Gaerlan's Citadel

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Related topics: 2002/09 - Gaerlan's Defeat (Live Event)

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Gaerlan's Citadel
Level: ??
Type: Group/Solo
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

Enter Gaerlan's Citadel and defeat him.

This is a classic quest from the early years of Asheron's Call. It features a lot of lore and was accompanied by many related live events. 11 years after its release, a higher difficulty version (level 150+) of the quest was introduced during the Seeds of Hope event. This quest is commonly referred to as "G-Man".

This quest features several regular dungeons, puzzle dungeons, and a challenging boss. It tends to be buggy when interacting with the various NPCs, so it is recommended to line up and complete all NPC interactions one at a time in order to avoid someone not getting an item/flagged/etc.

There are 5 different difficulty levels for this quest, although due to level restrictions on portals, it is not typical that any but the 150+ version are completed regularly. The item rewards for this quest use an interesting rotational mechanic. Based on the skills your character has trained and specialized, you will receive a specific item. Completing the quest numerous times gives additional different items based on your skills, with the sequence of items starting over once you have gotten them all once. In this way, the rewards are customized for each player.

To complete one of the trials, someone in your group must use a missile weapon. There is a destroyable door which can only be killed by missile weapons. If you are attempting the quest solo and are not a missile weapons user, you can bring a Runed Weapon. Don't forget plenty of ammunition as well.

Walk Through

A Note About Return Portals: Prior to starting the quest, it is good to make sure everyone knows there are a pair of bunkers in Eastham (at approximately 17.1N, 63.0E) that contain many portals related to this quest. They were added for the purpose of getting back into the appropriate sections in case of death or loss of connection. Portals exist for the Ziggurats, Proving Grounds and the Citadel Library. If you die or lose connection, you can use the Eastham portal in the Town Network and run to the bunkers for easy re-entry. Each player is flagged for each portal when you enter that dungeon during the quest. This flagging lasts until the quest is completed by each player and does not have an expiration timer.

Part 1: Guardian Lair

  1. Enter to the Guardian Lair appropriate to your level range. Note that the portals for each are in completely different locations.
  2. In the dungeon, work your way to the bottom where you'll find a boss golem for your level range. The dungeon itself is not very large.
  3. Kill the boss golem and take the portal that spawns at the top of the ramp to be portaled outside to Citadel Valley.

Part 2: Ziggurat

  1. Jump down off the cliff and run southeast to 57.8N, 48.4E, where you'll find Asheron's Platinum Golem.
  2. Line up and speak with Asheron's Platinum Golem one at a time and you'll receive an Imbued Pyreal Nugget.
  3. From here, run southwest and enter the Ziggurat portal near 57.1N, 47.8E that matches your level range. They are color coordinated for the level ranges.
  4. This dungeon is the longest one on the quest and has many rooms connected in a maze-like pattern.
  5. Work your way through this dungeon, always going up, until you reach a Platinum Golem (NPC).
    • Note: For the 150+ version, the greatest danger in this dungeon are the Frost Wisp enemies. They cast level 8 vulns and war magic. Without good protection against cold, you can easily be killed in 1-2 hits when vulned. Use caution and dispel vulns if possible.
  6. Hand the Platinum Golem (NPC) your Imbued Pyreal Nugget, and then enter the Proving Grounds portal located next to him.
    • Note: From this point onward, you may use the Proving Grounds portal appropriate for your level range in the bunkers in Eastham.

Part 3: Proving Grounds

Inside the proving grounds, you must tackle a series of trials:

