Acid Elemental

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Acid Elemental

See also: Category:Elemental (Acid)
Elemental; Category:Elemental
Elemental (Fire); Category:Elemental (Fire)
Elemental (Frost); Category:Elemental (Frost)
Elemental (Lightning); Category:Elemental (Lightning)

Walking embodiments of pure natural force, acid elementals are spawned by the very turbulent nature of Dereth itself; after all, they seem to appear where nature occurs at its most violent (consider volcanic Aerlinthe Isle). Or, perhaps elementals are the result of ancient Empyrean magic — mystic creations, like the golems. Perhaps someday the Master of the Elements, Gaerlan will share his intimate knowledge of how acid elementals are birthed into the world.

Inserting a lightning major atlan stone or the prismatic stone into an Isparian weapon adds acid elemental/elemental slaying properties that greatly amplify damage. Acid elementals are in general weak to lightning.


Name Lvl XP Heath Stam Mana Loot Tier Trophies
Buillic 85 20000 230 420 520 ?? None
Hand of Verdancy 161 0 23000 5000 1000 0 None
Singe 18 850 63 295 190 1 None
Stringent 4 60 25 230 80 1 None
Virulence 135 ?? 565 520 520 ?? None