Fycheck Ruins

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Introduced:  Release Updated:  Across the Vast Divide

Map Dereth Point


A large Empyrean ruin site with wisps, rats, zefirs, and undead. There is an unlocked runed chest in the middle bunker. The ruins are made up of two Empyrean Stone Bunkers, a Meeting Hall Style Building, three Empyrean Statues, numerous Empyrean Pillars, and an Empyrean Stone Tower.

The name Fycheck comes from the entry for this location in the original AC Explorer files. According to that entry, there were once two rumors (both titled "The Fycheck Outpost") associated with this location and the outpost to the north. While it has not yet been confirmed if this was an actual text, the text Ancient Warrior's Tower seems to back up the story told in these old rumors.

In the Ancient Warrior's Tower text, the undead here are given two possible explanations. They may be the animated corpses of dishonored warriors, who abandoned their master in his hour of need. Or the may be undead by the curse of a wisp. If The Fycheck Outpost text is to be believed, then both explanations may be true.








Ancient Warrior's Tower The Fycheck Outpost Runed Chest
