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Related topics: Weenie Properties
Value Name Description 1 ITEM_TYPE_INT Object Class of the Item 2 CREATURE_TYPE_INT Creature Type (Drudge, Mite, Banderling, etc) 3 PALETTE_TEMPLATE_INT changes the palette template (color) of the item or creature 4 CLOTHING_PRIORITY_INT Armor/Underwear Coverage 5 ENCUMB_VAL_INT Defines the Burden value 6 ITEMS_CAPACITY_INT Item Capacity of a Container (Pack, Player, Monster, NPC) 7 CONTAINERS_CAPACITY_INT Container (Pack) capacity 8 MASS_INT physics related? 9 LOCATIONS_INT equippable slots 10 CURRENT_WIELDED_LOCATION_INT used by creatures, this is set on any item being wielded with where its being wielded 11 MAX_STACK_SIZE_INT maximum stack size value 12 STACK_SIZE_INT current stack size 13 STACK_UNIT_ENCUMB_INT Same as Burden, base burden for each stacked item 14 STACK_UNIT_MASS_INT physics related? 15 STACK_UNIT_VALUE_INT Same as Value, base value for each stacked item 16 ITEM_USEABLE_INT usable item choices 17 RARE_ID_INT rare ID number 18 UI_EFFECTS_INT Icon Outline 19 VALUE_INT The value in pyreals 20 COIN_VALUE_INT For Players only: Total Pyreals in inventory (not counting storage) 21 TOTAL_EXPERIENCE_INT Total Experience Earned, Player Character Only 22 AVAILABLE_CHARACTER_INT ??? 23 TOTAL_SKILL_CREDITS_INT Total Skill Credits Earned, Player Character Only 24 AVAILABLE_SKILL_CREDITS_INT Available Skill Credits, Player Character Only 25 LEVEL_INT Player/Creature Level 26 ACCOUNT_REQUIREMENTS_INT 1 = Use requires Throne of Destiny 27 ARMOR_TYPE_INT Armor Type 28 ARMOR_LEVEL_INT Armor Level 29 ALLEGIANCE_CP_POOL_INT ??? 30 ALLEGIANCE_RANK_INT Current Rank, Player Character Only 31 CHANNELS_ALLOWED_INT Old Admin Global Channels available to character (Channel Enum) 32 CHANNELS_ACTIVE_INT Old Admin Global Channels character is currently listening to (Channel Enum) 33 BONDED_INT sets bonded, destroy/drop on death 34 MONARCHS_RANK_INT Monarch Rank 35 ALLEGIANCE_FOLLOWERS_INT Total Allegiance Followers 36 RESIST_MAGIC_INT Unenchantable, 0 or 9999 37 RESIST_ITEM_APPRAISAL_INT the difficulty to ID an item (mostly creature weapons) 9999 is unappraisable 38 RESIST_LOCKPICK_INT Lockpick Resistance 39 DEPRECATED_RESIST_REPAIR_INT ??? 40 COMBAT_MODE_INT Combat Mode (Melee, Wand, Missile, Peace) Player Char Only 41 CURRENT_ATTACK_HEIGHT_INT Attack Height (Low Mid High) 42 COMBAT_COLLISIONS_INT physics related? 43 NUM_DEATHS_INT Total Death Count, Player Character Only 44 DAMAGE_INT Maximum damage 45 DAMAGE_TYPE_INT Defines the type of damage 46 DEFAULT_COMBAT_STYLE_INT set to value that matches weapon type, enum: CombatStyle 47 ATTACK_TYPE_INT enum AttackType 48 WEAPON_SKILL_INT Defines skill type. 49 WEAPON_TIME_INT Defines the speed of the weapon 50 AMMO_TYPE_INT Type of Ammo, set on missile weapon, and ammunition, enum AMMO_TYPE 51 COMBAT_USE_INT equip type 52 PARENT_LOCATION_INT enum parentLocation, value always = 2, for all missile weapons (bow, xbow, atlatl) 53 PLACEMENT_POSITION_INT value always = 