Annals of Dereth/Issue 8

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Annals of Dereth, Issue #8

From July 2000

A N N A L S   O F   D E R E T H

The Asheron's Call Newsletter

July 2000 (#8)

Play it on the Zone!

In this issue . . .
1 -- OUR SAGA THUS FAR . . .





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Welcome to the Annals of Dereth, the newsletter for the Asheron's Call role- playing game! We bring you this bulletin every month to give you a wide view on Dereth's evolving community, events, and features.


1 -- OUR SAGA THUS FAR . . .

A lone warrior staggered into the Arwic healer's shop, the last of his strength all but failing. He didn't even bother ordering any services aloud -- merely gestured to the empty loft upstairs and started the climb. The healer on duty rushed to his side, dropping the broom he'd been using to sweep volcanic ash out of the doorway.

"You're one of the killers, aren't you?" the healer whispered. He nodded slightly at the warrior's red sash.

At first, the warrior said nothing. Then, with a ponderously deep groan, "Is my presence not welcome then?"

"No -- our guild heals all. As you well know -- your guild makes the most use of our services . . . I merely wondered why you came alone. Very dangerous in your profession, I should think."

The warrior, helped into a bed, groaned even deeper. "I've trade notes, old man . . . to pay well for your silence."

"Oh, you mistake me. We healers are not as mercenary as . . . well, as others can be. But without fellow members of your allegiance around? You must take great care, sir!"

Rolling to his back, the warrior revealed a sickly burn in his chest. As of late, the healer had seen a host of new wounds -- grievous injuries caused by maces and spears . . . Now this -- another mark left from the terrible Plasma Golems, he thought, wondering just what mixture of salves to use.

The warrior's eyes closed, and the healer wondered if the man hadn't fallen asleep -- or expired -- that very moment. But he managed a few words more. "I lost my kin on the Isle of Aerlinthe . . . battling magic to dispel magic . . . You're right! Hide my trade notes! And hide - this - as well."

With the last of his strength, the warrior flung aside his cloak -- revealing a dagger clutched tight in his hand. The healer pried it free from the man's grip and dried blood, examining the weapon in the window's light -- a pale light, filtering through heavy ash in the air. Not a warrior himself, the healer saw many an artifact of war. Still, never had he seen a weapon the likes of this. In learning his craft, the healer had studied well Dereth's ores -- yet had little idea of what material comprised the dagger. Chorizite, he guessed. The strange metal circulating these days mostly in the form of rumor. And now he held a dagger made of the very stuff?

In any event, he'd spoken true -- a healer would never betray the wounded . . . but the warrior would not wake before he consulted Arwic's Master Blacksmith as to the nature of this weapon.

As weapons of this world change, the healer reasoned, I must learn the wounds they're destined to inflict.

He left the warrior, asleep in the light of an ash-darkened sun.



Fulfilling our commitment to bring players a world-altering event each month, we've opened "To Raise a Banner of Flame". As the name, and explorations, have revealed, there's some fiery happenings going on in the lands of Dereth. For more information on the event, be sure to check out the official News ( as well as the current Build Notes (

What does the event herald? Well, the following message has been reported, traveling as far as Solclaim: "The ground trembles beneath you! Mount Tenkarrdun has become active once again! On Dereth, the volcanoes echo the eruption on far Aerlinthe Island."

And, for those heroes too curious to wait and discover Dereth's "mysterious and fiery lands" on their own, check out these screenshots submitted by Angel Jayten to the AC Heaven site:

Also, for a peek at just one of July's new weapons, here's a shot gathered from AC Stratics: title=Hollow+Katar&nojs;=true&picture;=/content/news/images/newkatar.jpg&desc;= Hollow+Katar+From+Theeta+Zai

On July 18, members of the Turbine group participated in the most recent developers chat. Having launched July's event, "To Raise a Banner of Flame", Turbine took the time to answer questions on the newly revised world as well as hints of what might be expected in the future. To read the transcript, head to:

This chat came just a few days after Turbine's meeting at the Boston Player Gathering held in Norwood, MA. The event, run by the crew at Crossroads of Dereth, saw over 200 people attend. In addition, word has begun about the first Mideastern Player Gathering, to take place in Louisville, Kentucky. For more information, check out the news posted on the Crossroads of Dereth:

If you want any events listed in our official Zone schedule, go to our Events page to register them. Remember, when submitting an event or a gathering, please:

1. Submit the event at least two weeks before you intend to run it. 2. Include ALL information requested on the form. We've received many events we couldn't process because the form wasn't complete. 3. Be sure that your event abides by the Code of Conduct and the End User License Agreement. The License Agreement is included in your game box, and the Code of Conduct can be found on the following page: 4. Do not hold events within towns. You may call people to gather at outposts, however.