Trial #1: The Riddle

  1. Speak with the Tribunal located in the center of the room, and you'll be given a riddle.
  2. To answer the riddle, use the statue that corresponds with the right answer. If correct, you'll receive a blue Seal Fragment and be portaled to the Rolling Balls of Death.
Question Answer
I've legs, and a foot, and also a head. But I cannot think nor move on my own. What am I? Bed
I am void, and absence, I am not a color. What am I? Black
The maker want it not, the buyer does not use it, and the user never sees it. What am I? Coffin
No sound, no voice, no breath,no sleep, no thought, no sight, no more. What is it? Death
It begins eternity, ends time and space, it rests at the start of every end and the end of every place. What is it? E
I never grow, but can become very wide, and everything falls into darkness when I hide. What am I? Eyes
I can be an old love, but mostly a lost passion. My life grows as you feed me, but when I drink water I die. Flame
What is it that has one voice but becomes four-footed, two-footed, and three-footed? Man
I am a room without walls, windows or doors. What am I? Mushroom
A poor man has too much of me, a wealthy man needs me not, and if you feast upon me you will die. What am I ? Nothing
What has no beginning or end, yet binds two together? Ring
You will break me if you name me. What am I? Silence
At night they come without being called, but at dawn they are lost without being stolen. What are they? Stars
I pass through the water and never get wet. What am I? Sunshine
It waits for none and gauges all, it is eaten by leisure and work the same, it is abundant but there never seems to be enough. What is it? Time
It never was, is always to be, none have seen it, but many dream of it, it is the hope of all that live that it shall always come. What is it? Tomorrow
It cannot be slain so long as there is a ray, it is inspires the heart to wish for the best, yet exercise caution to not lose this gift for then you shall just be forlorn. What is it? Hope
I whip, and I whistle all the day long, sometimes my voice can sound as a song. I never grow tired but sometimes grow weak, and I change without warning and cause door to creak. What am I? Wind

Trial #2: Rolling Balls of Death

  1. In this trial you must avoid the infamous Rolling Balls of Death. Getting hit is an instant trip to the lifestone. The balls roll down the long hallway and beyond a destroyable door. Balls also roll down each of the cross hallways.
  2. Take a moment to identify the pattern, and when ready, move through the dungeon, only stopping at the safe spots (alcove corners) until you reach the last alcove.
    • Note: The only safe spots to stand inside this dungeon are on the 45 degree angles that are the corners of the alcoves.
  3. Once you get to the last safe spot before the long hallway, you'll see a door. Use missile weapons to destroy the door and then run into the room on the far side.
    • Note: The door is immune to all magic. Summons can kill it, but you might have difficulty getting a summon to go and attack the door without moving from one of the safe spots. Melee weapons work on the door, but there is not enough time between rolling balls to destroy the door.
  4. After the door has been destroyed, carefully make your way to the end of the room and loot an orange Seal Fragment from the chest on the south wall.
  5. After looting, carefully cross the room to the portal. The balls roll through the room, so be aware of where they are when crossing. Use the Proving Grounds portal on the north wall.

Trial #3: Floor Puzzle

  1. The floor puzzle contains a series of tiles that contain a hidden path to the other side. If you step on a wrong tile you'll fall through and be forced to start over.
  2. The puzzle can be skipped entirely by hugging the left wall and running to the other side of the room. If you do this, skip to the last step for this trial.
  3. If you are navigating your way through the floor puzzle:
    1. From the left side of the room, walk on to the Fire tile to start.
    2. Move north 3 spaces to the 3rd Frost tile.
    3. Move east 4 spaces to Fire tile.
    4. Move north 1 space to the Frost tile.
    5. Move east 2 spaces to the Acid tile.
    6. Move north 2 spaces to the Frost tile.
    7. Move west 1 space to the Acid tile.
    8. Move north and exit the puzzle.
  4. Enter the room to the north and loot a green Seal Fragment from the chest on the east wall, then use the Proving Grounds portal on the northwest corner.

Trial #4: Reverence of the Ceremony

Reverence must be shown during a ceremony.
  1. The key to this riddle is to NOT TALK in open chat. If you do, you'll have to start over and fight your way through a series of golems. This includes spellcasting and anything that your character says openly. Fellow chat and global channels are still fine.
    • Note: This mechanic has been broken/bugged for a long time and will likely not portal you if you say anything. Feel free to test it if feeling ambitious.
  2. Run through the linear dungeon and loot a purple Seal Fragment from the chest at the end of the hall, then use the Citadel Valley portal to complete the Trials.

