Empyrean Scalemail Shirt
From Drunkapedia
Introduced: | The Child of Daralet | Related Quests: | Empyrean Cloister Quest | Updated: | Into the Darkness, Master of Design |
- Value: 6,000
- Burden: 2,100
- Covers Chest, Upper Arms
- Armor Level: 150
- Slashing: Above Average (180)
- Piercing: Above Average (180)
- Bludgeoning: Above Average (180)
- Fire: Below Average (105)
- Cold: Below Average (105)
- Acid: Below Average (105)
- Electric: Below Average (105)
- Nether: Average (150)
- Spells: Minor Coordination, Minor Strength, Armor Self IV
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 150
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 150
- Mana: 350
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.
- A scalemail shirt worn by one of the defenders of the Empyrean Masoleum.
- Dropped by the Mausoleum Guardian in the Lower Empyrean Mausoleum.
- Pickup timer: 20 days.
- During the Into the Darkness event, the shirt was updated:
- Unenchantable property removed.
- AL increased from 120 (A/A/A/N/N/P/N) to 150.
- Spells updated, originally: Coordination Other III, Strength Other II, Feeblemind Other II.
- Mana Cost increased from 1/20 to 1/40.
- Lore requirement increased from 1 to 150.
- As of the Master of Design event, this coat no longer covers the Abdomen.