Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden

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Introduced during Recollections.

Name Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden
Title Game Warden
Race Aun Tumerok
Location 60.7S 88.0W in Ayan Baqur
Route Take the Ayan portal in Whispering Blade Chapterhouse or Rossu Morta Chapterhouse.
Related Quests Dire Champions

Added in the Recollections Event, located at the south end of Ayan Baqur by the Uziz portal. He accepts the Dire Champion Tokens for xp. He also gives unique titles for each type of creature (the first time you hand a token after killing that type).

Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, "Your Queen, Ispar Elysatah, has asked me to help control of the growing threat of certain creatures here in the Direlands."
Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, "Atuakawa, or enemy warriors, called Dire Champions have been killing the unwary or unprepared who travel the Direlands. These atuakawa seem well trained and exceptionally difficult to kill."
Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, "It is my belief the creatures we fight in the Colosseum grow stronger from those battles, much as we do. These new atuakawa could be the result."
Aun Javhalrea, the Game Warden tells you, "If you are able to kill one of the Dire Champions they usually have a orange coin on them. Bring me this coin as proof of your kill and I will reward your for helping to thin their number."

See Dire Champions for a list of titles and creatures.