Part 4: Citadel Library

  1. Combine the the blue and orange Seal Fragments to create a Combined Seal Fragment.
    • + =
  2. Combine the green and purple Seal Fragments to create another Combined Seal Fragment.
    • + =
  3. Combine the 2 Combined Seal Fragments to create an Ornate Seal.
    • + =
    The larger fragments fit together to create an Ornate Seal.
  4. Return to Asheron's Platinum Golem at 57.8N, 48.4E and line up to hand him your Ornate Seal to receive an Imbued Ornate Seal and a Citadel Portal Gem. Again it is best to do this one at a time to prevent bugging.
  5. Use the Citadel Portal Gem to be portaled to the Citadel Surface nearby.
  6. Hand your Imbued Ornate Seal to any Ornate Pillar on the structure to be portaled to the Citadel Library:
    Ornate Pillar teleports you with Citadel Library.
    • Note: From this point onward, you may use the Citadel Library portal in the bunkers in Eastham.
  7. At the drop, you will be in a room filled with tall staircases. This room is filled with many bookcases which give books if used (lore purposes only).
  8. Use the east facing staircase just to your left and take it all the way to the platform at the top of the dungeon.
  9. At the top, take the appropriate level/color portal at the very top to be portaled to final part of the quest.

Part 5: Gaerlan

  1. From the drop, follow the linear dungeon through 2 rooms with a few enemies and doors that must be opened. You will then reach a catwalk, from which you can see Gaerlan himself in the large room below.
  2. Fully debuff and fester Gaerlan, and then kill him with Pierce or Slash weapons.
    • Tip: A common strategy is have melee players form a melee wall on the catwalk or in the doorway. This way mages and archers can attack from a somewhat safe distance. The other enemies in the room can be killed or ignored as desired.
    • Note 1: If anyone dies during the battle, they can get back by using the appropriate Citadel Library portal in Eastham. This will drop them back in the staircase room where they will have to run back up the stairs and use the portal, then through the 2 rooms to get back.
    • Note 2: Gaerlan has incredibly high heath regeneration. If attempting to solo, casting Decrepitude's Grasp or Incantation of Fester Other is a must. The most difficult part of killing is doing enough damage to overcome his regen.
  3. Once Gaerlan is dead and vanishes, quickly take the portal to Gaerlan's Inner Sanctum that spawns in the room under the catwalk.
    <Player Name> has defeated Gaerlan's electric/prismatic aspect. As the illusion crumbles away a deep voice thunders over the world, "A doomed eternity to relive this life. Stasis within the walls of a crystalline prison. How could I have fallen to you vermin. Nuhmudira, my revenge upon you shall be as painful as yours upon me."
  4. The final dungeon has no enemies. From the drop head up the ramp to the south, take your first 2 lefts, and then your first right.
  5. At the T intersection, take either direction and run until you reach a pit of acid or fire. Jump down into the room with Gaerlan's Phylacteric Prison.
  6. Use Gaerlan's Phylacteric Prison to receive experience, luminance (150+ only) and the following rewards:
    • An Elemental Master Robe. The player who got the kill on Gaerlan will receive a black version, all others will get a red version.
    • An Iasparailaun or Modified Iasparailaun (150+ version only). This sword can be placed on a housing hook or given to an Agent of the Arcanum for 2 MM notes or 5 MMDs (150+), as well as experience and the title "Gaerlan Slayer".
      • Note that despite the item's description, it cannot be wielded by Empyrean characters. This item pre-dates Empyrean being a selectable character class and was never intended to be wieldable by players.
    • A specific reward item based on your trained and specialized skills. See the table below.
  7. [OPTIONAL] Take the Citadel Apex portal on the south wall and loot Martine's Mask and Martine's Robe lying on the top of the tower. Note that there is no return portal to get back.
Trained Skill Train Cost 20-149 Item 150+ Item
War Magic 16 Taulandoi Modified Taulandoi (Cold) Modified Taulandoi (Electric)
Modified Taulandoi (Acid) Modified Taulandoi (Fire)
Life Magic 12 Saulandoi Modified Saulandoi
Heavy Weapons 6 Raudaloi Gauraloi Modified Raudaloi Modified Gauraloi
Mana Conversion 6 Ring of Intellect Modified Ring of Intellect
Missile Defense 6 Saelgauloi Modified Saelgauloi
Missile Weapons 6 Habraeloi Palauloi Lautaloi Modified Habraeloi Modified Palauloi Modified Lautaloi
Finesse Weapons 4 Falauloi Dauloi Shauraloi Modified Falauloi Modified Dauloi Modified Shauraloi
Leadership 4 Circlet of Supremacy Modified Circlet of Supremacy
Light Weapons 4 Sacraloi Tauraloi Modified Sacraloi Modified Tauraloi
Shield 2 Dauloirae Modified Dauloirae
Arcane Lore 0 Bracelet of Knowledge Modified Bracelet of Knowledge
Magic Defense 0 Daulan Faur Modified Daulan Faur

