Celdon Armor

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Introduced:  Dark Thaw

Celdon Armor
Armor Summary
Name: Celdon Armor
Heritage: Aluvian, tier II
Coverage: No Head, Hands, Feet
AL: See Loot


  • Celdon armor is named after the major Aluvian city of Celdon on Ispar.
  • The armor consists of a breastplate, girth, sleeves and leggings (Celdon Breastplate, Celdon Girth, Celdon Sleeves, Celdon Leggings), which respectively cover Chest; Abdomen; Upper Arms and Lower Arms, and Upper Legs & Lower Legs.
  • The base material of the armor is usually metal.
  • Celdon is not available at any vendor, but is only loot-generated.
  • When dyeing, the veins of the armor keep the original (loot) color. "Matching" Celdon therefore involves (at least) having the veins the same color.
  • The pattern of the veins on especially the leggings can vary, from many very thin veins, to a few thicker veins
    • Note that the vein design doesn't have any bases on any armor in particular in real life. This design is an original concept of the Turbine developers.
  • The dye turns the armor into a rather dark/dull variation.
  • Fail dyeing results in orange

Quest Celdon

Greater Celdon Shadow Breastplate Greater Celdon Shadow Sleeves Greater Celdon Shadow Girth Greater Celdon Shadow Leggings

Loot Celdon Pieces

Click image for full size.
Celdon Sleeves Celdon Breastplate Celdon Girth
Celdon Leggings

Dyed Celdon

Dyed Celdon Armor

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Palettes and dye effects

Dye Effects

  • Note that these colors can NOT be found as Loot colors
Known Palettes for Dyed Celdon Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS BP Sleeves Girth Legs
4216 LapyanBlue 0A92DF 0D63B5
4384 ColbanBlue 004D7D 002C41
4046 Verdalimgreen 17390E 0E1D06
4217 MinalimGreen 24CA83 188E51
4386 RenalimPurple 5B086D 2C043C
4385 ThananimBlack 2A2A2A 222020 171716, 1A1919 171515
4044 HennacinRed 430406 230202, 280204 220205
4218 ArgenoryWhite 969999 6F736F 6A6968
4045 BerimphurGold 5B4508 2F1F04
4051 NukedOrange FB6C24 E03B03
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Palettes found in Loot

