Annals of Dereth/Issue 9

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Annals of Dereth, Issue #9

From August 2000

A N N A L S   O F   D E R E T H

The Asheron's Call Newsletter

August 2000 (#9)

Play it on the Zone!

In this issue . . .

1 -- OUR SAGA THUS FAR . . .





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Welcome to the Annals of Dereth, the newsletter for the Asheron's Call role- playing game! We bring you this bulletin every month to give you a wide view on Dereth's evolving community, events, and features.


1 -- OUR SAGA THUS FAR . . .

Shivering under a steady downpour, two hungry heroes of Dereth sat camped around a fire, while a third stood stirring a cooking pot. Hungry, gnashing teeth shone in the light. On the beach of Northern Osteth, they had recently returned from an expedition to nearby Aerlinthe Isle.

"Hurry up, will ya?" the seated life mage, or her belly, growled.

"Just you wait! It takes time to prepare a dish. Not like chomping raw apples, you know." The vagabond cook sneezed directly into the pot; he'd caught a cold in the rain.

"Time -- and skill," the life mage retorted. "Ever since you found those brown beans, it's been nothing but sweets. Remember the hearty chocolate beef noodles disaster?"

On the face of the other sitting hero, a gromnie-coated warrior, a violet glow flared briefly. Another drudge had just been summoned to the world.

"I'll take care of it," the warrior muttered, rising to his feet. Drawing his sword, he stumbled over to the water's edge, rudely hacking down the intruding drudge with two quick strokes. Bending over, he searched the corpse.

"This campsite isn't safe." The life mage shook her head. "Anything?" she called over to the warrior.

"Brimstone-cap mushrooms. Can we use 'em?"

The vagabond cook thought a moment. If the dish failed, they would just be chomping raw apples. "Well, let's find out. Throw 'em in."

The warrior staggered back over, dropping three filthy mushrooms into the pot. "I'm so hungry, I could eat that dead drudge," he said. "Hey -- how come you never learned to cook those?"

True mysteries have occurred this month in Dereth, leading many to question summer's supposed innocence. Adventurers, returning from their quests on Aerlinthe Isle and at the Soul Fearing towers, have come across certain heroes rolling, bloated, on the ground -- their bellies filled with new chocolate treats. And healers have seen stranger wounds than chocolate- induced upset stomachs and golem burns from the volcanic caldera -- they've also noticed a rash of damaged, bloodied shins (not to mention backsides), derived no doubt from the entrance of steel-toed boots into the world. And then there are those nighttime stars streaking across the celestial plane. Astronomers, having studied their portentous journeys for quite some time now, have begun to frown and warn of impending events…



August's event has opened, and with it come festivities to mark the occasion of summer. Celebrating a brief moment of peace and prosperity, heroes have begun a renaissance of skill -- with resulting contests developing. The Quest for Chocolate pitted great cooks against one another in a challenge of discovery; meanwhile, Dereth's poetic souls looked to fill the libraries with their works of words. Of all competitions, however, the most dangerous must surely have been those duels fought in the depths of the new dungeon arenas.

In addition, news has spread of numerous player-run events, including Shiner's Morningthaw summer fashion contest, Mathonwy's Harvestgain/Arwic meeting hall lottery, and Clan Bonsai's Leafcull Olympics! Great job with the events, and we certainly look forward to seeing more in the months to come.

However, all has not been fun and games this month in Dereth. Valiant efforts have been made in the Southern Dires to complete the latest Soul Fearing quest -- heroes have staggered back, mumbling of a mark of three towers guarded by the restless dead. In addition, progress has recently been made in the Aerlinthe Isle quest. Assault groups, advancing further than ever into the caldera, learned that the Behemoth of Tenkarrdun is surely not the final villain to be faced. New treasures have also been discovered there -- new infusions, whose effects are still being investigated… Yet, with further victory gained on Aerlinthe, new volcanoes have erupted, and with them such dire messages as this, in the world where one brave hero won the day: "As Cybelle smites the Hellfire, the flame- creatures sigh, and begin to disappear back into the vents and fumaroles they surfaced through. But, from the base of the mountain's slopes, you hear the whisper of falling ash, and the clacking of petrified bones..."

