From Drunkapedia

East and West Shore
- Augmented Drudge
- Banderling Mangler
- Banderling Mauler
- Black Phyntos Swarm
- Black Phyntos Wasp
- Cursed Wisp
- Malus Shreth
- Mist Golem
- Nubilous Golem
- Specter
- Spirit
- Wasteland Rat
- White Phyntos Wasp
- Black Phyntos Wasp
- Coral Golem
- Cursed Bones
- Cursed Wisp
- Diamond Golem
- Drudge Sage
- Ember
- Fire Wisp
- Flamma
- Great Skeleton
- Magma Golem
- Murk Drudge
- Nubilous Golem
- Phantom
- Relic Bones
- Specter
- White Phyntos Wasp
Tenkarrdun and Lava Floes
- Cursed Bones
- Cursed Wisp
- Diamond Golem
- Drudge Sage
- Fire Wisp
- Firestorm
- Flamma
- Gout
- Hellfire
- Magma Golem
- Nubilous Golem
- Phantom
- Specter
- White Phyntos Wasp
North Shore
- Ancient Diamond Golem
- Banderling Antagonist
- Banderling Enforcer
- Banderling Slayer
- Banderling Thrasher
- Drudge Mystic
- Giant Phyntos Swarm
- Gloom Drudge
- Haunt
- Nightmare Wisp
- Phantom
- Poltergeist
- Pyreal Golem
- Spectral Wisp
- Vapor Golem
Shimena Keep
- Ancient Coral Golem
- Armored Skeleton
- Dark Master
- Diamond Golem
- Gold Golem
- Great Revenant
- Plasma Golem
- Platinum Golem
- Pyreal Golem
- Relic Bones
- Sapphire Golem
- Spectral Wisp
- Ancient Diamond Golem
- Ascendant Drudge
- Drudge Cabalist
- Firestorm
- Hellfire
- Magma Golem
- Nightmare Wisp
- Nubilous Golem
- Plasma Golem
- Platinum Golem
- Poltergeist
- Vapor Golem