Painting of the Building of Linvak Tukal
From Drunkapedia
Introduced: | Children of the Prodigal Lord | Related Quests: | Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian |
- Value: ???
- Burden: Unknown
- A painting celebrating the achievement in building the great Lugian Citadel, Linvak Tukal.
- Found in the Trial of the Heart.
- One of the Lugian treasures that can be handed to the Pillar of the Heart as part of the trial.
- This is the correct item to pass the trial, you do not pick it up, simply use and it and then use the pillar.
- You get this message when you use it:
- You look at a painting of Lugians standing side by side next to a freshly built Linvak Tukal. A caption at the bottom reads, "Only through hard work and friendship can we be truly great."