We look forward to promoting your events! The Events page is located at:




In recent days, AC has posted the first of a series of Top 10 lists, starting with Veteran Ranks, Chefs Extraordinaire, and -- our personal favorite -- Dereth's Doomed. Be sure to look for more lists in the days to come. Until then, the current lists can be found at:

One list that has been around for some time is the Monarchy List. Although we try our best to tabulate and verify all claims to Dereth's top rankings, recent complaints have forced us to enact stricter policies. In order to remain on the Monarchy List, all monarchs must submit updated information at least once every two weeks -- including a screen shot which clearly shows monarchy information. Incomplete information will be ignored, and monarchs who fail to provide updates will be taken down.

At the time of this writing, however, we would like to congratulate Skystreak Cloudrider for maintaining the top position at Rank 7 with 2175 followers. We would also like to give special recognition to Wren the Blurry, who recently ascended to Rank 7; both monarchs are scheduled to provide the next interviews for the Allegiance Hall.

The Allegiance Hall now boasts over 200 links to excellent allegiance sites, organized by server-world. Sites have already been posted for the most recent world to open, Solclaim -- including the mighty Scoob's Crew! If you are interested in joining a high-profile allegiance, look no further than the Hall:

The following comes from a player named Briggs, posted on the Crossroads of Dereth Dev Board. Parodying "A Few Good Men", Briggs argues whether mages' ability to drain from behind walls should be "nerfed" or removed from the game.

Briggs: I'll ask for the fourth time. Did you drain?

Mage: You want answers?

Briggs: I think I'm entitled to them.

Mage: You want answers?!

Briggs: I want the truth.

Mage: You can't handle the truth!

Mage (continuing): Son, we live in dungeons that have walls. And those walls have to be guarded by mages with wands. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Briggs? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for warriors and you curse archers. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: That draining through walls, while tragic, probably saves lives. And my magic, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.

You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about, at pubs, you want me behind that wall. You need me behind that wall! (boasting) We use words like Feazh, Zhapaj, Malar . . . we use these words as the backbone to a life spent researching spells. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a warrior who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very vulnerability spells I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it. I'd prefer you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a wand and stand behind a wall. Either way, I don't give a darn what you think you're entitled to.

Briggs: Did you drain behind a wall?

Mage: I used the skills Turbine gave me.

Briggs: Did you drain behind a wall!?

Mage: You're ***damn right I did!


Briggs: Please the court, I suggest the developers be dismissed so that we can move to an immediate Article 39a Nerf Session. The witness has rights.

To see the original post, check out:

If you've got links to some humorous AC material, send them to, and they just might end up in a future issue of this newsletter.

If you own the game, currently play, and are interested in helping your fellow adventurers as part of the Asheron's Call team, we'd like you to contact us. The advocates are our first and most valuable help resource for many new players. See the following article for more information and a link to an application form:



The following template was submitted by the Zone's own Daniel Adam:

"Here is what I believe to be the best Sword template around. This is after playing dozens of different styles/templates since Dec 16:"

Race: Aluvian
Specialized: Sword, Melee Defense, Arcane Lore
Trained: Healing

Strength: 100
Endurance: 20
Coordination: 100
Quickness: 90
Focus: 10
Self: 10

1. Starting killing rabbits/drudges/shreths, and keep assigning XP to Health/Endurance, Sword/Melee Defense, and Strength/Coordination/Quickness. Basically advance in blocks of 5 -- so first boost Health by 5, then Endurance by 5, then Sword by 5, then Melee Defense by 5, then Strength, etc. At level 5 start putting XP into Arcane Lore and Focus, as this will later enable you to wear magic items. I recommend that you have Arcane Lore at 50+ by level 10 and 100+ by level 20.
2. Acquire Item Enchantment at level 9, Creature Magic at level 25, and finally Mana Conversion.

Things to keep in mind:
1. Always make sure you are sync'd to the closest lifestone to where you are fighting.
2. Don't just jump into random portals -- some lead to death.
3. Remember that things that attack you from the back will kill you easier than from the front (shields help).

"This should get your hero started!"

For other unique templates, check out AC Tips:
( There, players can find templates for Monks, Barbarians -- even the almighty Mule!




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If you have any trouble playing games on the Zone, check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions and find the answer to your problem there.;=S&

Play it on the Zone!

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You registered to receive this newsletter on the MSN Gaming Zone. To unsubscribe, do the following

1. Go to Member Services in Zone Help:
2. Log in with your Zone ID (not your AC character name) and password.
3. Uncheck the box that's labeled "Send me the Asheron's Call newsletter every month to: "

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  • Contents of this news letter was retreived from archived pages from AC Stratics:
    • (web archive)