Truly, the adventurers of Dereth would do wise to hone their skills now. For, as has been rumored, great and momentous events loom on the horizon. Already the first signs of which have been seen -- with the advent of secure trading. And yet, if this is talked of openly, what secrets are still kept hidden? For more information on August's event, be sure to check out the official Roll-Out article ( as well as the current Build Notes ( And, for news of September's upcoming event, Twilight's Gleaming, be sure to check the latest teaser (

As part of this month's event, a new addition to the Web site has been added -- the State of the Network. From time to time, maintenance work unfortunately does require server downtime. We plan to use the State of the Network to announce all downtimes we know will take place in the near future, as well as to provide information on such server related topics as ETA, portal storms, and the most dreaded beast of all -- lag. Look for the State of the Network, along with the State of the Code, to feature prominently on the News page:

On August 16th, members of the Turbine group participated in the most recent Developer's Chat. Having launched the "Taste of Twilight", Turbine took the time to answer questions on the newly revised world as well as to address players' comments and concerns. This dev chat saw some changes to the format, allowing developers a better chance to respond to as many questions as possible. In order to solve the problem of "vanished" audience members, the queue was cleared three hours prior to the event. In addition, it was requested that members limit themselves to only one question, to be stated first and then followed by any comments. Please note that this format will be followed for all future Dev Chats as well. To read the transcript, head over to:

CONTEST RESULTS Results have been posted of those lucky souls winning the AMD giveaway prizes. From July 28th to the 31st, players were chosen at random in the game to receive prizes packages from AMD T-shirts, Gravis Xterminator joysticks -- all the way to an AMD Mother Board and 800Mhz Processor! Our congratulations to the winners, and our thanks as well to AMD and Gravis for helping make this a successful contest. For the complete list of winners, see:

Results for August's cooking contest, the Quest for Chocolate, have also been posted: (, with results for the writing contest soon to follow.

The latest Top 10 Lists are out! Recently, we polled various fan sites to better determine what lists you want to see, and in response to poll results, these most recent lists feature Dagger and Bow skills. Also, since most heroes fell into the template of "adventurer", we have further added the "Heritage Group" category in an effort to provide as much information as possible. While new list categories will continue to be rotated in, and older lists archived (but not updated), one list -- Veteran Ranks (displaying highest levels) -- will be kept current. Our highest congratulations to Del Cabon, for reaching the unprecedented heights of Level 100!

All Top 10 Lists can be found at:

And recently, Ken Karl of the AC team took the time to answer a few questions about the lists with the Crossroads of Dereth. His insights can be found in the CoD news article "Secrets of the Top 10", at:

If you want any events listed in our official Zone schedule, go to our Events page to register them. Remember, when submitting an event or a gathering, please:

1. Submit the event at least two weeks before you intend to run it.
2. Include ALL information requested on the form. We've received many events we couldn't process because the form wasn't complete.
3. Be sure that your event abides by the Code of Conduct and the End User License Agreement. The License Agreement is included in your game box, and the Code of Conduct can be found on the following page: 4. Do not hold events within towns. You may call people to gather at outposts, however.

We look forward to promoting your events! The Events page is located at:



As a reminder, just as we take great pride in our game, we understand that players take an equal amount of pride in their characters and allegiances. Many have devoted their time and efforts to the creation of both ornate and informative AC fan sites. If you run an AC fan site, and would like to be included on the Related Links page, please submit your URL address for review to: Please note: sites MUST be complete at the time of submission, or they cannot be included. Several new links have been added this past month, including sites for Asia, Australia -- and the AC "Singles Club"!

Space has been reserved in the past for player fiction on the Player Chronicles page. While this page has been filled for some time, that just means that it's time for some new blood. Please note that we cannot accept direct fiction submissions; however, if you run a fan site or an allegiance site, feel free to send in links to fiction pieces you currently host on your site. Again, URL addresses can be submitted for review to:; and, as always, content must be appropriate for Microsoft's Zone or the piece cannot be included. Submission Guidelines for fiction pieces have also just been posted (

In recent days, several new monarchs have advanced to Rank 7 in their respective pyramids… yet at the time of this writing, one monarch has successfully ascended to the top of the list. Congratulations to Skystreak Cloudrider, the first Rank 8 monarch in Dereth! Skystreak has provided one of the most recent monarchy interviews; be sure to look for the next interview from Zacantos of the Illuminati. At the moment, we are attempting to arrange interviews with the latest monarchs; if you are a monarch who has just been added to the list, look for an invitation to arrange an interview in the days to come!

