From the Aerbax's Prodigal Harbinger Quest introduced in the Dark Materials event.
Harbinger's Foci
Harbinger's Foci
Value: 12,000 20 Burden Units
Four foci taken from the Prodigal Harbinger. When worn on the head they focus the wearer's energies.
Armor Level: 420
Covers Head
Your level must be at least 180 to wield this item.
Casts the following spells: Focus Other Incantation, Harbinger's Coordination, Strength Other Incantation, Harbinger's Endurance, Harbinger's Focus, Harbinger's Quickness, Harbinger's Strength, Harbinger's Willpower, Aura of Resistance, Brogard's Defiance
Armor Level: 420 (640)
Slashing: Average (420) (640)
Piercing: Average (420) (640)
Bludgeoning: Average (420) (640)
Fire: Above Average (630) (960)
Cold: Above Average (630) (960)
Acid: Above Average (630) (960)
Electric: Above Average (630) (960)
Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 150, Melee Defense: 310
Spellcraft: 450
Mana: 8000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
Spell Descriptions:
- Focus Other Incantation (Increases the target's Focus by 45 points.)
- Harbinger's Coordination (Increases Coordination 1 point above spells and most cantrips.)
- Strength Other Incantation (Increases the target's Strength by 45 points.)
- Harbinger's Endurance (Increases Endurance 1 point above spells and most cantrips.)
- Harbinger's Focus (Increases Focus 1 point above spells and most cantrips.)
- Harbinger's Quickness (Increases Quickness 1 point above spells and most cantrips.)
- Harbinger's Strength (Increases Strength 1 point above spells and most cantrips.)
- Harbinger's Willpower (Increases Willpower 1 point above spells and most cantrips.)
- Aura of Resistance (Increases the caster's Magic Defense skill by 40 points.)
- Brogard's Defiance (Improves a shield or piece of armor's armor value by 200 points.)