Enhanced Robe of the Tundra

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Introduced:  Come What Follows Related Quests:  Creature Lords
Enhanced Robe of the Tundra
  • Value: 6,000
  • Burden: 500
  • Covers Head, Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet
  • Armor Level: 150
  • Slashing: Below Average (150)
  • Piercing: Below Average (150)
  • Bludgeoning: Average (150)
  • Fire: Below Average (75)
  • Cold: Unparalleled (300)
  • Acid: Below Average (75)
  • Electric: Below Average (75)
  • Nether: Average (150)
  • Spells: Icy Blessing, Permafrost, Minor Frost Ward
  • Wield requires level 50
  • Activation requires Arcane Lore: 100
  • Spellcraft: 200
  • Mana: 1330
  • Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.
  • A robe crafted from a mattekar hide. It has some natural padding in it that makes it more resistant to damage. This robe has been enhanced by Belinda du Loc
Enhanced Robe of the Tundra


You give Belinda du Loc Robe of the Tundra.
Belinda du Loc tells you, "I have enhanced this item using the essence of the creature that once wielded it, put it to good use. If you do not want it give it back and I will reward you alternatively."
Belinda du Loc gives you Enhanced Robe of the Tundra.
  • May be given back to Belinda for experience.
  • The version given by Beldinda du Loc is white with purple trim.
  • You can obtain a version with grey and red trim by giving the enhanced robe to Mazur ibn Stounis in Greenspire.
You give Mazur ibn Stounis Enhanced Robe of the Tundra.
Mazur ibn Stounis tells you, "Interesting... but I think it would look better like this."
Mazur ibn Stounis gives you Enhanced Robe of the Tundra.
You give Yi Yo-Jin Enhanced Robe of the Tundra.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "What is this? It seems to be a poorly modified robe made from the hide of a Tundra Mattekar... almost as if it was pulled directly off the creature with no care for crafting at all..."
Yi Yo-Jin gives you Enhanced Robe of the Tundra.
Yi Yo-Jin tells you, "I believe it's much more suitable it looks like that."
Color Variations


Mazur ibn Stounis

Yi Yo-Jin