2, for all missile weapons (bow, xbow, atlatl) 54 WEAPON_ENCUMBRANCE_INT 55 WEAPON_MASS_INT 56 SHIELD_VALUE_INT 57 SHIELD_ENCUMBRANCE_INT 58 MISSILE_INVENTORY_LOCATION_INT 59 FULL_DAMAGE_TYPE_INT 60 WEAPON_RANGE_INT definitely a missilelauncher attribute, but not directly range (which is a float (Velocity)) 61 ATTACKERS_SKILL_INT 62 DEFENDERS_SKILL_INT 63 ATTACKERS_SKILL_VALUE_INT 64 ATTACKERS_CLASS_INT 65 PLACEMENT_INT 66 CHECKPOINT_STATUS_INT 67 TOLERANCE_INT Special tolerance levels for creatures deciding to attack you or not 68 TARGETING_TACTIC_INT Value 4 (Crystals/Rifts/Smith Ejan Only), or 30 (Gaerlan/Harbinger Only) 69 COMBAT_TACTIC_INT 70 HOMESICK_TARGETING_TACTIC_INT 71 NUM_FOLLOW_FAILURES_INT 72 FRIEND_TYPE_INT groups of creatures that will attack you if you attack their friend 73 FOE_TYPE_INT groups of creatures that will attack eachother 74 MERCHANDISE_ITEM_TYPES_INT For Vendors, ItemType Enum to set what types of items vendor will buy 75 MERCHANDISE_MIN_VALUE_INT Min value of item allowed to be bought by vendor 76 MERCHANDISE_MAX_VALUE_INT Max value of item allowed to be bought by vendor 77 NUM_ITEMS_SOLD_INT 78 NUM_ITEMS_BOUGHT_INT 79 MONEY_INCOME_INT 80 MONEY_OUTFLOW_INT 81 MAX_GENERATED_OBJECTS_INT generators/chests, max number of items that can be generated at one time 82 INIT_GENERATED_OBJECTS_INT generators/chests, number of items initially generated 83 ACTIVATION_RESPONSE_INT used for traps, chests, and a handful of objects 84 ORIGINAL_VALUE_INT 85 NUM_MOVE_FAILURES_INT 86 MIN_LEVEL_INT Minimum level required 87 MAX_LEVEL_INT Maximum level required 88 LOCKPICK_MOD_INT Hidden Lockpick Mod 89 BOOSTER_ENUM_INT the stat food/potions boost (health, stamina, mana) 90 BOOST_VALUE_INT value of vital boosted (health, stamina, mana) 91 MAX_STRUCTURE_INT Max number of uses (heal kits, keys, lockpicks, keyrings, etc) 92 STRUCTURE_INT Number of uses remaining 93 PHYSICS_STATE_INT PhysicsState enum, Current Physics State of object (1032 - mob, 6292504 - unattackable NPC with green name tell text) 94 TARGET_TYPE_INT bitmask of ITEM_TYPE_INT, defines the types of objects an item can used/applied on (ex: lockpicks = 640) 95 RADARBLIP_COLOR_INT Color of the radar blip 96 ENCUMB_CAPACITY_INT Max amount of ENCUMB_VAL allowed for creature (Player only) 97 LOGIN_TIMESTAMP_INT unixtime for login 98 CREATION_TIMESTAMP_INT date of birth in unix 99 PK_LEVEL_MODIFIER_INT value of pk modifier on altars 100 GENERATOR_TYPE_INT only value is 1, various chests and creature spawn generators... 101 AI_ALLOWED_COMBAT_STYLE_INT 102 LOGOFF_TIMESTAMP_INT Logoff timestamp of player? 