From Drunkapedia
Related topics: Weenie Properties
Number | Name | Description |
1 | Act_EmoteType | emotes that occur in the third person, sends message to local chat. |
2 | AwardXP_EmoteType | award normal xp |
3 | Give_EmoteType | give the player an item |
4 | MoveHome_EmoteType | move to objects home position |
5 | Motion_EmoteType | movements / animations |
6 | Move_EmoteType | move to new relative position |
7 | PhysScript_EmoteType | effects |
8 | Say_EmoteType | say in local chat |
9 | Sound_EmoteType | play a sound |
10 | Tell_EmoteType | say in direct tell |
11 | Turn_EmoteType | turn to a specific heading |
12 | TurnToTarget_EmoteType | turn to the target |
13 | TextDirect_EmoteType | |
14 | CastSpell_EmoteType | cast spell |
15 | Activate_EmoteType | sends the activation event |
16 | WorldBroadcast_EmoteType | broadcast message to the world |
17 | LocalBroadcast_EmoteType | broadcast a local message |
18 | DirectBroadcast_EmoteType | send a broadcast message to the player (diff channel than say) |
19 | CastSpellInstant_EmoteType | cast spell instantly |
20 | UpdateQuest_EmoteType | |
21 | InqQuest_EmoteType | inquire quest (check if stamp exists, probably gets timer etc) |
22 | StampQuest_EmoteType | quest flag stamp |
23 | StartEvent_EmoteType | action that triggers an event |
24 | StopEvent_EmoteType | action that stops an event |
25 | BLog_EmoteType | |
26 | AdminSpam_EmoteType | |
27 | TeachSpell_EmoteType | teach the player a spell |
28 | AwardSkillXP_EmoteType | award xp in to a skill |
29 | AwardSkillPoints_EmoteType | award skill points directly |
30 | InqQuestSolves_EmoteType | inquire number of quest solves for quest |
31 | EraseQuest_EmoteType | remove quest stamp |
32 | DecrementQuest_EmoteType | decrement quest completions |
33 | IncrementQuest_EmoteType | increment quest completions |
34 | AddCharacterTitle_EmoteType | add character title by title ID |
35 | InqBoolStat_EmoteType | inquire a boolstat |
36 | InqIntStat_EmoteType | inquire an int stat |
37 | InqFloatStat_EmoteType | inquire a float stat |
38 | InqStringStat_EmoteType | inquire a string stat |
39 | InqAttributeStat_EmoteType | inquire an attribute stat (strength/endurance/quick/coord/focus/self) |
40 | InqRawAttributeStat_EmoteType | inquire base attribute stat |
41 | InqSecondaryAttributeStat_EmoteType | inquire secondary attribute stat (health/stamina/mana) |
42 | InqRawSecondaryAttributeStat_EmoteType | inquire base secondary attribute stat |
43 | InqSkillStat_EmoteType | inquire a skill stat |
44 | InqRawSkillStat_EmoteType | inquire base skill stat |
45 | InqSkillTrained_EmoteType | inquire if the player has a skill trained |
46 | InqSkillSpecialized_EmoteType | inquire if the player has a skilled specialized |
47 | AwardTrainingCredits_EmoteType | award number of training credits |
48 | InflictVitaePenalty_EmoteType | award vitae |
49 | AwardLevelProportionalXP_EmoteType | award level proportional xp |
50 | AwardLevelProportionalSkillXP_EmoteType | award level proportial skill xp |
51 | InqEvent_EmoteType | |
52 | ForceMotion_EmoteType | forces the player to do an animation |
53 | SetIntStat_EmoteType | set an int stat |
54 | IncrementIntStat_EmoteType | increment an int stat |
55 | DecrementIntStat_EmoteType | decrement an int stat |
56 | CreateTreasure_EmoteType | create a new piece of loot in player inventory |
57 | ResetHomePosition_EmoteType | |
58 | InqFellowQuest_EmoteType | |
59 | InqFellowNum_EmoteType | inquire number of fellows? |
60 | UpdateFellowQuest_EmoteType | |
61 | StampFellowQuest_EmoteType | fellow quest stamp |
62 | AwardNoShareXP_EmoteType | award normal xp that does not share with fellows |
63 | SetSanctuaryPosition_EmoteType | set lifestone position |
64 | TellFellow_EmoteType | send message to the fellowship |
65 | FellowBroadcast_EmoteType | send a broadcast message to the fellowship |
66 | LockFellow_EmoteType | locks a fellowship |
67 | Goto_EmoteType | |
68 | PopUp_EmoteType | popup text display? |
69 | SetBoolStat_EmoteType | set a boolstat |
70 | SetQuestCompletions_EmoteType | set the number of quest completions |
71 | InqNumCharacterTitles_EmoteType | inquire number of quest titles |
72 | Generate_EmoteType | |
73 | PetCastSpellOnOwner_EmoteType | pets casting spell on owner |
74 | TakeItems_EmoteType | take an item from the player |
75 | InqYesNo_EmoteType | |
76 | InqOwnsItems_EmoteType | inquire if the player owns a specific item |
77 | DeleteSelf_EmoteType | |
78 | KillSelf_EmoteType | |
79 | UpdateMyQuest_EmoteType | test emote |
80 | InqMyQuest_EmoteType | test emote |
81 | StampMyQuest_EmoteType | test emote |
82 | InqMyQuestSolves_EmoteType | test emote |
83 | EraseMyQuest_EmoteType | test emote |
84 | DecrementMyQuest_EmoteType | test emote |
85 | IncrementMyQuest_EmoteType | test emote |
86 | SetMyQuestCompletions_EmoteType | test emote |
87 | MoveToPos_EmoteType | move to a position |
88 | LocalSignal_EmoteType | |
89 | InqPackSpace_EmoteType | inquire number of packslots available |
90 | RemoveVitaePenalty_EmoteType | remove vitae |
91 | SetEyeTexture_EmoteType | |
92 | SetEyePalette_EmoteType | |
93 | SetNoseTexture_EmoteType | |
94 | SetNosePalette_EmoteType | |
95 | SetMouthTexture_EmoteType | |
96 | SetMouthPalette_EmoteType | |
97 | SetHeadObject_EmoteType | |
98 | SetHeadPalette_EmoteType | |
99 | TeleportTarget_EmoteType | teleport target to a position |
100 | TeleportSelf_EmoteType | teleport self to a position |
101 | StartBarber_EmoteType | |
102 | InqQuestBitsOn_EmoteType | |
103 | InqQuestBitsOff_EmoteType | |
104 | InqMyQuestBitsOn_EmoteType | |
105 | InqMyQuestBitsOff_EmoteType | |
106 | SetQuestBitsOn_EmoteType | |
107 | SetQuestBitsOff_EmoteType | |
108 | SetMyQuestBitsOn_EmoteType | |
109 | SetMyQuestBitsOff_EmoteType | |
110 | UntrainSkill_EmoteType | untrain a skill |
111 | SetAltRacialSkills_EmoteType | |
112 | SpendLuminance_EmoteType | |
113 | AwardLuminance_EmoteType | award luminance xp |
114 | InqInt64Stat_EmoteType | inquire an int64 stat |
115 | SetInt64Stat_EmoteType | set int64 stat |
116 | OpenMe_EmoteType | |
117 | CloseMe_EmoteType | |
118 | SetFloatStat_EmoteType | set float stat |
119 | AddContract_EmoteType | add a contract by ID |
120 | RemoveContract_EmoteType | remove a contract by ID |
121 | InqContractsFull_EmoteType | inquire if contracts list is full (50?) |
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