2003/09 - Olthoi Invasion

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Olthoi Invasion

  • 9/19/2003 - All Servers - Aluvian, Gharu'ndim & Sho Lands Olthoi Invasion Nests 1 - 3
  • 9/20/2003 - All Servers - Aluvian, Gharu'ndim & Sho Lands Olthoi Invasion Nest 4
  • 9/22/2003 - All Servers - Aluvian, Gharu'ndim & Sho Lands Olthoi Invasion Nest 5
    • A mid level Olthoi nest (lvl 20 - 39) appears in Uziz and players assault the Olthoi Matron within it! [1]
  • 9/24/2003 - All Servers - Aluvian, Gharu'ndim & Sho Lands Olthoi Invasion Nest 6




Live Event Items

Warlord of Dereth Token Hero of Dereth Token Warden of Dereth Token Guardian of Dereth Token Defender of Dereth Token Keeper of Dereth TokenFile:Olthoi Queens - Locations and Findings Icon.png Olthoi Queens - Locations and Findings Olthoi Gland

Title Rewards


Lore & Dialog

NPCs at Candeth Keep
Aun Xalenua tells you, "We await the coming of Elysatah, slayer of Wharu's Betrothed. She will command us as budhis against the Children of Wharu. Then shall this world know peace, and Palenqual will once again know respite."

Janek, Lugian Juggernaut tells you, "We shall hold the peace here until your High Queen, Elysa, has had proper time to discern the location of all the olthoi nests upon Dereth. Without her, our people would still make war. I prefer peace, do you not as well?"

Elysa Strathelar, Antius Blackmoor and Nuhmudira arrive
High Queen Elysa Strathelar and her entourage arrive at Candeth Keep. They pour over plans to assault a vast network of hives that extends beneath the majority of Dereth. Antius Blackmoor stands at her side as forward scout, and Nuhmudira acts as her chief advisor. The three join the forward guard there and await assistance from any who would aid in removing the Olthoi from Dereth.

High Queen, Elysa Strathelar
High Queen, Elysa Strathelar tells you, "I wish that our meeting were under less dire circumstances. Alas, we are not afforded such an advantage. I thank you for heeding this call and ask that you listen to the words of my councilors, Antius and Nuhmudira."
High Queen, Elysa Strathelar tells you, "Nuhmudira has set aside her differences with Asheron to see that we rid this menace from our land. She needs our help in collecting very fragile organs from the olthoi that now plague the direlands."
High Queen, Elysa Strathelar tells you, "The efforts of others have done well in freeing the remainder of Dereth, I only hope that we can succeed as well as they."
High Queen, Elysa Strathelar tells you, "Antius has information on the movements of the olthoi, he has insight into possible locations of the queens."
High Queen, Elysa Strathelar tells you, "I am preparing plans for an assault on a hive that we have discovered in the northeastern area of Dereth. But I cannot bring the breadth of the unified forces of Dereth to bear against them until we have a weapon to bring the ancient queen down."

Antius Blackmoor
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Since joining the High Queen's council I have served as chief diplomat and scout. In the last few weeks we have found large concentrations of olthoi at several focal points across Dereth. Most of these focal points have already been eliminated by other hunters; their efforts will not be forgotten, or go without reward. There are still five locations that have a higher concentration of olthoi than we have ever seen before."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "We know that vibrations attract the olthoi. Preliminary reports about previously dismantled nests indicated a powerful humming noise emanating from the structure. We believe that the olthoi have been digging from the north and south for quite some time, having used the chaos that has been brewing amongst the lugian and tumerok raids, and heightened presence of Aerbax's virindi, as a cover for their expansion. This shows a heightened intelligence akin to what they exhibited upon our first arrival to Auberean."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Additionally, I am certain that smell has something to do with their movements. I've visited the former sites of the nests and found that each had a peculiar scent about it. Perhaps the potency of the scent attracts the different Matrons and Queens, who in turn control the movements and actions of the horde. I cannot fathom the level of intelligence necessary for organizing so many minds at once, but I am certain that such intelligence must have a weakness."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "We have Asheron and Nuhmudira, despite their differences, working on finding and exploiting that weakness. Nuhmudira is collecting the glands from the olthoi queens, while Asheron attempts to duplicate the process that he used for the original poison. There is still one concern however. We are not as advanced as the Empyrean and so our attempts at harvesting the glands will likely be clumsy. For that very reason, I have found the location of five other massive concentrations of olthoi. We are presuming that these areas are lead by a queen."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "I have detailed the locations in this book."
Antius Blackmoor gives you Olthoi Queens: Locations and Findings.
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "When you find the queens, kill them and harvest the glands. Return those to Nuhmudira. I will be departing with Elysa at some point to find the location of the final one or two nests. Good Luck."

Nuhmudira tells you, "I have come to assist the High Queen however I may. I have put aside my distrust of Asheron for the betterment of all and welcome your assistance as well. My goals are simply to assist in the crafting of a poison that will rid us of the Queen once and for all."
Nuhmudira tells you, "This olthoi menace must be stopped if we are to live free and fulfilling lives. To this end I charge you to assist us, in this hour of need, by hunting and killing the Olthoi Queens that control the Direlands, and Obsidian Plains. Harvest the glands that produce the acid that they spit and return them to me."
Nuhmudira tells you, "Be very careful in the collection process. Asheron has explained that mishandling the glands can corrupt and ruin the specimen. Bring any specimen that you harvest to me. I will know which ones are complete when they are delivered. Antius seems to know the location of these queens. Speak to him and perhaps he will give you some guidance."
Nuhmudira tells you, "Be safe."

[Player's Name] rends the nest in the Gharu'ndim lands. The beacon crumbles, and with it the will of the olthoi. They flee the surface and in their wake other creatures return to the surface.

"A crushing blow from [Player's Name] rips the olthoi nest in the Aluvian lands apart. The beacon that called the olthoi to these lands has been destroyed. As the chitin warriors are driven from the surface, the former denizens return to claim the land once more."

"With a mighty blow, [Player's Name] shreds the nest in Sho lands. With the beacon that called them to these lands destroyed, the olthoi retreat from the landscape. As the olthoi dig beneath the surface, other creatures find their way back to the surface."
