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Turbine Announcements



Release Notes


New Content and Updated Functionality

  • The two Harbinger Portals into Old Yanshi will now ask if you wish to return to your Harbinger fight if you have already entered the Harbinger’s Chamber. If you choose not to, you are portaled to the Tunnels.
  • You can buy Decanter of Nullified Essence from Beldin in Old Yanshi.
  • The Decanter of Nullified Essence is no longer attuned, but remains bonded.
  • Beldin also sells a Guide to the Harbinger now.( This guide just tells players how to run the various fights)
  • The pillars of Fire/Frost/Acid/Lightning have had the incorrect creature type. They were previously listed as crystals. They will now be listed as Elementals.
  • Composite Atlatls will become Bonded/Attuned/Ivoryable this month. So people will need to move them wherever they should be moved before the patch.
  • The book on composite Atlatls previously did not mention that you could remove the handle from existing Atlatls with a Whittling Knife. This has been fixed and the book now has the correct instructions.
  • Based on player feedback, we have increased the Gland drop rate on the Olthoi.
  • There was an unintended perching location in the room where you fight the Prodigal Olthoi Queen. This has been fixed, and players can no longer perch on this particular location.
  • A new dungeon has appeared somewhere on the Singularity Caul. Reports are sporadic at this point, but many feel this may be connected in some way to the strange creature activity going on over the last few months.
  • Reports coming out of the Harbinger tunnels about some very strange activity that may need further investigation.
  • Some changes have been made to The Graveyard. Some drop rates have been improved and the treasure profiles of some creatures have been upgraded.

In Concept/Game Discussion

In months past we have has used this section to discuss things that are either slated to go into the game, or things that we are thinking of putting in the game. This time we are going to use it to solicit a little feedback from you, the players.

I know this has been asked before, but we are going to ask again. What quests are on your top 10 list for the rewards needing an XP increase? In this particular case we are looking for older quests, perhaps the ones that have not seen some love in a long time. Remember all those quests you went through as a new player, which may have not seen any attention for a long time now? A member on the team has agreed to the task of upping some rewards in some of the older content. Just so we are clear, the intent of this project is not to redo any of the dungeons/quests themselves, but to just increase the rewards associated with those quests. Click here to make your suggestions.

We would love to do a total revamp of a lot of those older quests, but we have to manage our time very carefully. Changing the rewards is a much easier, less time consuming task that will allow us to get more traffic into some of those older, less frequently used areas. If you are interested in helping the team determine what quests need some reward love, please feel free to post your suggestions here.

So there are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in September and beyond. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the September event.

Player Submissions

Town Crier Rumors

Ulgrim Rumors

New Quests

New NPCs

New Locations

New Items