Zombie Butler
Introduced: | Dance of the Dead | Related Quests: | Zombie Butler Quest |
- Value: 1,650
- Burden: 1,650
- The Zombie Butler can be placed on Yard and Floor hooks.
- (See Below).
- There are 3 kinds of butlers, ID them to find out which one you have. The first one is a rather intelligent one (created by A Large Mnemosyne, the second, simple butler, created by A Small Mnemosyne, and the third, dull butler, created by A Tiny Mnemosyne). If you click on them when hooked, you get different messages.
The rather intelligent one
Description: A rather intelligent undead butler in a tidy uniform. There is perhaps a little bit too much gleam in his rotting eyes.
The Zombie Butler says, "Will you be turning in early today Sir? If you wouldn't mind releasing me from the hook I could tidy up the house a bit while you're resting."
The Zombie Butler says, "Feel free to lounge about all day while I do all of your work for only a few scraps of brains. Not that I'm complaining, but would it kill you to get some fresh brains every once in awhile?"
The Zombie Butler says, "Yes, your hair is fine. You look good enough to eat."
The Zombie Butler says, "I'm sorry I can't, it's Zombie Appreciation Day, but I wouldn't expect you to remember."
The Zombie Butler says, "I prefer living challenged, Sir."
The Zombie Butler says, "Sir, yes Sir, I'll get right on that Sir!"
You get the unnerving feeling that your Zombie Butler is being flippant.
The Zombie Butler says, "I'm on my break. Get it yourself."
The Zombie Butler says, "...Sir."
The Zombie Butler quickly hides something in his ribcage.
The Zombie Butler says, "Yes Master? I was just keeping up with my hygiene."
The Zombie Butler says, "This darn hook really is uncomfortable perhaps if you just let me guard your basement where all of the sharp weaponry is?"
The Zombie Butler stares at you for a moment.
The Zombie Butler says, "As you say Sir."
The Simple butler
A simple undead butler in a tidy uniform. He acts with courteous efficiency.
The Dull butler
Description: A dull looking undead butler in a tidy uniform. His eyes have the vacant stare of the dead.
The Zombie Butler says, "Ung Comfthg thmather."
The Zombie Butler says softly, "Gom clother."
The Zombie Butler says, "Rarraghgharahrg! Eet uu."
The Zombie Butler growls out, "Bainth!"
The Zombie Butler attempts to pour you some tea but clumsily pours it over his hand.
The Zombie Butler says, "HAaarrarrghl! Heeth Tee thathmer."
He shoves the tea at you. You dump it out behind your back and graciously pretend to drink it.
The Zombie Butler says, "Thipper!!"
He carefully drops a heavily drooled on slipper from his mouth into your hands. You place it aside and scratch him behind the ear.
The Zombie Butler murmurs, "HarHarHrrrr!!!!"
The Zombie Butler's right leg thumps the ground.
The Zombie Butler says, "Rrrrarrgh! Thmather."
The Zombie Butler says, "Rarraghgharahrg! Eet uu."
The Zombie Butler hums something under his breath, "Hr hrr hrrrm hrrr hrr hm gm gmm hrrr hrrhm fith. Poofin on the Rith!"