103 GENERATOR_DESTRUCTION_TYPE_INT values found: 1,3,5 104 ACTIVATION_CREATE_CLASS_INT 105 ITEM_WORKMANSHIP_INT 1, 3-10 106 ITEM_SPELLCRAFT_INT spellcraft value 107 ITEM_CUR_MANA_INT Current mana of the item (becomes "stored mana" if greater than int 108) 108 ITEM_MAX_MANA_INT Maximum mana of the item 109 ITEM_DIFFICULTY_INT Arcane Lore difficulty requirement 110 ITEM_ALLEGIANCE_RANK_LIMIT_INT Rank Requirement 111 PORTAL_BITMASK_INT portal restrictions (no summon/tie/pk only) 112 ADVOCATE_LEVEL_INT level of advocate 113 GENDER_INT Male/Female NPC, 1 Male,2 Female 114 ATTUNED_INT 1 = Attuned 115 ITEM_SKILL_LEVEL_LIMIT_INT activation skill requirement value 116 GATE_LOGIC_INT 117 ITEM_MANA_COST_INT Mana cost of activating the built in spell on a wand 118 LOGOFF_INT 119 ACTIVE_INT something to do with traps/interactable objects 120 ATTACK_HEIGHT_INT Player Attack Height 121 NUM_ATTACK_FAILURES_INT 122 AI_CP_THRESHOLD_INT 123 AI_ADVANCEMENT_STRATEGY_INT 124 VERSION_INT 125 AGE_INT age in seconds 126 VENDOR_HAPPY_MEAN_INT 127 VENDOR_HAPPY_VARIANCE_INT 128 CLOAK_STATUS_INT admin cloaking? 129 VITAE_CP_POOL_INT xp for vitae reduction 130 NUM_SERVICES_SOLD_INT 131 MATERIAL_TYPE_INT Type of Material, enum MaterialType 132 NUM_ALLEGIANCE_BREAKS_INT number of times broken allegiance (is this for the xp to swear mechanic?) 133 SHOWABLE_ON_RADAR_INT Options for showable on radar 134 PLAYER_KILLER_STATUS_INT Player Killer Status 135 VENDOR_HAPPY_MAX_ITEMS_INT 136 SCORE_PAGE_NUM_INT for unused scorebooks 137 SCORE_CONFIG_NUM_INT for unused scorebooks 138 SCORE_NUM_SCORES_INT for unused scorebooks 139 DEATH_LEVEL_INT 140 AI_OPTIONS_INT only value listed is 1, many creatures have this 141 OPEN_TO_EVERYONE_INT house barrier? 142 GENERATOR_TIME_TYPE_INT 1 or 3 143 GENERATOR_START_TIME_INT unix timestamp for generator to start 144 GENERATOR_END_TIME_INT unix timestamp for generator to stop 145 GENERATOR_END_DESTRUCTION_TYPE_INT 1,2,3 - usually 2 146 XP_OVERRIDE_INT 147 NUM_CRASH_AND_TURNS_INT 148 COMPONENT_WARNING_THRESHOLD_INT 149 HOUSE_STATUS_INT 0 or -1 150 HOOK_PLACEMENT_INT defined on items, placement it appears on a house hook, Typically 0,101,103 151 HOOK_TYPE_INT Type of Hook, HookType enum 152 HOOK_ITEM_TYPE_INT 153 AI_PP_THRESHOLD_INT ai xp gain modifier? 154 GENERATOR_VERSION_INT 155 HOUSE_TYPE_INT Type of House, 1 Cottage, 2 Villa, 3 Mansion, 4 Apartment 156 PICKUP_EMOTE_OFFSET_INT only appears on corpse objects, 0 157 WEENIE_ITERATION_INT 158 WIELD_REQUIREMENTS_INT Wield Requirement 159 WIELD_SKILLTYPE_INT Wield Requirement Skill 160 WIELD_DIFFICULTY_INT minimum base skill to wield 161 HOUSE_MAX_HOOKS_USABLE_INT number of usable hooks in a house 162 HOUSE_CURRENT_HOOKS_USABLE_INT available number of usable hooks left in a house? 163 ALLEGIANCE_MIN_LEVEL_INT minimum allegiance rank to buy mansion 164 ALLEGIANCE_MAX_LEVEL_INT 165 HOUSE_RELINK_HOOK_COUNT_INT 166 SLAYER_CREATURE_TYPE_INT 167 CONFIRMATION_IN_PROGRESS_INT 168 CONFIRMATION_TYPE_IN_PROGRESS_INT 169 TSYS_MUTATION_DATA_INT 170 NUM_ITEMS_IN_MATERIAL_INT salvaged from x items. 