Havala bint Mylos
Introduced: | Corrupted Sovereigns | Related Quests: | Composite Bow Quest |
- Route: See Ayan Baqur.
- Creates Carved Great Mattekar Horns from Great Mattekar Horns for the Composite Atlatl.
Havala's Composite Atlatl Manual
Great Mattekar Horn
Carved Great Mattekar Horn
Lore & Dialog
Havala bint Mylos tells you, "Have you read my work on composite atlatls?"
Havala bint Mylos gives you Havala's Composite Atlatl Manual.
Havala bint Mylos tells you, "I can help you by carving pieces of horn to go into the atlatl's stave. Later, if your skills have outgrown your Composite Atlatl I might have a way to upgrade it."
You give Havala bint Mylos Great Mattekar Horn.
Havala bint Mylos tells you, "Yes, this will be suitable. I can carve this into a shape suitable for atlatl construction."
Havala bint Mylos gives you Carved Great Mattekar Horn.
Havala bint Mylos tells you, "If you wish to craft a Composite Atlatl for yourself I'll sell you a copy of my book on the subject for a Trade Note worth 1000 pyreals."
Havala bint Mylos tells you, "If you are looking to upgrade your bow or simply wish to help me collect some materials for my craft I have a small task for you."
Havala bint Mylos tells you, "I've heard of a chain of Ancient Caves where an unknown creature's bones may be found. These bones make exceptional handles for the Composite Atlatl. Unfortunately the caves are infested with Grievvers and can be quite dangerous for an unprepared explorer. Go and find a Fossilized Bone in the deepest depths of the cavern. There are other bones on the upper levels of the cave that I can use as well."