Announcements - 2013/09 - The Quest for Freedom

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August 2013 - Patch Page

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Release Notes

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September 2013: Release Notes

  • Monthly Kill Task updated (these are now weekly & award 5k luminance each)
  • Quest of the Month Updates:
    • Weekly:
    • Bi-Weekly:
    • Monthly:


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September 2013: Emotions Unbound

The screams, the madness lingers at the fringes of my mind. I may have broken free, but I do not know for how long. Those monsters have corrupted my entire force; each of my soldiers overtaken by the chaos. I cannot blame them. When it invades your mind it is as if every possible emotion pours through you at once at a level more extreme than ever felt before.

It started nights ago. One soldier raged against everyone he saw. It took several of us to restrain him and lock him away. Our healer had no diagnosis so we watched, waited for it to pass. But then there was another, followed by dozens. The invisible enemy spread through our ranks with efficiency and ease. Those affected seemed to know one another. They fought together against the rest. I was the last to fall; a simultaneous freedom from the beatings of my brethren and enslavement to my burning, chaotic mind.

I do not know how I broke free from their grasp - although just barely - or even how long it has been. It’s as if they claw at the edges of my soul, trying to pull themselves back in. There is nothing I can do for my troops; every ounce of my energy is being used to resist.

I should escape to the surface, but they flood the plains. There is no way I could fight through that horde in my current state. More so, I do not think it wise to put others at risk. It would be tough to live with the shame and failure of hurting an innocent being if the corruption regains its hold on me.

So I stay. I stay and listen to the shouts of madness beyond my doors. I hold out, hoping my soldiers will break free, allowing us to take the fight back to the evil Rynthid plague that pours into this world. That faint and ignorant hope may be all that keeps the singularity out of my mind. But they can sense I don’t believe it myself and it only makes them push harder into my consciousness.

The troubles with Linvak seem like such a distant memory, the reasons for our fights unclear. It all seems so foolish now to not have our brothers by our side. Yet at the time it seemed so important; our virtue and principles so strong and our convictions so true that the only right answer was to go out on our own. Those very virtues may have led us right to our own destruction.

For any who stumble into this place, I am sorry; if I am the one who delivers the final blow, even sorrier still. I wish I could bury this place with us inside it, stopping us from doing any damage to this great land. However, if you do find us and manage to escape with your life, tell my brothers we are sorry.

I must end this here for the tentacles reach deeper into my mind as my strength fades. Good luck to whoever reads this and I apologize once again for the monster I may become.

Release Fiction

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September 2013: Release Fiction

Not released yet

Developer Comments

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Developer Comments

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Hotfix - September 2013

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September 2013: Hotfix Notes

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