Announcements - 2001/01 - Now In This Hush

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January 2001 - Patch Page


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Now In This Hush

January 3, 2001

Amurra, perched on a stone outcrop, blew on her hands. The late frost was sinking into everyone's bones. “I still can't believe they managed to defeat the Hopeslayer. A demon of this world, thousands of years old, and more powerful than Asheron! It is truly a testament to the human spirit, isn't it Gideon?”

Gideon looked up from fletching quarrels. Can she not see that I'm busy? One of us must have a clue as to what's going on around. These mountains are dangerous! “Yes, sure. Human spirit. Testament. Huzzah for the war mages. Why don't you stop talking and hand me that letter MacNiall gave us?”

Amurra glowered at him, but dug in her pack until she found it. Eyes narrowed, she walked over and handed him the letter with testy deliberation.

Gideon perused it while packing his gear. He was curious about what MacNiall would have to say to his cousin.

“Look Gideon,” Amurra said crossly, “I'm tired of you treating me like some second-rate vagabond. I know what I'm doing! Even the Zharalim respect me more than you do.”

Gideon frowned. How am I supposed to concentrate with her prattling on like this? He turned to her, impatient--

--and saw the Iron Golem charging from behind. An old and scathing Aluvian curse fell stillborn in his mouth. “Golem!” he simply yelped instead, and scrambled for his crossbow.

Still scowling, Amurra turned around as Gideon fumbled to load a barbed quarrel he'd paid for through the nose. Yet instead of backing away from the Golem, she began to cast, an odd purplish glow manifesting between her fingers. Titanic gouts of acid surged from her hands, reducing the Golem to its base components.

Bet you won't treat me like a sidekick now,” she proudly chirped. Bemused, Gideon nodded, wondering from where the Iron Golem had come.

Unlike any other gaming experience, the world of Asheron's Call continues to evolve with each and every month. New lands have been discovered, new creatures battled. Towns and seasons have even come and gone. Last month the dread Hopeslayer, Bael'Zharon, walked abroad, spreading terror with every step. One can only wonder what changes and additions will soon take place when we open our January event, “Now in this Hush.”

Be sure to continue your part in this incredible ongoing story -- and we'll see you in Dereth!

Rollout Article

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Now In This Hush

January 9, 2001

Carefully. . . cautiously. . .

. . . cellar doors have begun to unlock. Hastily erected barricades have started to come down. Once more, the people of Dereth poke their heads back into the world to see if all is well.

Last month, the dread Hopeslayer, Bael'Zharon, walked the land. In his path -- epic terror. Many a good hero fled, or perished in trying to face him. Yet just at hope's end, a valiant quest -- organized by Lord Asheron himself -- succeeded, imprisoning the dread Hopeslayer within a second, stronger crystal prison.

Yet will this prison hold?

As the people of Dereth reemerge from their cellars and other places of hiding, they'll find that with Bael'Zharon defeated, the world has reverted to its more natural order. Along with the dread Hopeslayer, also gone are the rivers and rains of blood. The skies have cleared, and there are even signs of mild winter setting in. The world, seemingly, has recovered.

Still, no one believes all danger has been forever banished. Not here. Not in Dereth.

As a result of the struggle against Bael'Zharon, improvements have developed in certain ways of war. Veteran mages from the School of the Arm now cast spells mightier than anything yet seen before -- mighty enough to reduce fey and feral beasts to smoldering piles of ash. Then there are those warriors who took up, not magic, but blades against Bael'Zharon. From the perilous lessons learned in the fighting, many claim that deadly new feats with light swords and daggers are now possible; yet it may be that such swashbuckling tricks remain the secret of Dereth's bandits. In addition, a further quest has come about, concerning the land's most famous sword. . . somehow related to the site of Bael'Zharon's former prison, now marked with a tribute to its defense.

Is this improved sword, then, a reward from Lord Asheron? Or a subtle reminder of evil's power, from the dread Hopeslayer himself?

Following is a list of the most interesting additions made to the game this update. However, please note that not all changes have been included -- that would spoil the fun of finding out everything that's been added or changed! As usual, though, the town criers, barkeeps, and scribes may know the latest news. Also, the trades of crafting and selling are always in flux, so changes to prices and abilities of items are not always listed here in their entirety.