171 NUM_TIMES_TINKERED_INT number of times an item was tinkered 172 APPRAISAL_LONG_DESC_DECORATION_INT 173 APPRAISAL_LOCKPICK_SUCCESS_PERCENT_INT display lockpick chance of success on locked doors/chests ID panel 174 APPRAISAL_PAGES_INT display number of pages on ID panel 175 APPRAISAL_MAX_PAGES_INT display max number of pages on ID panel 176 APPRAISAL_ITEM_SKILL_INT 177 GEM_COUNT_INT amount of gems set in an item 178 GEM_TYPE_INT type of gem set in an item 179 IMBUED_EFFECT_INT Imbued effect on weapon/wand,enum ImbuedEffectType 180 ATTACKERS_RAW_SKILL_VALUE_INT 181 CHESS_RANK_INT chess rank in player stat panel 182 CHESS_TOTALGAMES_INT total chess games played 183 CHESS_GAMESWON_INT number of chess games won 184 CHESS_GAMESLOST_INT number of chess games lost 185 TYPE_OF_ALTERATION_INT skill spec/unspec, 1 - Gems of Enlightenment 2 - Gems of Forgetfulness 186 SKILL_TO_BE_ALTERED_INT Skill to be altered on spec/unspec gems 187 SKILL_ALTERATION_COUNT_INT server side count of how many spec/unspecs used? for use with timers 188 HERITAGE_GROUP_INT NPC Heritage, enum HeritageGroup 189 TRANSFER_FROM_ATTRIBUTE_INT Transfer from Attribute 190 TRANSFER_TO_ATTRIBUTE_INT Transfer to Attribute 191 ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFER_COUNT_INT server side count of how many transfers used? for use with timers 192 FAKE_FISHING_SKILL_INT fishing skill level 193 NUM_KEYS_INT Number of keys contained on a keyring 194 DEATH_TIMESTAMP_INT last death timestamp 195 PK_TIMESTAMP_INT turned pk timestamp 196 VICTIM_TIMESTAMP_INT Last time killed by a pk 197 HOOK_GROUP_INT Mansion Hookable Device Groups 198 ALLEGIANCE_SWEAR_TIMESTAMP_INT timestamp when swearing to patron 199 HOUSE_PURCHASE_TIMESTAMP_INT timestamp when purchasing a new house 200 REDIRECTABLE_EQUIPPED_ARMOR_COUNT_INT 201 MELEEDEFENSE_IMBUEDEFFECTTYPE_CACHE_INT 202 MISSILEDEFENSE_IMBUEDEFFECTTYPE_CACHE_INT 203 MAGICDEFENSE_IMBUEDEFFECTTYPE_CACHE_INT 204 ELEMENTAL_DAMAGE_BONUS_INT Elemental Damage Bonus # 205 IMBUE_ATTEMPTS_INT 206 IMBUE_SUCCESSES_INT 207 CREATURE_KILLS_INT number of creatures killed 208 PLAYER_KILLS_PK_INT number of pks killed 209 PLAYER_KILLS_PKL_INT number of pkls killed 210 RARES_TIER_ONE_INT 211 RARES_TIER_TWO_INT 212 RARES_TIER_THREE_INT 213 RARES_TIER_FOUR_INT 214 RARES_TIER_FIVE_INT 215 AUGMENTATION_STAT_INT 216 AUGMENTATION_FAMILY_STAT_INT 217 AUGMENTATION_INNATE_FAMILY_INT number of times an attribute augmentation earned (Max 10) 218 AUGMENTATION_INNATE_STRENGTH_INT number of times earned 219 AUGMENTATION_INNATE_ENDURANCE_INT number of times earned 220 AUGMENTATION_INNATE_COORDINATION_INT number of times earned 221 AUGMENTATION_INNATE_QUICKNESS_INT number of times earned 222 AUGMENTATION_INNATE_FOCUS_INT number of times earned 223 AUGMENTATION_INNATE_SELF_INT number of times earned 224 AUGMENTATION_SPECIALIZE_SALVAGING_INT number of times earned 225 AUGMENTATION_SPECIALIZE_ITEM_TINKERING_INT number of times earned 226 AUGMENTATION_SPECIALIZE_ARMOR_TINKERING_INT number of times earned 227 AUGMENTATION_SPECIALIZE_MAGIC_ITEM_TINKERING_INT number of times earned 228 AUGMENTATION_SPECIALIZE_WEAPON_TINKERING_INT number of times earned 229 AUGMENTATION_EXTRA_PACK_SLOT_INT number of times earned 230 AUGMENTATION_INCREASED_CARRYING_CAPACITY_INT number of times earned (Max 5) 231 AUGMENTATION_LESS_DEATH_ITEM_LOSS_INT number of times earned (Max 3) 232 AUGMENTATION_SPELLS_REMAIN_PAST_DEATH_INT