroth bellows over the clash of battle.

October 22, 2004 - HG

Arch Magi reports from HG: "Maggie, Tonight, there was a Dev Event at the portal drop for Sing Caul. When it first happened, people were just dropping in to do their typical hunting, but there were 100 or so monsters of all types right on the portal drop. After dozens of corpses (and playing "Kiss the Lifestone") enough people showed up and we started to hold our own against the spawns. The radar was orange with monsters, and littered with the dead." As the Pardox ceases a tendril of wispy darkness streaks outward toward you. It dissipates in the air before it grab [sic] hold.

October 22, 2004 - TD

Crookshank TD reports: At 8pm EST, or thereabouts, the drop at the Caul recall was swarmed by baddies. Tons of Grievvers, Marguls, Wretched Shadows, and the like. Nasty stuff. I unfortunately did not get pics. I just thought I’d report it for posterity."

Magicpipe II of TD did get pics, however!

October 24, 2004 - HG

Dear Maggie, At 7:20 pm central time Alphus Lassel came under siege by Tuskers, Virindi and Sycophants. We fought bravely and the outcome is still uncertain. Signed, swordsman the player"

Mather of HG also reports: "Hey Maggie! Love the site! At around 8:45 on Oct. 24 (Harvestgain), a guildmate of mine reported that Alphus Lassel was under attack! When I arrived, there was a ring of Sycophants and Assailers wailing away at unsuspecting visitors. After the first wave was cleared, Virindi Adjudicators (sic?) and Annhilators started attacking! Sure enough, they just kept coming, and eventually they were replaced with the big guns: Virindi Quidoxes, Paradoxes, and Obliterators!! Carnage ensued, and countless people died, but it was a blast! Here are some screens I took."

October 24, 2004 - SC

Vixie of SC reports on the SC attack: "Obliterators attacked Ayan on Solclaim :)! Nice XP!"

A second report from Max Payne Ua: "Hello Maggie! I'm sending you 2 pictures from the attack on Ayan on the Solclaim server. Notice the Obliterators and the Virindi :D The event happened "Date Posted: 10/24 6:07pm". Nice site!"

October 24, 2004 - MT

"Hi there Maggie, I love your site ;) It's like the holy bible of Asherons Call LOL ;) I'm sending you this pic of the attack on Ayan Baqur. Once again DEVS underestimated the power of all of us and just sent us some Sycophant Mercenaries, Virindi paradox, Annihilators and Obliterators. In the end, we rule again ;) Doctor K of SC"

October 24, 2004 - HG

Zerono of HG reports: "Ayan was hit tonight about midnight CST. Only reason I found out was cuz I died and was sent to the LS only too see an orange radar and died again from trying to get outa there unbuffed."

Another report from HG: "Maggie, Around 1:20 am est on Harvestgain I recall to ayan lifestone to find a mighty surprise! Huge amount of high level Lich(demilich and other undead around that lvl) swarming the ayan LS. While running for my life, I realize it's more than the LS that the whole town is swarmed with likely a hundred or more skellies and undead. They even started a formation it would seem. I ran around trying to get some screenshots and have attached some that I did get. anyhow gotta go! enjoy the screenshots. --The Ascension of HG"

October 26, 2004 - FF

Surprentis II of FF reports: "Hey again. Here's the raid that happened today. It was nuts, I had a GREAT time! Screenies included for your pleasure :)"

October 26, 2004 - SC

Deven-Kenyon reports: "Saw on boards SC was hit, and quickly headed in game where Rare-to guided me to the newest raid. I got there in time to kill some doomsharks and revered tumies. I missed the global, but it was Tumeroks have been discovered resting on the eastern shore of Lake Lithane!" Thanks also to Rare-to for pic!

October ?, 2004 - MT

Rynsyn II of MT sends news of the Golem raid on MT a few days back: "Maggie, love your site, your service and your dedication :). These are a few from what I snapped during the Hebian-To raid a few days back. Hope they aren't too big...."

October 31, 2004 - TD

And it's a Halloween special! Mh'organah of TD reports: "Hello Maggie, Tonight at 22h00 GMT+1 (CET), there was a global broadcast: A ghostly presence has been discovered in a pair of abandonned building south west of the Cragstone falls! The houses were at 27.N, 40.7E. There were some Chimera (transparent undead), Poltergeist (Transparent Virindi), and a Spectral Horror lvl 666 (Transparent Virindi). Sometimes there was this in chat window: A fading voice cries, "There is no death. It is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness." Thank you for your site :).

October 31, 2004 - SC

Doctor K of SC reports of an attack on Hebian-To: "HI there maggie ;) Like xerxes the ripper says, how can we not win. This time the town was attacked by chimeras, lich oppressers and some poltergeist...."

October 31, 2004 - WE

Ebon Gromnie sends these pics of the Cragstone event on WE and the attack of the Ghastly Hollow Minion!

November 5, 2004 - VT

The keep coming! Shikamaru of VT reports: "Hello Maggie, Ayan was crazy today, you have creatures from Tuskers (Devastators ,Obliterators), Humans (mercenary, deranged sycophants) to VoD Virindi (consul and up). Lots of lag and lots of fun!"

