Turbine Games Q&A/Communications/Q-11
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Original Link (now dead) - http://www.turbinegames.com/qa/view_questions.html?id=7459
Squelch list troubles... why can't I remove players that don't exist?
Asked: | 2001.04.09 |
Name: | Olegryn |
Question Title: | Squelch list troubles... why can't I remove players that don't exist? |
Category: | Communications |
Question: | I recently filled up my squelch list. I tried to remove players individually from that list by typing @squelch remove PLAYER1. The program responds "that player either does not exist or is not currently online". @squelch remove all doesn't work either. Ok, whoop-de-do-for-my-subaru. I don't care if they exist or not, I still want them off my list so I can replace their name with one that DOES exist and IS currently online. ^_^ How do I do this? Thanks in advance. |
Answered: | 2001.04.09 |
Name: | Eric |
Answer: | Use "@unsquelch X" to unsquelch somebody. "@squelch remove X" tries to squelch somebody named "remove X", and since nobody by that name exists, you get that message about "that player does not exist". |