Notes on Item Rewards

  • The first time you complete the quest, you will receive the item with the highest skill credit cost which you have trained (or specialized). Repeat runs will give the next item in the list according to the skills you currently have trained. After getting all the possible items for your trained skills, the rewards will cycle and you start from the top of the list again.
  • As this is a very old quest, the reward items were designed around the weapon skills at the time of its release. When the Heavy, Finesse, Light, and Missile weapon skills were introduced, the items were re-grouped according to their assigned weapon skill.
  • It is assumed that Weapon Mastery is used to determine which weapon is received for the weapon skills with multiple items. A player with a bow mastery would not receive the crossbow weapon. However, this has not been thoroughly tested.
  • The exact priority order of skills of equal skill credit cost has not been extensively tested.
  • The Dauloirae shield was originally rewarded for the Melee Defense skill, as it existed before there was a Shield skill. This was changed after the Shield skill was introduced.
  • It is believed that there is a "programmed rewards sequence" which the character is evaluated against when getting rewards. If skills are trained or dropped between completions of the quest, it will not change your current position in the rewards sequence. This means that you will get the next reward item down the list, even if you have trained a new skill that costs more skill credits than the next one. Conversely, it means dropping a skill that would effect the next reward will skip over that item. Again this is all theory and has not been heavily tested for accuracy.
  • The Taulandoi caster comes in 4 elemental versions. However, only 1 is given as part of the War Magic item reward. As a result, the entire sequence of rewards for a character must be cycled before getting another Taulandoi of a different element. In order to get one of all 4 varieties, a player would likely need to complete the quest 10-15 times!
  • Based on the above notes, some of the weapon rewards are extremely rare to find due to the general unpopularity of light and finesse weapons and the need to complete the quest many times to get all items.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Frost Ziggurat ?? -- 5A46
Fire Ziggurat ?? -- --
Acid Ziggurat ?? -- --
Lightning Ziggurat ?? -- 5746
Prismatic Ziggurat ?? -- --
Proving Grounds Low ?? -- --
Proving Grounds Mid ?? -- --
Proving Grounds High ?? -- --
Proving Grounds Extreme ?? -- 5744
Proving Grounds Uber ?? -- --
Citadel Library ?? -- 5653
Icy Demise ?? -- 5745
Fiery Consumption ?? -- --
Entropic Decay ?? -- --
Lightning Destruction ?? -- --
Prismatic Devastation ?? -- --
Gaerlan's Inner Sanctum ?? -- 5654


20-149 Rewards

Bracelet of Knowledge Circlet of Supremacy Daulan Faur Dauloi Dauloirae Elemental Master Robe Falauloi Gauraloi Habraeloi Iasparailaun Lautaloi Martine's Mask Martine's Robe Palauloi Raudaloi Ring of Intellect Sacraloi Saelgauloi Saulandoi Shauraloi Taulandoi Tauraloi

150+ Rewards

Modified Bracelet of Knowledge Modified Circlet of Supremacy Modified Daulan Faur Modified Dauloi Modified Dauloirae Modified Elemental Master Robe Modified Falauloi Modified Gauraloi Modified Habraeloi Modified Iasparailaun Modified Lautaloi Martine's Mask Martine's Robe Modified Palauloi Modified Raudaloi Modified Ring of Intellect Modified Sacraloi Modified Saelgauloi Modified Saulandoi Modified Shauraloi Modified Tauraloi Modified Taulandoi (Acid) Modified Taulandoi (Cold) Modified Taulandoi (Electric) Modified Taulandoi (Fire)

Uber Weapons (Created by adding a Weapon Upgrade Kit to a Modified Gaerlan weapon.)