November, 2004 - WE

You say, "archmage we go!"
Myraina says, "lol"
Brown Mouse wants a cookie!
You say, "what the>"
Eliena says, "EECCKKKKK"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "uhh"
Brown Mouse wants a cookie!
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "there's a live event in arwic"
You say, "Hi Mr. Mouse!"
[Allegiance] Silverbo says, "?"
[Allegiance] Myraina says, "there is"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "theres a mouse running around"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "it's intelligent"
[Allegiance] Myraina says, "LOL"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "and it wants a cookie"
Eliena says, "here mousey mousey...."
Brown Mouse squeaks a greeting to Silifi of Death.
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "Brown Mouse squeaks a greeting to Silifi of Death."
Eliena says, "I'm friends with chickens & bunnies!"
Myraina says, "awwww"
You say, "aww"
[Allegiance] Silverbo says, "LOL"
Brown Mouse wants a cookie!
Eliena says, "Come see me!"
You say, "cookie... hmm"
Myraina says, "Hi Brown Mouse"
Grocer Rodega Tyning tells you, "Still open only now in a much better place. It's so good to be home. Would you like some cheese?"
You say, "grr"
You say, "arwic doesn't sell honey"
Grocer Rodega Tyning tells you, "Thank you for your business."
Grocer Rodega Tyning tells you, "Have a wonderful day."
You give Brown Mouse Chicken.
Brown Mouse is sad. Brown Mouse would like a cookie if anyone could make one.
Myraina says, "he is cute"
You say, "You give Brown Mouse Chicken."
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "EVERYONE WE NEED A COOKIE"
Eliena says, "I wish I had a cookie to give him!"
-Myraina says, "me too"
[Allegiance] Eliena says, "Quick!"
You say, "uhh"
You say, "hmmm"
Myraina says, "dang gave what i had away"
[Allegiance] Eliena says, "Any kind of cookie!"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "argh"
Myraina says, "hey he opend the door"
You say, "I told ya it was a smart mouse"
Brown Mouse is a talented mousie.
Myraina says, "awww"
You say, "This is crazy!"
[Allegiance] Hirado says, "try grocer or provisioner"
Myraina thinks Brown mouse is gfast
Myraina fast
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "where at?"
[Allegiance] Hirado says, "in arwic"
Silifi Of Death is recalling to the lifestone.
Brown Mouse wants a cookie!
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "not in arwic"
You say, "brb, gonna loook for one"
[Allegiance] Hirado says, "have no idea dont even know how to make cookies Sanddh does and Evan Helias never bothered"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "it's honey + dough+baking pan"
[Allegiance] Myraina says, "I will try hebin"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "Eliena stay there"
Muoyen Han the Grocer tells you, "Welcome! What's your pleasure today?"
Muoyen Han the Grocer tells you, "Thank you for your business. Please return soon."
You say, "Shurov Thiguz"
[Allegiance] Hirado says, "you cast primary portal tie on dragons power :) top of the mountain :)"
Ascentions is recalling to the Allegiance housing.
[Allegiance] Myraina says, "found the flour and a pan"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "crazieness"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "good myra"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "i'll get the honey"
Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Welcome to the town that you helped build Founder.
Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Your purchase and I'll put these in here and these shouldn't be here they need to go in with the tools. Oh, sorry, anything else?"
[Allegiance] Myraina says, "kk"
Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "You be careful with that."
Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Your purchase and I'll put these in here and these shouldn't be here they need to go in with the tools. Oh, sorry, anything else?"
You make dough.
Athena Zeusdam is recalling to the Allegiance housing.
You make cookie dough.
Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "An excellent buy Town Founder."
You make Cookies.
Silifi Of Death is going to the Allegiance hometown.
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "ok, got the cookies!"
Thimrin Woodsetter tells you, "Goodbye. I seem to have misplaced a few of my things. Oh, well I find them at some point."
[Allegiance] Myraina says, "woot good sil"
Eliena says, "Isn't he cute!"
Myraina says, "awww"
Myraina says, "he is cute"
Silverbo says, "lol"
You say, "here little mousy"
You give Brown Mouse Cookie.
[Allegiance] Hirado says, "I gotta see this mouse"
Eliena says, "He has a cookie for you!"
Brown Mouse nibbles on the tasty cookie!
[Allegiance] Myraina says, "lol he is cute"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "in arwic"
Eliena says, "Awwwwww"
[Allegiance] Silifi Of Death says, "he might leave"
Brown Mouse gives you Aphus Lassel Portal Gem.
Brown Mouse gives you Sturdy Steel Key.
Myraina says, "awwwwww"
Silverbo says, "lmao"
You say, "damn this mouse is loaded"
Eliena says, "He's soooo cute!"
Silverbo says, "!"
Eliena says, "Do you think he needs a home?"
[Allegiance] Hirado says, "maybe I will shoot it :)"
You say, "don't leave yet mousy"
You say, "don't kill him"
Silverbo says, "he gave me gem n steel key"
Brown Mouse gives gifts to his new friends.
You say, "he gave me a SSK"
Eliena says, "Better NOT kill him!"
Myraina says, "awwwww"
Eliena says, "Thank you mousey!"
Myraina says, "give him a cookie"
Eliena says, "For your gifts!"
You give Brown Mouse Cookie.
[Allegiance] Hirado says, "dont have a cookie and he wont talk to me little stinker"
Myraina says, "darn had my deal truned off"
Brown Mouse is full of yummy food and now must scurry off back to his nest.
You say, "awww"
Silverbo says, "LOL"
Eliena says, "Until next time little one!"
[Allegiance] Hirado says, "Now THAT was wierd"
Eliena says, "THAT was cool!"
Eliena says, "Does it happen much?"
Silverbo says, "that was awsome lol"
Hirado says, "well usually it's death and destruction :) not little mice"