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Related topics: Gearcraft (Skill), Salvaging, Tinkering

Trinkets are a classification of item that can possess magic but requires no specific form. The only common thread is they all possess some level of technology. We Derethians are familiar with a large variety of magical items but none before this technical. A trinket can be worn in a great variety of ways, as a simple broach clipped to your amuli coat, a small gadget stored in the pocket or any other number of possible placements. What we do know that is, to date, you can only activate the magic of a single trinket at a time. (These items occupy a trinket slot on your character; this slot is displayed below the necklace slot.)

The most advanced form of Gearcrafting includes the way it interacts with trinkets. All trinkets possessing magic seem to have further innate magics that can be tapped into. The closest analog to the process of activating these magics is that of Tinkering and Imbuing items as has long been the practice of a variety of crafters around Dereth. Gearcrafting requires you to train the Gearcraft (Skill) (2 skill credits). You may specialize Gearcraft using an augmentation.

Imbueing Trinkets

Any loot generated trinket can have up to 1 Major, 1 Moderate, and 1 Minor gearcraft imbues (this is currently bugged and will be fixed next patch). Attempt an imbue by first adding a full bag of salvage twice (one bag total) to an armature for the level of effect you wish to add. Majors max at 33% success rate (38% with the Charmed Smith augmentation). Moderates and minors can max at 100% with high enough skill/low work item/high work salvage.

Note: This is currently bugged, your are supposed to be able to add one major, one moderate, and one minor to any loot trinket, however currently you fail when trying to add the minor.

Adding a major:

  1. Purchase a Major Gearcrafting Armature (cheapest from the quartermasters in the Faction Strongholds) and combine with one of the seven types of gearcrafting salvage.(Add twice to complete.)
  2. Combine the armature-salvage combination to a loot generated trinket. Majors have a high chance of failure, maximum possible is 38% (with Charmed Smith, the imbue augmentation, otherwise maximum is 33%).

Adding a moderate:

  1. Purchase a Moderate Gearcrafting Armature (sold by many general merchandise shopkeeps) and combine with one of the seven types of gearcrafting salvage. (Add twice to complete.)
  2. Combine the armature-salvage combination to a loot generated trinket. Moderates have a decent to high chance of success, maximum possible is 100%.

Adding a Minor:

  1. Purchase a Minor Gearcrafting Armature (sold by many general merchandise shopkeeps) and combine with one of the seven types of gearcrafting salvage. (Add twice to complete.)
  2. Combine the armature-salvage combination to a loot generated trinket. Minors have a high chance of success, maximum possible is 100%.

Gearcrafting Salvage

Salvage Minor Moderate Major
Salvaged Amber Augmented Stamina I Augmented Stamina II Augmented Stamina III

Salvaged Diamond Augmented Damage I Augmented Damage II Augmented Damage III

Salvaged Gromnie Hide Augmented Damage Reduction I Augmented Damage Reduction II Augmented Damage Reduction III

Salvaged Pyreal Augmented Understanding I Augmented Understanding II Augmented Understanding III

Salvaged Ruby Augmented Health I Augmented Health II Augmented Health III

Salvaged Sapphire Augmented Mana I Augmented Mana II Augmented Mana III


Devices contain a unique ability to tap into specific magics on a variety of levels. The tier of a device is completely dependent on the materials it is made from and in some cases the craftsmanship of the components. The tools and components needed to craft devices are largely sold by various shopkeepers and the remainder drop as trophies on creatures. Each stage of crafting requires a skill check and if failed the components are lost. Though gearcraft skill is required to make these items, anyone with the meets the device requirements can use the item (they are tradable).


Leadership Horns

Device Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Bronze Horn of Leadership + = + = + = + =

Silver Horn of Leadership + = + = + = + =

Gold Horn of Leadership + = + = + = + =

Pyreal Horn of Leadership + = + = + = + =

Platinum Horn of Leadership + = + = + = + =


Medals of Intellect

Medals of Vigor

Virindi Essences