Highlights include:

  • A new dagger quest has been introduced.
  • In addition, the Sword of Lost Hope quest was added as a result of Bael'Zharon's defeat.
  • New level VII War Magic spells have been introduced. Now you can really show the monsters of Dereth who's in charge!
  • Fellowships that consist entirely of players level 50 and above now share XP equally, regardless of how far apart in level players are from the fellowship leader.
  • Wintertime has come to the land of Dereth. Let there be snow (and snowmen, too)!
  • The level restrictions to the Fenmalain and Caulnalain portals have been increased.
  • Master archmage vendors now sell portal gems. A good way of getting rid of some of that extra pyreal bogging you down. In return, recall to some of your favorite towns.
  • The Tumerok Overlord now carries a key; his loot has been moved to a chest. The key is quest-flagged with an interval of one week.
  • On Thistledown, look for a tribute to those who defended the Soul Crystal.

In order to learn the full scope of January's event, “Now In This Hush,” be sure to read the State of the Code and Developer's Notes, January. Continue your part in this incredible on-going story. . . and we'll see you in Dereth!

Release Notes

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Developer's Notes

January 9, 2001

Here are just some of the additions made in the January 9 game update, “Now in this Hush.” The following list is comprised of detailed notes straight from the developers themselves. For a summary of things of most interest, be sure to consult the official event article, Now in this Hush.

Detailed Notes for Builds 2480 - 2484:

  • The ten level restriction between players joining a fellowship is now ignored if the leader and new member of the fellowship are both level fifty or above.
  • Removed "the" from wand names.
  • Changed the text string that players receive when they try to cast a beneficial spell on a monster. "You can't cast beneficial spells on monsters," now reads: "You cast the spell, but beneficial spells do not affect monsters."
  • Removed heritage group names from doors.
  • You no longer end up with a negative AL when failing to dye an item that has had its armor level raised with magic.
  • Yoroi and scale mail cuirasses no longer use the same icon.
  • Fixed the text strings and collection behaviors of collectors.
  • Master archmage vendors now sell portal gems.
  • Certain archmages now sell tapers; lead, iron, copper, and silver scarabs; and all trade notes. Other archmages now sell gold and pyreal scarabs.
  • Certain vendors have been updated to carry health potions and stamina elixirs.
  • Fixed the bug that created ten bundles of barbed arrows instead of one bundle.
  • Lightened the encumbrance of Shreth gauntlets, making them more user friendly.
  • The Tumerok Overlord now carries a key, and his loot has been moved to a chest. The key is quest-flagged with an interval of one week. This change has been made to reduce spawn camping for his treasure.
  • Fixed the Soul Fearing Acolytes who summoned portals upon death, so that they no longer cast them into a wall.
  • Fixed the Mausoleum Guardian and Warden. They will no longer be the one-eyed men in the land of the blind.
  • Placed proper exit portals in the Heart of Darkness dungeon.
  • Upped the maximum level limits of the Fenmalain and Caulnalain portals.
  • The Shade Stronghold portal generator no longer creates two portals.
  • The Empyrean Cloister portal is no longer tie-able.
  • Fixed the prison room in Aerfalle's Keep where some players were drain macroing. Players should note that two Umbris Shadows have been placed in a formerly prime buff location. Their spawn rate is ten minutes as opposed to the dungeon standard of three minutes.
  • Lifestones now have a two foot usability radius. This fixes a bug involving players using lifestones from a distance.
  • Fixed the damage types for Slithayr Tendrils and Sulthis Tendrils.
  • Fixed data errors in Skeletons and Wisps.
  • Changed the value of notes and letters in newbie quests to zero.
  • Changed the value of keys acquired for free in newbie quests to zero.
  • Changed the value of weapons acquired for free in old newbie quests to zero.
  • Changed the value of jewelry acquired for free in old newbie quests to zero.
  • Changed the value of general items acquired for free in old newbie quests to zero.
  • Quest-flagged Lou Ka's yaoji and Lou Ei's bracelet.
  • Changed the spawn rate on Lou Ei's bracelet chest.
  • There are six stackable quest items in the newbie quests that bypassed the quest flags; changing the max stack size to one seemed to fix this problem.