Unreleased Content

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AC Wictionary - Easter Eggs and Real World References - Fan Sites - Level VII Spell Names - Noteworthy Players - Retired Content - Seasonal Content - Settlement Names - Unreleased Content

This article lists content that was unimplemented, unfinished, unreleased, or in some other way unavailable to players on the retail servers.

This article is not intended for:

  • Content which was available in the beta test, but not in release. For that content, see Asheron's Call Beta.
  • Content which was once available, but later removed. For that content, see Category:Retired.
  • Items only wielded by creatures or NPCs. For those items, see Category:Unwieldable Items.
  • Content which was used for testing, QA, live events, or content which was to be used by advocates, sentinels, envoys, or any other staff member or game operator.

This page has been split into several sections, covering various eras of Asheron's Call:

  • Pre-Release Era - earliest development to October 1999
  • Asheron's Call Era - November 1999 to September 2001
  • Dark Majesty Era - October 2001 to June 2005
  • Throne of Destiny Erea - July 2005 to July 2008
  • Ancient Powers Era - August 2008 to May 2015

Pre-Release Era

Quests & Events





File:Acid Yoroi Breastplate Icon.png Acid Yoroi BreastplateFile:Alatar's Helm Icon.png Alatar's HelmFile:Alatar's Platemail Hauberk Icon.png Alatar's Platemail HauberkFile:Cold Shield Icon.png Cold ShieldFile:Featherlight Plate Breastplate Icon.png Featherlight Plate BreastplateFile:Featherlight Plate Bracers Icon.png Featherlight Plate BracersFile:Featherlight Plate Girth Icon.png Featherlight Plate GirthFile:Featherlight Plate Greaves Icon.png Featherlight Plate GreavesFile:Featherlight Plate Hauberk Icon.png Featherlight Plate HauberkFile:Fiery Helm Icon.png Fiery HelmFile:Fire Bracers Icon.png Fire BracersFile:Fire Shield Icon.png Fire ShieldFile:Plate Leggings Icon.png Plate LeggingsFile:Plate Sleeves Icon.png Plate SleevesFile:Soft Leather Gloves Icon.png Soft Leather Gloves


File:Kimono Top Icon.png Kimono TopFile:Leggings Icon.png Leggings


File:Alatar's Battle Axe Icon.png Alatar's Battle AxeFile:Caustic Arrow Icon.png Caustic ArrowFile:Defender's Sword Icon.png Defender's SwordFile:Fast Axe Icon.png Fast AxeFile:Fast Shamshir Icon.png Fast ShamshirFile:Fire Dart Icon.png Fire DartFile:Ice Quarrel Icon.png Ice Quarrel Koji's TachiFile:Pariah's Heavy Crossbow Icon.png Pariah's Heavy CrossbowFile:Sceptre of Syliph Icon.png Sceptre of SyliphFile:Wari's Silifi Icon.png Wari's Silifi




File:Fine Gem Icon.png Fine Gem


Features / Mechanics

Asheron's Call Era

Quests & Events

Fourth Sending of Darkness Live Events

In an interview with Warcry, Stormwaltz mentioned some ideas that were scrapped from the first story arc. From Asherons Call: 4 Years of AC and Counting, Part 2 - L'etoile, Part 2:

01-02-2004 - Link

Q: Things change in a game like Asheron's Call, change every month infact. What were some things that you wanted to impliment but just didn't have the time,tech or whatever else to get in the game?

A: So many things I'm sure I can't remember. Everything you do under a deadline undergoes a heavy-handed process of winnowing. You start with a grandiose vision and then cut it down to something that's feasible. A major event that I alluded to before was Isin Dule's contribution to the regional invasions of Black Ferah and Ler Rhan. He was supposed to be the climax, but that entire phase of the event was cut because it was taking too long to test all the generators (this was our first major use of triggered spawns). That worked out for the better of the story in the end, with Dule turning his coat.

Another abandoned thread was having Dave Namerow create and level a character named Saresh to build a monarchy that would throw its allegiance to Bael'Zharon upon his release. The fiction was that "Saresh" was the Shadow General Ferah in disguise. This was a too much work to maintain on all servers, and we never had a solid idea of how it could be leveraged into the main storyline.

Chris "Stormwaltz" L'Etoile





Heaume of the Inscrutable MindFile:Weaver's Coat Icon.png Weaver's CoatFile:Weaver's Leggings Icon.png Weaver's Leggings




Aerlinthe CynosureFile:Tumerok Spear (Unreleased) Icon.png Tumerok Spear (Unreleased)File:Tumerok War Taiaha Icon.png Tumerok War Taiaha




File:Altar of the Tumerok Figurine Icon.png Altar of the Tumerok FigurineFile:Altar of the Tumerok Spear Icon.png Altar of the Tumerok Spear Exploration Society TokenFile:Tumerok Altar Key Icon.png Tumerok Altar KeyFile:Wooden Tumerok Figurine (Unreleased) Icon.png Wooden Tumerok Figurine (Unreleased)


Dark Majesty Era

Quests & Events





File:Kareb Mask Icon.png Kareb Mask




File:Adroth's Journal Icon.png Adroth's JournalFile:Martine's Note Icon.png Martine's NoteFile:Message from Antius Icon.png Message from AntiusFile:Message from Celdiseth Icon.png Message from CeldisethFile:Message from Elysa Icon.png Message from ElysaFile:Message from Fadsahil Icon.png Message from FadsahilFile:Message from Shoyanen Icon.png Message from Shoyanen


File:Clay Totem (Aun Kahmaula) Icon.png Clay Totem (Aun Kahmaula)File:Clay Totem (Aun Gehaua) Icon.png Clay Totem (Aun Gehaua)File:Clay Totem (Aun Tanaua) Icon.png Clay Totem (Aun Tanaua)File:Clay Totem (Aun Laiaua) Icon.png Clay Totem (Aun Laiaua)File:Clay Totem (Aun Aanaua) Icon.png Clay Totem (Aun Aanaua)File:Dryreach House Portal Icon.png Dryreach House PortalFile:Holtburg House Portal Icon.png Holtburg House PortalFile:Qalaba'r House Portal Icon.png Qalaba'r House PortalFile:Stonehold House Portal Icon.png Stonehold House PortalFile:Fort Tethana House Portal Icon.png Fort Tethana House Portal


Features / Mechanics

Throne of Destiny Era



File:Viamontian Low-Stakes Gambling Token Icon.png Viamontian Low-Stakes Gambling TokenFile:Viamontian Mid-Stakes Gambling Token Icon.png Viamontian Mid-Stakes Gambling TokenFile:Viamontian High-Stakes Gambling Token Icon.png Viamontian High-Stakes Gambling Token



Ancient Powers Era