number of times earned 233 AUGMENTATION_CRITICAL_DEFENSE_INT number of times earned 234 AUGMENTATION_BONUS_XP_INT number of times earned 235 AUGMENTATION_BONUS_SALVAGE_INT number of times earned (Max 4) 236 AUGMENTATION_BONUS_IMBUE_CHANCE_INT number of times earned 237 AUGMENTATION_FASTER_REGEN_INT number of times earned (Max 2) 238 AUGMENTATION_INCREASED_SPELL_DURATION_INT number of times earned (Max 5) 239 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_FAMILY_INT number of times a resistance augmentation earned (Max 2) 240 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_SLASH_INT number of times earned 241 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_PIERCE_INT number of times earned 242 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_BLUNT_INT number of times earned 243 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_ACID_INT number of times earned 244 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_FIRE_INT number of times earned 245 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_FROST_INT number of times earned 246 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_LIGHTNING_INT number of times earned 247 RARES_TIER_ONE_LOGIN_INT 248 RARES_TIER_TWO_LOGIN_INT 249 RARES_TIER_THREE_LOGIN_INT 250 RARES_TIER_FOUR_LOGIN_INT 251 RARES_TIER_FIVE_LOGIN_INT 252 RARES_LOGIN_TIMESTAMP_INT 253 RARES_TIER_SIX_INT 254 RARES_TIER_SEVEN_INT 255 RARES_TIER_SIX_LOGIN_INT 256 RARES_TIER_SEVEN_LOGIN_INT 257 ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_LIMIT_INT Attribute for Activation 258 ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_LEVEL_LIMIT_INT Attribute Value for Activation 259 ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_2ND_LIMIT_INT Attribute 2 for Activation 260 ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_2ND_LEVEL_LIMIT_INT Attribute 2 Value for Activation 261 CHARACTER_TITLE_ID_INT current character title ID reference 262 NUM_CHARACTER_TITLES_INT number of titles earned 263 RESISTANCE_MODIFIER_TYPE_INT Type of Resistance Cleaving, enum ResistanceEnchantment_BFIndex 264 FREE_TINKERS_BITFIELD_INT 265 EQUIPMENT_SET_ID_INT Armor/Weapon/Jewelry Set 266 PET_CLASS_INT 267 LIFESPAN_INT total lifespan in seconds until item is destroyed 268 REMAINING_LIFESPAN_INT seconds remaining until item is destroyed 269 USE_CREATE_QUANTITY_INT 270 WIELD_REQUIREMENTS_2_INT Wield Requirement 2 271 WIELD_SKILLTYPE_2_INT Wield Requirement 2 Skill 272 WIELD_DIFFICULTY_2_INT Wield Requirement 2 Value 273 WIELD_REQUIREMENTS_3_INT Wield Requirement 3 274 WIELD_SKILLTYPE_3_INT Wield Requirement 3 Skill 275 WIELD_DIFFICULTY_3_INT Wield Requirement 3 Value 276 WIELD_REQUIREMENTS_4_INT Wield Requirement 4 277 WIELD_SKILLTYPE_4_INT Wield Requirement 4 Skill 278 WIELD_DIFFICULTY_4_INT Wield Requirement 4 Value 279 UNIQUE_INT Amount of items that can be carried, Ex: Set to 1:You can only carry 1 of these items. 