Aetheria of Lyr
From Drunkapedia
Related topics: Aetheria
Introduced: | Shedding Skin | Related Quests: | Aetheria |
- Value: 10,000
- Burden: 50
- Spells: Surge of Protection
- Properties: Cast on Strike
- Wield requires level 75
- This item cannot be sold.
- A piece of the Sigil of .... set
This aetheria's sigil now shows on the surface.
- The name is derived from the ingame message (in the main window) when you try to switch Aetheria when already weilding one.
- The Blue Aetheria, see Aetheria for different spell & set combinations
- x can be any number up to 4, and the level is also indicated on the top right corner of the icon (the crafting recipe below suggests the aetheria will lose a level, but this is not so)
- The set and spells will show up after using an Aetheria Mana Stone on Coalesced Aetheria (Blue), found on different creatures or in chests:
- Use Aetheria Mana Stone on Coalesced Aetheria (Blue) to create Aetheria (Blue).
- A sigil rises to the surface as you bathe the aetheria in mana.