Housing FAQ
Related topics: Category:Housing
Does the initial 15 day purchase restriction apply to all servers?
Yes, the 15 day timer begins as soon as you start your first character on that server.
I don’t want my home anymore, how do I disown it?
On the character that purchased the house, type /house abandon or @house abandon in the chat window and then click yes to confirm when the dialogue box appears.
What about my house Deed, what do I do with that?
The house Deed vanishes as soon as you abandon your property, ready for you to buy a new house if the timer is up.
How does the housing timer work?
The 30 day housing timer counts down as soon as your purchase a house, once the 30 days are up you can purchase a new dwelling. The timer does not apply to apartments.
How many dwellings can I own per server?
You may own a single house (Apartment, Cottage, Villa or Mansion) on one character on each server.
What do my other characters do for storage?
All characters on the server share the house and can access its storage space, hooks and all housing commands (except @house abandon).
What happens to all my items if I forget to pay the maintenance or abandon the house?
All your items will remain in the storage and on hooks as you left them. However, anyone who purchases the property will then own the storage and all the items.
Can other players pay for my maintenance if I am unable to play Asheron's Call?
Yes other players can pay in the usual fashion by using the Covenant Crystal outside the dwelling. However, make sure the housing barrier is down if it's a cottage or they won't be able to reach the crystal.
How do I add/remove a housing decoration to/from roof hooks - I can't reach them!
You can reach the roof hooks from the ground either select them with the cursor by altering the camera angle and clicking on them, or scroll through the hooks by using the bracket keys and then press use (press R or click the hand icon next to the Dove) You can also do this from inside the house.
Why can't I use the spell casting device on my house hook?
House hooks must be turned off before you can use spell casting devices and other interactive items. You can do this by typing /house hooks off.