280 SHARED_COOLDOWN_INT summoning essences, portal gems. shared ID's to share cooldown timers 281 FACTION1_BITS_INT which faction you are aligned with 282 FACTION2_BITS_INT which faction you are aligned with 283 FACTION3_BITS_INT which faction you are aligned with 284 HATRED1_BITS_INT for opposing faction creatures to attack you 285 HATRED2_BITS_INT for opposing faction creatures to attack you 286 HATRED3_BITS_INT for opposing faction creatures to attack you 287 SOCIETY_RANK_CELHAN_INT ribbon turn in count 288 SOCIETY_RANK_ELDWEB_INT ribbon turn in count 289 SOCIETY_RANK_RADBLO_INT ribbon turn in count 290 HEAR_LOCAL_SIGNALS_INT 291 HEAR_LOCAL_SIGNALS_RADIUS_INT 292 CLEAVING_INT Cleave: X enemies in front arc 293 AUGMENTATION_SPECIALIZE_GEARCRAFT_INT number of times earned 294 AUGMENTATION_INFUSED_CREATURE_MAGIC_INT number of times earned 295 AUGMENTATION_INFUSED_ITEM_MAGIC_INT number of times earned 296 AUGMENTATION_INFUSED_LIFE_MAGIC_INT number of times earned 297 AUGMENTATION_INFUSED_WAR_MAGIC_INT number of times earned 298 AUGMENTATION_CRITICAL_EXPERTISE_INT number of times earned 299 AUGMENTATION_CRITICAL_POWER_INT number of times earned 300 AUGMENTATION_SKILLED_MELEE_INT number of times earned 301 AUGMENTATION_SKILLED_MISSILE_INT number of times earned 302 AUGMENTATION_SKILLED_MAGIC_INT number of times earned 303 IMBUED_EFFECT_2_INT Imbued effect on weapon/wand 304 IMBUED_EFFECT_3_INT Imbued effect on weapon/wand 305 IMBUED_EFFECT_4_INT Imbued effect on weapon/wand 306 IMBUED_EFFECT_5_INT Imbued effect on weapon/wand 307 DAMAGE_RATING_INT damage rating (luminance) 308 DAMAGE_RESIST_RATING_INT damage resist rating (luminance) 309 AUGMENTATION_DAMAGE_BONUS_INT number of times earned 310 AUGMENTATION_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_INT number of times earned 311 IMBUE_STACKING_BITS_INT 312 HEAL_OVER_TIME_INT aetheria regen proc? 313 CRIT_RATING_INT chance to crit rating (from aug?) 314 CRIT_DAMAGE_RATING_INT crit damage rating (luminance) 315 CRIT_RESIST_RATING_INT crit resist rating (aug) 316 CRIT_DAMAGE_RESIST_RATING_INT crit damage resist rating (luminance) 317 HEALING_RESIST_RATING_INT healing resist rating, dirty fighting? 318 DAMAGE_OVER_TIME_INT dirty fighting dot damage? 319 ITEM_MAX_LEVEL_INT max level an item can earn xp to 320 ITEM_XP_STYLE_INT 1 = each level cost the same xp, 2 = xp cost per level increases each level 321 EQUIPMENT_SET_EXTRA_INT 322 AETHERIA_BITFIELD_INT bitfield for number of aetheria slots unlocked 1, 3, 7 for 1-3 slots. 323 HEALING_BOOST_RATING_INT Player Healing Boost Rating Value 324 HERITAGE_SPECIFIC_ARMOR_INT heritage enum for racial items, 13 for olthoi (salivatory goo) 325 ALTERNATE_RACIAL_SKILLS_INT 326 AUGMENTATION_JACK_OF_ALL_TRADES_INT number of times earned 327 AUGMENTATION_RESISTANCE_NETHER_INT number of times earned 328 AUGMENTATION_INFUSED_VOID_MAGIC_INT number of times earned 329 WEAKNESS_RATING_INT Weakening Curse Rating 330 NETHER_OVER_TIME_INT DOT spell related 331 NETHER_RESIST_RATING_INT Damage Resistance Reduction amount based on void DOTs applied 332 LUMINANCE_AWARD_INT amount of luminance xp a creature awards on death 333 