Also, our most sincere thanks for remembering to send in those screenshots with the monarch updates. As always, please be sure to send updates at least once every two weeks, or you may be removed from the list without notice.

The Allegiance Hall now boasts well over 200 links to excellent allegiance sites, organized by server world. Almost a dozen sites have already been posted for the most recent world to open, Solclaim, and we've just added our first Norwegian site: Klan Nidaros to Thistledown! When submitting your allegiance site for review, please be sure that the site is complete, the content is appropriate, and the server world you play on is indicated; then, send all URL addresses to: For the list of highest ranking monarchs and the list of allegiance sites, look no further than the Allegiance Hall:

My Five Minutes on Darktide: The following begins a hilarious account of one adventurer's brave expedition… to the dark side. Written by Dr. Sparky of Harvestgain, the following can be read in its entirety at Asheron's Call Sage:

"Well, I had to try it. We all have had that little voice in the back of our heads saying "do it, try Darktide". So I figure why not. I have had fun playing my assorted non-PK characters on Harvestgain. I have a basic understanding of intricacies of the game, so I did it.

"No special thought given to template characters... I figured that this was only an experiment anyway. Follow the generic blademaster default with a few slight tweaks to give me a little more health, as I thought that that might come in handy. I was wrong."

GI Joe vs. Aliens: Two of Turbine's artists, Sean Huxter and Sean Dickinson, have put together an absolutely brilliant photo story. Check it out at:

Taste of Twilight Falls Prey to Parody: Alas, not even the humble writers of AC are safe! The following was posted the day our official August event teaser went live, and can currently be found in its entirety on the CoD news archives (, under "Zone Teaser Parody":

"Fulfilling our commitment to bring players a world-altering event each month, we'll soon be opening August's "Taste of Twilight"! "Taste of Twilight" will provide what Dereth needs best, a chili cook-off! Although volcanoes still rumble and the Isle of Aerlinthe beckons more heroes on to their doom, (Doom! Doom! Doom! You're all doomed!) the remainder of Dereth has come to experience a -- relatively -- quiet moment of peace and prosperity. (Peace and prosperity brought to you by the Asheron Party. Vote Asheron in 2000!) To celebrate, many a town has spread word of contests they plan to host. Corn-shucking days in Yaraq! The First Annual Drudge Tossing Contest in Mayoi! The Direlands 300 (Brought to you by Asheron's Armor Cleaner.)! Three-Legged Shreth Racing in Lytlethorpe! Can such celebrations be proof of evil's demise? Or merely of its inability to get its DSL connection working?"

If you own the game, currently play, and are interested in helping your fellow adventurers as part of the Asheron's Call team, we'd like you to contact us. The advocates are our first and most valuable help resource for many new players. See the following article for more information and a link to an application form:



In order to dispel some of the confusion regarding the new arena dungeons, please note that non-PK's will NOT become PK by entering the arenas. This was never the intention, and for this reason we restricted access to the arenas. However, we do understand that some misconception about the arenas has nevertheless arisen, and we apologize for any confusion that's been caused.

As event logs have so far indicated, the Aerlinthe Isle quest has yet to be fully completed; however, at the time of writing, recent efforts on the island have managed to come closer than ever to solving the quest -- including the Foundation of Wisdom's organization of a do-or-die expedition, "The Assault of Tenkarrdun". Best of luck with their attempt, as well as to all heroes working to reach each quest's conclusion! For news of recent events on Aerlinthe, you can read the most current history of Dereth in the Story So Far, written by Turbine's Chris L'etoile ( And for those looking for a hint or two, Damien Sarin has also posted a great deal of useful information about the Aerlinthe Isle quest at his site:

Last month we featured the Ultimate Sword template, as well as links to other templates hosted on AC Tips. This time, we'd like to point out AC Sage's fine template set, including details for the Versatile Rogue, Supported Archer, and Melee Mage:




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If you have any trouble playing games on the Zone, check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions and find the answer to your problem there.;=S&

Play it on the Zone!

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You registered to receive this newsletter on the MSN Gaming Zone. To unsubscribe, do the following

1. Go to Member Services in Zone Help:
2. Log in with your Zone ID (not your AC character name) and password.
3. Uncheck the box that's labeled "Send me the Asheron's Call newsletter every month to: <your e-mail address>"

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  • Contents of this news letter was retreived from archived pages from AC Stratics:
    • (web archive)