  • The loot-generated color table is still work in progress. See for a spreadsheet for the until now discovered palettes this file (right click, download as)
  • Samples of the colors are represented by the VT-hexes (Hexes for BP and girth might be too dark though)
Known Palettes for Loot-generated Celdon Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS Main BP Veins BP Main Girth Veins Girth Main Arms Veins Arms Main Legs Veins Legs
1077 OpenSkyBlue 0E6DA7 0B6494 063E54 0C73A9, 0C5A91 073B5F, 08466C 07415B 0C74A6
1078 DaydreamBlue 005B92 095A85 075068, 08597E 043345 0A699A, 0A5182 053250, 063C5D 0A6B99, 0A6A97 05364C 0A6A97
1079 MarineBlue 004975 08537B 06485E, 075274 032B3B 085881, 074269 042B46, 053553 09648F, 09638D 042F42
1080 OceanBlue 003A5D 08537B 053C4F, 064765 02202C 085881, 074269 032237, 042B44 032433 08587E
1081 ReefBlue 007BC5 09698A, 0B71A0 074C67 0D80BC, 0D65A3 084672, 09527F 0D82BB, 0D82B9 084E6E 0D81B9
1082 ClearDayBlue 0084D5 0E84C6 0B80A9, 0D87BF 096286 0F95DB, 0F78C1 0A5991, 0B669E 0F97DA, 0F97D8 0A638D 0F96D8
1100 Goldenrod B58600 A07300 814800, 986700 5A3800 B78300, A98C00 674E00, 674E00 B57C00, B47B00 623C00 B47C00
1101 HoneyWheat BF8D00 C68E00 A75D00, BE8100 804F00 DD9E00, CFAB00 8D6B00, 9A6E00 DB9600, DA9500 DA9600
1102 DesertGold B38915 D09500 B16200, C88700 8A5500 E7A500, D9B300 E59D00, E49B00?? E59D00, E49B00 E49D00
1103 DesertBrass D29B00 F6B000 B06D00 FFBA0D, FFD300 BD8F00, CA9000 FFB30B, FFB20A B87000 FFB30A
1104 Merigold DAA100 FFBD17 F88A00, FFB30F D18100 FFC32E, FFD920 DEA800, EBA700 FFBD2C, FFBC2B FFBD2B
1105 MorningSun E3A700 E8B944 E8942A, E8B23D DD9116 E8BE57, E8CD4B E8B516, E8AE20 E8BA55, E8B955 E49316 E8BA55
1111 TreeFrog 55A60E 4C940C 335306 2E5E07, 366B08 335A07
1112 TreeSnake 43840B 2D4905 295406, 316107
1113 CanopyGreen 366909 213503 223C04
1114 LizardGreen 2C5407 356807 172602 183103, 1F3E04 192D03
1115 DeepForest 224406 111C01 132302
1116 SpringGreen 5AAF0F 58AB0D 416A07 397508, 428209 407108
1117 NewGrowth 60BE11 78D800 Yes 59A000
1136 Lilac 670EA7 370878, 4C0A8D 2B0654 620CA9, 670D9B 3C075F, 3F086D 5D0CA8, 5C0CA6 2F075B 5C0CA6
1137 Passion 550090 330770, 480985 Yes 5D0BA1, 620C93 370657, 3A0765 590BA0, 580B9E 2B0653 580B9E
1138 DeepViolet 420073 49087E 2C0661, 400876 1F043D 540A92, 580A84 2D0548, 310656 500A91, 4F0A8F 4F0A8F
1139 Midnight 35005C 23044D, 350662 150229 48087E, 4B0870 210334, 260442 45087D, 44087B 4F0A8F
1140 Purple 7400C5 440994, 5B0CA9 390870 720EC5, 790FB7 4E097B, 4F0A89 6C0EC4, 6B0EC2 6B0EC2
1141 ShockPurple 7C00D5 790FCF Yes 8310E4, 8D11D5 7D10E3, 7C10E1
1143 HostileRed A9080A 94060D 770412, 8E0610 Yes AB070E, 9C0806 600404, 6C0406 A90712, A70712 5B040C A70711
1144 Crimson 8D0004 80050B 63030F, 7A050D Yes 97060C, 880605 4C0303, 580304 95060F, 93060F 470309 93060F
1145 Blood 710002 Yes 97060C, 880605 4C0303, 580304 95060F, 93060F 470309 93060F
1146 DeepWound 5A0002 54020C, 6B040B 310206 88050A, 790504 86050D, 84050D 84050D
