A Primer on Halaetan Geography
Material retrieved from original Turbine caches available at http://web.archive.org.
Original Link (now dead) - http://ac.turbine.com/index.php?page_id=328
Posted By on 11-Nov-2004
By Avara du Renari, Royal Cartographer

The island where Sanamar now stands has been named after the King's own bloodline, the Corcosi. Corcosi Island is the southernmost island, with only a fringe of ice on the northeast coast. The hill of Sanamar was chosen as a most auspicious location not only because of its southern location and its commanding view of the southern bay, but also because of an omen. In the early times after our arrival, our people were constantly at war, with the rebels of Bellenesse, the native creatures of this land, or the harsh wintry climate. The King led us south and west from our initial landing, until we found an omen on this southern coastal cliff: a great bull of red coloring, silhouetted in the setting sun. The manifestation of the emblem of the royal house was enough reason to choose that site for our new home. Corcosi Island is the safest of our wild islands, as royal power is most effectively exercised so near the capital.
To the north of Corcosi Island is perhaps the most agreeable of the islands, named Lotila Island in honor of one of the King's most loyal and powerful supporters, Countess Marena du Lotila, murdered foully by the Duke's forces at the onset of the rebellion. A series of beautiful cascading waterfalls on the northwest tip of the island is the named the Cataracts of Sabella, after the King's gracious mother, Queen Sabella. An outpost of knights has been established on the southwest shore of the island, as a western lookout.
To the north of our primary settlement is an island dominated by the Duke's rebels. There, on a plateau near the northwestern shore, they have established their town of Silyun. The rebels, craven as they are, have done a poor job of securing their lands, and the entire island is stalked by more dangerous creatures than one would find on the islands of Corcosi and Lotila. It is for their tainted presence that the entire island is named Traitor's Island.
Immediately east of Traitor's Island is the inhospitable island where our people first appeared after the King led us through the portal. Because it served as the source of our advance upon the world, we have named it Vanguard Isle. It is not so well-explored as other islands, and there is a strange and dangerous valley leading to its northernmost reaches, called Shadow Pass. To the north of that pass is a settlement of peculiar creatures, civilized and quite adept with magic, called the Fiun. Vanguard Isle is still a dangerous place to travel, and all are cautioned to stay away until they have proven themselves with force of arms or sorcerous might.
The most dangerous of the islands in this chain is the Isle of Ruin, east of Vanguard Isle. Ostensibly it is so named because of the ruins of ancient civilizations found there – but these ruins can be found on all the islands. No, it is more accurate to say the Isle of Ruin earned its name from the ruin it brought to countless brave adventurers who sought to explore and civilize its frigid expanses. A garrison of knights has established a small outpost on its eastern shore, which we have named Eastwatch. But even those doughty warriors hesitate to venture into the terrible frozen valley at the northern head of the island, named the Shattered Out-Lands.
Southeast of Vanguard Isle is the fortress of the King's royal cousin, the legendary battle-commander, General Corcima. General Corcima uses that bleak and foreboding location as his base from which he will lead the King's forces to conquest of the Bloodless lands. What more goes on there, I cannot say...