Uber Dauloi Uber Falauloi Uber Gauraloi Uber Habraeloi Uber Lautaloi Uber Palauloi Uber Raudaloi Uber Sacraloi Uber Shauraloi

Lore Texts

Charged Tome Decrepit Tome Disciples of Corrosion Disciples of Stasis Disciples of Strife Disciples of Tempest Ebuillant Tome Fiery Tome Gaerlan's Research Notes Icy Tome Leather Bound Tome

Quest Items

Imbued Pyreal Nugget Citadel Portal Gem Seal Fragment (Blue) Seal Fragment (Green) Seal Fragment (Orange) Seal Fragment (Purple) Combined Seal Fragment (Blue-Orange) Combined Seal Fragment (Green-Purple) Ornate Seal Imbued Ornate Seal

Retired Items

Gaerlan Token

Experience Rewards

Title Rewards


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Asheron's Platinum Golem tells you, "Though lord Asheron does not condone the horror wrought upon him, I have been placed here to assist those that would strike down the undead form of Gaerlan."
Asheron's Platinum Golem tells you, "Where once he meant to control the world and destroy my lord Asheron, now he suffers for eternity, now he has been given over unwillingly to the carrion call of the undead by Nuhmudira."
Asheron's Platinum Golem tells you, "Enter and activate the Platinum golems so they may hold the citadel open for you as you progress. You will need this to awaken my brethren within. When they are awake you shall be asked to past the tests that all must face to pass deeper into the citadel."
Asheron's Platinum Golem gives you Imbued Pyreal Nugget.
Asheron's Platinum Golem tells you, "The portals into the citadel's inverted ziggurat lay nearby. Complete this task and the magic within the pyreal will allow Asheron's voice to enter you. I will speak to you more once this is accomplished."

You give Platinum Golem Imbued Pyreal Nugget.
Platinum Golem says, "I hear and obey Lord Asheron Realadain."
Asheron's voice fills your mind, "You have done well. Now you must pass a set of trials that the citadel itself will place before you. In a sense it lives, as this was the design of the Empyrean from before my years. You must not fail. Failure can lead to death. I will ensure that portals are created to assist you should you meet with misadventure."

You give Asheron's Platinum Golem Ornate Seal.
Asheron's Platinum Golem tells you, "This was constructed by the most ancient of the Empyrean people."
Asheron's Platinum Golem tells you, "I have been given gems that will portal you onto the citadel. There you should find entrance into the library. They will appear as pillars of a bygone era. Give this seal to the pillars. Once done, you should be transported into the lowest level of the sanctum, located in the tower."
Asheron's Platinum Golem tells you, "Lord Asheron wishes you well on your endeavor."
Asheron's Platinum Golem gives you Imbued Ornate Seal.
Asheron's Platinum Golem gives you Citadel Portal Gem.

<Player Name> has defeated Gaerlan's electric aspect. As the illusion crumbles away a deep voice thunders over the world, "A doomed eternity to relive this life. Stasis within the walls of a crystalline prison. How could I have fallen to you vermin. Nuhmudira, my revenge upon you shall be as painful as yours upon me."

Gaerlan's Phylacteric Prison gives you Modified Elemental Master Robe.
Gaerlan's Phylacteric Prison gives you Modified Iasparailaun.
You've earned 350,000,000 experience.
You've earned 15,000 Luminance.
Gaerlan's Phylacteric Prison gives you Modified Saulandoi..

Using Gaerlan's Phylacteric Prison again before timer is up:
A woman's voice sounds in your mind, "You have not yet earned the right to draw what you will from his soul. Return when you have waited a full day. Greed is a poor attribute to have, child.

Using Gaerlan's Phylacteric Prison again after timer is up but not completing quest again:
There is nothing for you here, child.

You allow Agent of the Arcanum to examine your Modified Iasparailaun. You hand over 1 of your Modified Iasparailauns.
Agent of the Arcanum tells you, "I see that you have visited revenge upon the man that wanted to bring our race to an end. Nuhmudira thanks you for this. Here is your reward."
You've earned 100,000,000 experience.
Agent of the Arcanum gives you 5 Trade Notes (250,000).
Agent of the Arcanum gives you Gaerlan Token.
Agent of the Arcanum tells you, "I see that you have visited revenge upon the man that wanted to bring our race to an end. Nuhmudira thanks you for this. Here is your reward."
From this day forward, <Player Name> shall be known as Gaerlan Slayer.."
