Book of Eibhil

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A powerful tome often described as having its own malevolent will.[1][2] Though its exact origins are unknown, we do have some details. It was described as an obscure Falatacot text by the Gelidites, along with another text called the Uotecatl Ceqt of Nahouhnztl.[3] Rytheran wrote that the book was, "derived from the primal darkness that the Falatacot found so enthralling, the darkness which eventually overcame them,"[2] and that when he had used the book, he had, "grasped the power that [the Old Ones] offered through the Book,"[2] showing that the root of the book's power comes from the Old Ones.

Historically, the book is first mentioned at the end of the Millennium War. In the moments before his death, Sarvien, the last king of Dericost,[4] uttered a prophecy from the Book of Eibhil, known as the Fivefold Curse,[5] the curse which outlined The Sendings of Darkness. Though it does not state whether Sarvien read directly from the book or recited from memory, the latter seems more likely, as the victorious Yalaini and Haebreans would have likely destroyed the book if it had been in Sarvien's possession.

The book was next used shortly after the Millennium War. Geraine IV and other Old Lords, notably Rytheran and Aerfalle, had fled from Dericost to Dereth to escape the Yalaini victors.[Citation Needed] Here, they found the House Mhoire, a Dericost house that opposed the Blood Magic necromancy which had been adopted by the lords of Dericost, and fled their homeland during the Dericoi Eipoth.[6] They were discovered, and Rytheran was sent to destroy them.

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[7] [8] [9]

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Asheron's Call 2 Content
The following information comes from Asheron's Call 2, and may not be considered canon.