LUM_AUG_DAMAGE_RATING_INT number of times earned 334 LUM_AUG_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_RATING_INT number of times earned 335 LUM_AUG_CRIT_DAMAGE_RATING_INT number of times earned 336 LUM_AUG_CRIT_REDUCTION_RATING_INT number of times earned 337 LUM_AUG_SURGE_EFFECT_RATING_INT number of times earned 338 LUM_AUG_SURGE_CHANCE_RATING_INT number of times earned 339 LUM_AUG_ITEM_MANA_USAGE_INT number of times earned 340 LUM_AUG_ITEM_MANA_GAIN_INT number of times earned 341 LUM_AUG_VITALITY_INT number of times earned 342 LUM_AUG_HEALING_RATING_INT number of times earned 343 LUM_AUG_SKILLED_CRAFT_INT number of times earned 344 LUM_AUG_SKILLED_SPEC_INT number of times earned 345 LUM_AUG_NO_DESTROY_CRAFT_INT number of times earned 346 RESTRICT_INTERACTION_INT 347 OLTHOI_LOOT_TIMESTAMP_INT 348 OLTHOI_LOOT_STEP_INT 349 USE_CREATES_CONTRACT_ID_INT upon using a contract, add to contracts tab by id 350 DOT_RESIST_RATING_INT damage over time resistance rating 351 LIFE_RESIST_RATING_INT life magic resist rating 352 CLOAK_WEAVE_PROC_INT only used for the -200 proc cloaks; Value: 2 353 WEAPON_TYPE_INT Sets the basic weapon type. 354 MELEE_MASTERY_INT melee mastery id 355 RANGED_MASTERY_INT ranged mastery id 356 SNEAK_ATTACK_RATING_INT 357 RECKLESSNESS_RATING_INT 358 DECEPTION_RATING_INT 359 COMBAT_PET_RANGE_INT 360 WEAPON_AURA_DAMAGE_INT 361 WEAPON_AURA_SPEED_INT 362 SUMMONING_MASTERY_INT 363 HEARTBEAT_LIFESPAN_INT 364 USE_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT_INT 365 LUM_AUG_ALL_SKILLS_INT Aura of the World # of solves 366 USE_REQUIRES_SKILL_INT summoning pet skill requirement. 367 USE_REQUIRES_SKILL_LEVEL_INT summoning pet skill requirement value 368 USE_REQUIRES_SKILL_SPEC_INT summoning pet spec skill requirement 369 USE_REQUIRES_LEVEL_INT summoning pet required level 370 GEAR_DAMAGE_INT total damage rating of equipped gear 371 GEAR_DAMAGE_RESIST_INT total damage resist rating of equipped gear 372 GEAR_CRIT_INT total crit chance rating of equipped gear 373 GEAR_CRIT_RESIST_INT total crit resist rating of equipped gear 374 GEAR_CRIT_DAMAGE_INT total crit damage rating of equipped gear 375 GEAR_CRIT_DAMAGE_RESIST_INT total crit damage resist rating of equipped gear 376 GEAR_HEALING_BOOST_INT total heal boost rating of equipped gear 377 GEAR_NETHER_RESIST_INT total nether damage resist rating of equipped gear 378 GEAR_LIFE_RESIST_INT total life resist rating of equipped gear 379 GEAR_MAX_HEALTH_INT total vitality rating of gear (and maybe health of summons?) 380 UNKNOWN_INT 381 PK_DAMAGE_INT Player PK Damage Rating 382 PK_DAMAGE_RESIST_INT Player PK Damage Resist Rating 383 GEAR_PK_DAMAGE_INT Gear PK Damage Rating 384 GEAR_PK_DAMAGE_RESIST_INT Gear PK Damage Resist Rating 385 UNKNOWN_INT 386 OVERPOWER_INT Overpower Value 387 OVERPOWER_RESIST_INT Overpower Resist Value 388 GEAR_OVERPOWER_INT Gear Overpower Value 389 GEAR_OVERPOWER_RESIST_INT Gear Overpower Resist 390 ENLIGHTENMENT_INT number of times enlightened
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