Character Creation/Naming

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Related topics: Character Creation, Character Creation - Racial Lore, Cultures



Many Aluvian women have only a first name, with no surname. Examples: Lissith, Ulewinn, Sothlal.

Others use a first name, plus 'the' and a word. Examples: Domlan the True, Arryn the Cat, Ethew the Fair.

A few use a proper surname, with the suffix '-mad' {meaning 'daughter'). Examples: Dirnmod Blodmad, Hasbroc Grithmad, Cenhar Estmad.


Many Aluvian men have only a first name, with no surname. Examples: Hundreng, Cuthstan, Wothgryn.

Others use a first name, plus 'the' and a word. Examples: Osgeld the Clever, Burwylf the Wary, Forstlan the Ox.

A few use a proper surname, with the suffix '-sun' {meaning 'son'). Examples: Scingrim Emersun, Arbrim Rynesun, Rimgar Ethsun.



There are three ways Gharu'ndim women's names are formed:

'ism: A first name, with no surname. Examples: Jaidmala, Di'zarafa, Hajliya

Hisba: A first name, plus 'al-' and a surname. Examples: Qaysbah al-Halras, Nuhnada al-Thudadh, Majqiya al-Ruz.

Nasab: A first name, plus 'bint' (meaning 'daughter of') and a surname. Examples: Ashrifa bint Yazman, Shulima bint Bashr, Khayla'ida bint Tiqiq.


There are three ways Gharu'ndim men's names are formed:

'ism: A first name, with no surname. Examples: Sunnuj, Tiqabar, Abham.

Hisba: A first name, plus 'al-' and a surname. Examples: Ma'whar al-Qutuz, Uzik al-Zaraf, Fadlmar al-Tuwah.

Nasab: A first name, plus 'ibn' (meaning 'son of') and a surname. Examples: Abdiris ibn Mauki, Tashtal ibn Yufa, Dharilal ibn Qa'yam.



Sho women's names have the surname first and the 'first name' last. Examples: Jyigo Anming, Chueh Zho-Gau, Houlai Youh.


Sho men's names have the surname first and the 'first name' last. Examples: Ninwa Xaojhen, Fenping Banli-Zan, Shui Chon-Po.



Commoners tend to have a given name followed by a surname. Examples: Lurissa Falzohn, Dinala Roma, Sina Luchezzi.

Noblewomen have a given name followed by the article 'du' which precedes the name of their fief. Examples: Eleonora du Bellenesse, Catlina du Cenza, Marena do Lotila.


Commoners tend to have a given name followed by a surname. Examples: Anton Silezzi, Lorca Sammel, Daved Coppocilla.

Noblemen have a given name followed by the article 'di' which precedes the name of their fief. Examples: Darren di Marden, Lorenzo di Ricci, Carlo di Cenza.



Female Umbraen and Penumbraen tend to take named either along the lines of the other Isparian Heritage groups, or names that epitomize their newly-embraced chaotic nature. They are naming themselves anew, in celebration of what they have become, and are thus only restricted by their own creativity. Examples: Leikny Shadowsworn, Leila, Kurayami Mika, Elda du Nerezza.


Male Umbraen and Penumbraen tend to take named either along the lines of the other Isparian Heritage groups, or names that epitomize their newly-embraced chaotic nature. They are naming themselves anew, in celebration of what they have become, and are thus only restricted by their own creativity. Examples: Uor Darkbound, Sariyah, Kurasa Fudo, Vittore di Nerezza.

Gear Knight


Female Gear Knights tend to take very short first names followed by surnames inspired by the energies of their construction. Examples: Bei Flamewalker, Loe Lightningborn, Mila Lightdancer, and Elt Steamrent.


Male Gear Knights tend to take very short first names followed by surnames inspired by the materials their construction [sic]. Examples, Ulm Brassguard, Sor Ironstrider, Kor Redgear, Vol Bolthammer.



Female Undead, like their male counterparts, either maintain their formal names, like those Dericost they are fleeing from, or adopt new names in the manner of the Isparians who have given them a place in society. Some choose to keep their House name, Mhoire. Examples: Lady Aerfenye Mhoire, Tamara, Mhoire Atsuko.


Male Undead, like their female counterparts, either maintain their formal names, like those Dericost they are fleeing from, or adopt new names in the manner of the Isparians who have given them a place in society. Some choose to keep their House name, Mhoire. Examples: Lord Davarri Mhoire, Joseph, Mhoire Kuri.



Empyrean names vary considerably, as their culture is ancient, and a conglomeration of many empires. Examples: Adja, Nalicana, Malia, Aerfalle.


Empyrean names vary considerably, as their culture is ancient, and a conglomeration of many empires. Examples: Asheron, Harlune, Kellin, Atlan.

Aun Tumerok


Tumerok names are often short Tumerok words or abbreviations that associate the female with some important deed or occasion. As such, most Tumeroks gain a new name when they reach adulthood. Female Tumeroks tend to favor short names. Tumeroks tend to use a tribal prefix only in formal occasions. Examples: Noua, Aeu, Kuri, Faun.


Tumerok names are often Tumerok words that associate the male with some important deed or occasion. As such, most Tumeroks gain a new name when they reach adulthood. Tumeroks tend to use a tribal prefix only in formal occasions. Examples: Faranua, Amanua, Mireona, Taguauri.



Lugian names are usually descriptive of the Lugian's strength or skill. Examples: Kresovous, Turikas, Menloth, Kanteroth.


Lugian names are usually descriptive of the Lugian's strength or skill. Examples: Nimias, Arstuus, Rikal, Namlos.


Male and Female

Although Olthoi identify each other by both scent and series of clicks, the other races of Dereth quickly assign descriptive names to specific Olthoi so they can recognize their recurring theats. Your name represents the title you are given by the other races.