Aphus Lounging Shirt combined with Aphus Wading Pants dyed red
Aphus Wading Pants
Value: 6,000 100 Burden Units
A pair of well crafted pants that are cut just below the knee. They are ideal for wading and are crafted from the finest Gharu'ndim silk. Thin lines of Pyreal can be seen woven into the fabric.
Armor Level: 0
Your base Run must be at least 200 to wield this item.
Covers Upper Legs, Lower Legs
Casts the following spells: On the Run
Armor Level: 0() Slashing: Average () () Piercing: Average () () Bludgeoning: Average () () Fire: Average () () Cold: Average () () Acid: Average () () Electric: Average () ()
Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 100
Spellcraft: 350
Mana: x/1000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
Spell Descriptions: On the Run (Increases the target's run skill by 11%)