1147 FestivalRed BB0002 8F0415, A60712 6C050F C30810, B40906 780505, 840407 C10814, BF0814 73050F BF0813
1148 FreshKill C50002 CA0000 AA0000, C60000 8A0000 E20000, D20000 960000, A00000 E20000, E00000 900000
1149 SolidRed CE0002 D00000, EC0000 B00000 FF0808, F80000 BC0000, C60000 FF0808, FF0606 B60000 FF0606
1150 SmokeGrey 7B7B7B 565656, 666666 3C3C3C 7C7C7C, 717171 797979, 797979 414141 797979
1151 FogGrey 6F6F6F 656565 4E4E4E, 5E5E5E 343434 747474, 696969 717171, 717171 3E3E3E, 474747 393939 717171
1152 OvercastGrey 646464 616161 4A4A4A, 5A5A5A 303030 707070, 656565 3A3A3A, 434343 6D6D6D, 6D6D6D 353535 6D6D6D
1153 OldIronGrey 5A5A5A 5D5D5D 464646, 565656 2C2C2C 6C6C6C, 616161 363636, 3F3F3F 696969, 696969 313131 696969
1154 ColdSteelGrey 515151 525252 3B3B3B, 4B4B4B 212121 616161, 565656 2B2B2B, 343434 5E5E5E, 5E5E5E 262626 5E5E5E
1155 AshGrey 444444 4C4C4C 353535, 454545 1B1B1B 5B5B5B, 505050 252525, 2E2E2E 585858, 585858 202020 585858
1156 SootBlack 3A3A3A 2A2A2A, 3A3A3A 101010 Yes 1A1A1A, 232323 4D4D4D, 4D4D4D 151515 4D4D4D
1157 Lampblack 313131 393939 222222, 323232 080808 484848, 3D3D3D 121212, 1B1B1B 454545, 454545 0D0D0D 454545
1158 AbyssBlack 2A2A2A 2E2E2E 171717, 272727 000000 3D3D3D, 323232 070707, 101010 3A3A3A, 3A3A3A 020202 3A3A3A
1159 Steel 7F7F7F 7C7C7C 656565, 757575 4B4B4B 8B8B8B, 808080 555555, 5E5E5E 505050?
1160 Pewter 838383 818181 6A6A6A, 7A7A7A 505050 909090, 858585 5A5A5A, 636363 8D8D8D, 8D8D8D 555555 8D8D8D
1161 Silver 868686 919191 7A7A7A, 8A8A8A 606060 A0A0A0, 959595 6A6A6A, 737373 9D9D9D, 9D9D9D 656565 9D9D9D
1162 Iron 8A8A8A A1A1A1 8A8A8A, 9A9A9A 707070 B0B0B0, A5A5A5 7A7A7A, 838383 ADADAD, ADADAD 757575 ADADAD
1453 Chatruese 998011
1454 DarkSoil 5A491E
1455 FertileEarth 463A19
1456 Kahki 7B6734
1457 Olive 897310
1458 MarshGreen 74620D
1459 SwampGold 69580C
1460 BogGreen 6D5720
1461 Peppermint 7E3542
1462 RichOrchid 5D1F53
1463 DarkOrchid 4C2145
1464 Orchid 723D6A
1465 KidneyRed 6D202E
1466 BrothelRed 581D28
1467 DeepBurgandy 471820
1468 Violet 6D2061
1469 OxideRed 8A2510
1470 DarkViolet 4C2656
1471 GreyViolet 402847
1472 Lavender 604169
1473 BrickRed 7D220F
1474 DarkCrimson 661B0C
1475 GarnetRed 54160A
1476 DeepPurple 5D206D
1477 DeapMagenta 6D2045
1478 GreyMagenta 59253E
1479 GreyOrchid 482335
1480 Rose 7E4560
1481 DeapBlue 25206D
1482 MidnightBlue 2B2853
1483 MoonlessBlue 2B2946
1484 BlueSlate 47456D
1485 OnyxBlack 333333
1486 MattekarGrey 5C5C5C
1487 MidReefAqua 20696D
1488 DeepReefAqua 245557
1489 AquaShadows 203E3F
1490 Tourqouise 366D70
1491 Charcoal 404040
1492 SlateGrey 525252
1493 MossGreen 294023
1494 HarvestGreen 426F36
1495 NewLeafGreen 4B8220
1496 LeafGreen 44761D
1497 PlantingGreen 3C6819
1498 PromiseGreen 518D22
1499 OldGrowth 305626
1500 CattailGreen 306D20
1501 VirindiBlue 1E283A
1502 LugianBlue 3B4E74
1503 DilloBrown 6D3220
1504 FlintRed 583226
1505 BurntWood 452B24
1506 ClayRed 6F4336
1507 Navy 263758
