Chronicles of the June Event

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Chronicles of the June Event

Part 5

During the month of Seedsow PY 13 (June, 2002), High Queen Elysa Strathelar called her people a final time, this time to the Midsong Festival Stone. The Queen had been holding these ceremonies with her subjects to symbolize that Dereth now truly was their home and that they were its people. Many of these ceremonies were interrupted, either by the deranged Martine or by disturbing discoveries. Now in holding this final ceremony, Queen Elysa hoped to end these ceremonies by bringing hope to the hearts of her people. Unfortunately, a shocking attack brings the people anything but hope.

High Queen Elysa Strathelar has arrived at the Midsong Festival Stone.

Elysa says, “Our celebration has been rife with distraction and disruption. But nothing can dissuade us from our ceremonies.”

“We shall see this final stone lit to show our resolve!”

Martine appears.

Martine says, “And so the fly comes again to the spider's web. You were speaking, Elysa?”

Asheron says, “Martine, have you come to talk about my offer?”

Martine pauses and thinks a moment.

Martine says, “Yes.”

“You said you can take it out. Remove it, give me back what I had.”

“I don't want it.”

Martine's breath sounds labored through his mask.

Martine says, “It itches, it burns, and it is so hard to fight.”

“I'm tired of fighting, tired of wondering who I am who you are. . . who is Melanay or Elysa?”

“What have I done?”

Asheron approaches Martine.

Asheron says, “Then come with me, Martine. We shall go to my island and I shall do my best to help you.”

Elysa says, “Asheron, be careful.”

“You should not trust him.”

Asheron looks back to Elysa.

Asheron says, “I shall be fine, Elly.”

“Martine. I shall help you and then we shall begin bringing order back to the ley lines.”

Martine says, “Ley lines? I have done nothing to the ley lines, you doddering old fool.”

“It was the witch that did that!”

“Did I tell you, about the itch, the pain, the horror. . .?”

“Did I tell you how sometimes, when it begins within my skull, squirming below the surface, a tickle in my brain that I cannot reach?”

The flesh on Martine's head ripples.

Martine howls, “Did I tell you, Old Fool? That I like it?”

Martine cast Vicious Rebuke at Asheron.

Asheron groans as the bolt of energy tears into his chest. A gout of blood shoots forward and spills onto the ground. The old mage crumples.

Elysa screams, “Asheron!”

Elysa pulls her bow from her back and nocks an arrow, letting it fly into Martine.

The arrow finds its mark and Martine looks taken aback. Elysa takes position near Asheron's side.

Suddenly the air splits, and the four elements swirl about coalescing into the form of a man.

Gaerlan says, “You have done well, Martine. But I need you no longer. You will not rob me of my revenge against Asheron.”

Martine turns to look at the man.

Martine says, “Why have you come here? You were to be watching the hall while I was out. Your insolence has earned you a punishment, my overzealous apprentice.”

Martine cast Vicious Rebuke at Gaerlan.

Gaerlan resists the spell and summons a Crystal Lord Sovereign to attack the Isparian crowds.

Gaerlan says, “A bit of entertainment then, to clear the crowd to make my last moment with Asheron all the better.”

“You, Martine, have outlived your usefulness. You have overstepped your bounds and as such you must be punished.”

Martine disappears.

Elysa says, “Asheron, get up.”

Elysa pulls her hand away from Asheron, her hand soaked in blood.

Elysa says, “Asheron! Asheron!”

Asheron crumples further to the ground.

Queen Elysa and her people focus their attention on the titanic Golem, eventually defeating it and its attendant creatures.

Gaerlan makes his way toward Asheron.

Gaerlan says, “And so it is. Asheron, that I come to claim a life, for a life. To collect on the death of my brother. And claim the role of judge, jury and executioner.”

“For your crimes against the Cerulean throne, and the murder of my brother, I condemn you to death.”

Elysa says, “This is our home now.”

Elysa nocks an arrow and lets it fly. Gaerlan catches the arrow and examines the craftsmanship.

Gaerlan says, “A poor tool, but then you are certainly a much younger race then we. The crudeness of your implements was expected.”

Elysa slips an orb from her pouch and utters some words over Asheron.

Elysa says, “You'll not take it, whoever, whatever you are.”

Gaerlan says, “You are more feeble then even Martine or the other. . . Nuhmudira. Yes, that was her name, Nuhmudira. Screaming as each of her bones snapped one by one.”

“Remarkable how much she learned. A pity she'll never remember anything.”

“I applaud your efforts, you truly know how to punish those that affront you.”

Elysa says, “Asheron, I need to get you out of here. Please stand up.”

Elysa struggles to lift Asheron to his feet. A pool of blood has gathered beneath the old mage.

Elysa says, “Run, my people run! There will be other days to fight!”

Asheron stands, slowly holding the wound that has been opened in his chest. Blood flows from the wound freely.

Asheron says, “Gaerlan! Gaerlan!”

Purple halos surround Asheron and Elysa as they begin to fold into portalspace.

Gaerlan bellows, “Running away! Running away as always.”

Gaerlan raises his head toward the sky and bellows.

Thunder cracks in the sky and the sound is replaced by a voice, "Asheron Realaidain, you cannot hide. Wherever you will go, I will find you! I shall visit revenge upon you for the Olthoi's arrival and the death of my brother Delacim!"

Gaerlan sneers, “You are a pathetic race of creatures. Insignificant and worthless. But his heart is devoted to you, I have seen that much.”

“Well, then, I shall destroy his heart and then consume his soul.”

Southeast of Aerlinthe, at the citadel, the ground trembles as if the very land itself has been moved. Flames erupt from the water billowing clouds of soot and ash into the sky. Lighting shoots down from the clouds and an acidic rain falls into the sea, turning it into a bubbling mass. A gale force wind sweeps the clouds away but a fire now burns in the sea.

Gaerlan says, “Home. At last. . .”

Brave Isparian defenders attempt to assault Gaerlan, but are continually repulsed by his elemental magics. Eventually Gaerlan tires of the battle and disappears, leaving the Isparians to wonder what their future may hold.
