Ammunition Template
From Drunkapedia
Related topics: Page Templates, {{Ammunition}}, {{Crafting Recipe}}, {{Recipe Table}}, {{Intro}}
This template can be used for Arrows, Quarrels, Darts and other ammunition
- Remove the line "Description Two" if the item is not used in a missile weapon or otherwise not appropriate.
- Remove the lines from the Notes which are not appropriate (i.e. if not a creature drop, not sold by vendors, or does not require a recipe).
Wiki Code
{{Intro | Patch Introduced = | Related Quests = | Updated = }} {{Ammunition | Type = Bow - Crossbow - Thrown Weapons | Name = | Icon Image = Icon.png | Live Image = Live.jpg | Live Image Caption = | Value = | Burden = | Description = | Damage = | Element = | Description Two = Used as ammunition by bows crossbows atlatls | Base Weapon Req = | Special Properties = | Cannot Be Sold = True }} ==Notes== * {{Item Drops|{{PAGENAME}}}} {{Sold By|{{PAGENAME}}}} * [[:Special:Whatlinkshere/{{PAGENAME}} | Recipes]] which call for {{PAGENAME}}. * Skill Check: ?? * Does not stack. / Stack Size: ?? ==Recipe== {{Crafting Recipe | Tools = [[Tool]], [[Tool]] | Ingredients = (Number) [[Ingredient]], (Number) [[Ingredient]] | Result = (Number) {{PAGENAME}} }} * '''Steps:''' {{Recipe Table | Ingredient 1 = | Ingredient 2 = | Result = }} {{Recipe Table | Ingredient 1 = | Ingredient 2 = | Result = {{PAGENAME}} }} :<font color=green>(Optional:Crafting Message)<br></font> If appropriate: [[Category:Fletching]
See Deadly Frost Arrow for the results of the example code below.
{{Intro | Patch Introduced = [[Persuasion]] | Related Quests = | Updated = }} {{Ammunition | Type = Bow | Name = Deadly Frost Arrow | Icon Image = Deadly Frost Arrow Icon.png | Live Image = Live.jpg | Live Image Caption = | Value = 11 | Burden = 10 | Description = | Damage = 18.2 - 26 | Element = Cold | Description Two = Used as ammunition by bows | Base Weapon Req = 230 | Special Properties = | Cannot Be Sold = True }} ==Notes== * [[:Special:Whatlinkshere/{{PAGENAME}} | Recipes]] which call for {{PAGENAME}}. * Skill Check: ?? * Stack Size: 250 ==Recipe== {{Crafting Recipe | Tools = | Ingredients = 1 [[Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Frost Arrowheads]], 1 [[Wrapped Bundle of Arrowshafts]] | Result = 250 {{PAGENAME}} }} * Steps: {{Recipe Table | Ingredient 1 = Wrapped Bundle of Deadly Frost Arrowheads | Ingredient 2 = Wrapped Bundle of Arrowshafts | Result = {{PAGENAME}} }} :<font color=green><br></font> [[Category:Fletching]]