Essence Lock
From Drunkapedia
Introduced: | Old Ghosts | Related Quests: | Marker Crystals |
- Value: ???
- Burden: Unknown
- An ancient Empyrean machine. It appears to be locking something.
- Found at the following locations:
- 15.4S, 65.1W Crater near Crystalline Crag
- in the Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern Facility of the nearby Facility Dungeon
- The essense lock indicates that one or more of the essense locks have not been opened yet.
- As you touch the Essence Lock mechanical bits move into place. It seems to now be in its open position.
- A small compartment opens presenting what seems to be a freshly crafted key.
- You recover a key from the lock device.
- As you touch the Essence Lock mechanical bits move into place. It seems to now be in its open position.
- The final essence lock has been opened.
- An alarm chimes indicating an event occuring in the crater above.