1508 CobaltBlue 203A6D
1509 WinterNight 332442
1510 PaleViolet 553E6C
1511 SharkBrown 6D4420
1512 Walnut 593C23
1513 Coffee 46301D
1514 Tan 73553A
1515 OlthoiPurple 3F2857
1516 FrozenPurple 46206D
1518 AfternoonShade 20526D
1519 AquaGrey 254556
1520 MossGrey 223641
1521 Cloudyday 2E5A72
1522 Teal 396C60
1523 AncientForest 253A34
1524 AncientSpring 2D4D45
1525 ClearSpring 206D5A
1667 SeamistGreen 1C9964 Yes 0F573B, 11623F 0E532F
1668 SeafoamGreen 167A51 0A3D22 0B4225
1669 LagoonGreen 11613F 116640 Yes
1670 JungleGreen 0E4E33
1671 RainForestGreen 0B3E28 041F11 052619, 07301E 042313
1672 ForestShadow 082E1E 094128 Yes 02150B
1673 SeasprayGreen 1EA76E Yes 126846, 14734A
1674 MintGreen 20B274 Yes 168257, 188D5A 147E46
1675 VirindiBlue 002F4A 053853 032936, 04364C 000E13 064768, 053251 064765
1676 Flame A6410E 94380C 772109, 8D300B 531906 A93D0D, 8D410D 5E2707, 6C2808 A8380D, A6370D 5A1D07 A6380D
1677 Pumkin 86350C 85320A 681D07, 7E2B09 441404 9A370B, 7E3A0B 4F2105, 5D2206 99330B, 97320B 4B1805 97330B
1678 Rust 6B2A09 682707 4B1405, 612106 260B02 7D2C08, 612C08 321403, 401704 7C2908, 7A2808 2E0E03 7A2908
1679 Chocolate 562207 5E2306 411104, 571D05 1C0801 732807, 572707 281002, 361303 722507, 702407 240B02 702507
1680 RichCoco 451B06 4A1B04 2D0B02, 431603 080200 5F2105, 441E05 140801, 220C01 5E1E05, 5C1D05 100500 5C1E05
1681 Tangerine B54710 C54A10 A82E0C, BE400E 852809 DA4F10, BE5711 903B0A, 9E3A0B 8B2D0A D74810
1682 AssaultOrange C34D11 EC5913 D0390E, E64D10 AD340B EF6425, E56914 B84B0C, C6480D EF5D24, EF5B22 B33A0C EF5C22
1683 Brass A27800 906700 713F00, 885C00 4A2E00 A77700, 997F00 574200, 644800 A57100, A47000 523200 A47100
1684 DullBrass 8A6700 805C00 613600, 785100 3A2400 976C00, 897200 473600, 543C00 956600, 946500 422800 946600
1685 DullGold 755600 614500 422400, 593C00 1B1000 785600, 6A5800 281E00, 352600 765000, 755000 231500 755000
1686 Bronze 644900 513A00 321B00, 493100 0B0600 684A00, 5A4B00 181200, 251A00 664500, 654500 130B00 654500
1687 DullBronze 5A4200 322400 130A00, 2A1C00 000000?? 493400, 3B3100 473000, 463000 463000
1688 JadeGreen 1A3604 214104 000000?? 040900, 0B1601
1689 Indigo 2A004A 380562 110121 430776, 460768 410775, 400773 400773
1690 OldBlood 480002 440109, 5C0309 Yes 790408, 6A0403 2E0101, 3A0102 77040B, 75040B 290105 75040B
1691 SlateBlack 262626 232323 0C0C0C, 1C1C1C 000000 323232, 272727 000000, 050505 2F2F2F, 2F2F2F 000000 2F2F2F
1692 DarkGrey 202020 161616 000000 252525, 1A1A1A 000000, 000000 000000 222222
2381 FlatGrey B7B7B7
2382 SilverGrey 979797
2439 Vermilion 9D331D
2440 CoralRed 972912
3658 PortalPurple A010BF 710A9A 8C0BA5, 8F0CB3 720BA1
3659 VividViolet 7E0C97 2B043C
3660 BasePurple 720B88 58076E 2F0338, 370446 240334
3661 FlatPurple 660A7A 26022E, 2F033C 1D022A
3662 PurpleNights 5C096E Yes 0F0116
3664 DullMagenta 960FB3 6E0982, 730A90 570877?
3665 PrincessPurple 8C0EA7 Yes 50075F, 57086D
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.