Invoker Quest

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Invoker Quest
Level: ??
Type: Group/Solo
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

You must first complete the Buadren Quest before you can begin upgrading it to an Invoker. There are a series of levers to pull to advance through the dungeon, these can be solo'd, however it is easier with more people and coordinate the lever pulls.

Walk Through

NOTE: The dungeon is very difficult to navigate completely through without a group of 2-4, but can be done alone. Aegis/health rations/potions are *strongly* recommended. It is also recommended that you study the map and familiarize yourself with the hidden portal locations (Lilitha/Empyrean rooms).

  1. Each person needs a Buadren.
  2. Pick up an Akiekie Ember at 82.7N 21.E near the fire in the Aun Settlement.
  3. Enter the Portal Space dungeon and follow these instructions:
  4. Pull the gem levers until the blue "door" opens, follow the path downward until you reach a large room, next to the door is a lever, pull it to open. Using the map
    as a guide, find the invisible floorspace that will teleport you to lithia's room
  5. From here, run past the portals until you find the orange one, enter it, then run downward as far as you can go and you will find that the doors to section 2 are
    open, enter the portal behind the door.
  6. From here, make your way to the bottom of the stairway (which looks like portals) and pull the lever next to the locked door, then run all the way back up from which
    you came and enter the "portal space" portal, this will take you to the large room in the first orange section.
  7. *IMPORTANT* Pull the lever right next to you before proceeding! Then again find Lithia's room and take the yellow portal. Make your way downward and you will find
    that the yellow doors for the second section are opened, enter it.
  8. From here, run to the bottom and you will find that the doors that blocked you earlier are opened, run through them. You do not need to worry about going back to
    section 1 now. In the lightning room, pull the lever next to the closed door then head to the empyrean room.
  9. Take the green portal inside, it drops you to the lightning room in the green section; run past the open doors, reach the final locked door and pull the lever next
    to it, then run back to the empyrean room and take the orange portal
  10. Pull the lever in the orange lightning room and head back to the empyrean room
  11. Take the blue portal, and FINALLY run through to the end.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Entrance to Portal Space (Start) 82.8N 21.2E -- 526C
Entrance to Portal Space (Mid) 82.8N 21.2E -- 526B
Entrance to Portal Space (Final) 82.8N 21.2E -- 526A


Quest Items

Buadren Tumerok Akiekie Akiekie Ember Burning Akiekie Ember



Experience Rewards


Lore & Dialog

Speaking with Aun Aulakhe

Aun Aulakhe tells you, "Several moons ago, my father Shimauri summoned us to his accustomed story hour, to tell of a story never heard by my generation."
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "Long ago, in the combined pasts of the Hea and Aun, Aun Tanua was a nigh-legendary warrior who was beloved by our xuta. He left our gates to challenge the Puh in his mudflats of Ahurenga, never to return. We thought perhaps he had been captured or slain by the Hea, but now we have discovered the truth: when they were unable to conquer him, the Hea called upon the Atua ngamaru. Answering them, the floating demons bore down and plunged him down into the depths of the Lightning-Sea, never to be heard of again."
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "My task is to find warriors brave enough to enter the Lightning-Sea, who can search for him and bring him back to us. My buhdi Tikakhe tells me that you might be the person we are looking for."
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "When you find Tanua, warm him with the ember of the akiekie fire that you see on the ground, for there is no telling how Aun Tanua's mind might have fared in his captivity."
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "My training, both in my homeland and with the Aualuan of your xuta, has taught me to create the Burning Pools that shimmer upon the Lightning-Sea. I have opened such a portal on the surface of the akiekie pond, and if you dare swim its depths, enter it and find Aun Tanua!"
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "A word of advice: All must depend upon the coordination of their fellows to navigate the Shimmering Sea. Farewell, and Tanae speed you in your hunt."

Showing the Akiekie Ember to Aun Aulakhe

You allow Aun Aulakhe to examine your Akiekie Ember.
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "I have asked you to take this ember into the Lightning-Sea, in hopes that you will be able to find Aun Tanua and give it to him."

Attempting to communicate with Lilitha

Lilitha inclines her head toward you and waits, looking numbly expectant.

Lilitha reaches toward you, and absently gropes her own face. She seems confused.
Lilitha tells you, "That one is... The box hasn't seen flesh poison in... in a long time."
Lilitha tells you, "Person. The box meant person."

Lilitha tells you, "They brought a man here once. They split him open and scooped out his insides. They made a pile, like sticky fruit. Then they put other things inside him that glowed red and purple."
Lilitha tells you, "One of the Masters said they learned how to do it by studying the box. It said the man's name was Martine."

Lilitha tells you, "They put a thing in the box's head. A crystal thing. When the box becomes agitated it screams. The Masters told the box it is a keeper."

Lilitha tells you, "Attentive."

Lilitha tells you, "The box attends the master."

Lilitha tells you, "They took the box outside in a cloud. It's nothing but purple. You could fall forever, and everything was bent this way and that. But in some places there were blue ribbons that crackled and danced."
Lilitha tells you, "There were things around the ribbons. They looked like glowing water and trailed strings of jelly. They turned as the box went by and poked each other with the jelly-strings. They were the size of houses. Maybe. Size doesn't work right outside."

Lilitha blinks at you uncomprehendingly.
Lilitha tells you, "Why is that one on the other side of the wall?"

Lilitha tells you, "The box used to count the days with marks on the walls. It used its fingernails. It counted four years. Then they changed the walls so they wouldn't mark. That was a long time ago."

Lilitha tells you, "Does that one see the hand? It is not the box's hand. They took that. They put it in a glass bubble and it turned into fog. They attached the box to this one later. Sometimes the hand talks to the box."

Lilitha tells you, "The box doesn't know what they are. They didn't talk at first. They just kept stabbing glass pins into the box. The first thing they said was the box's own voice, like an echo. Then they started putting the box's words together in different ways."

Lilitha tells you, "Temenua. That one caught the box as it slept. It brought the box to a child, and the child gave it to these things."
An angry blush colors Lilitha's cheeks, and an unexpected gleam rises in her eyes...
:Lilitha tells you, "It BOUND me. No one EVER --"
... but a faint, glissando shriek comes from her head. She flinches, and the gleam dies as quickly as it came.

Lilitha tells you, "They took the box apart twice. First they looked for what was inside the box, but they said it was empty. Then they wanted to know what made the box go."
Lilitha tells you, "They did it with blue lights. They drew lines on the box and it fell to pieces."
Lilitha tells you, "They wouldn't let the box move. The box watched it happen, until the light reached its eyes."
Lilitha tells you, "It... hurt me..."
Lilitha abruptly falls to her knees and begins to retch, hugging herself tightly.

Attempting to communicate with Yalaini Woman

Your vision swims. A wall of arid heat slams into your face, nearly knocking you back. You blink, eyes dry and stinging.
You stand over a raw lava flow. The craggy walls are black stone, scarcely lit by the damask shadows from the liquid earth that rolls and flops beneath you. Down in the flow, figures are moving; constellations of stone, burning white from their inhospitable wading pool.

Your vision swims. For a moment, you see a group of men and women in white and purple. Somehow, you recognize the pattern of the robes; the colors of the Knorr Lyceum. The fabric is torn, sweat-stained, the anonymous faces floating above them white with fatigue. You are jostled and shoved into a group. You blink into the shadows. What..? The adepts raise their hands. Their eyes fill with radiance, growing blinding, growing until you can see the shadow of their skulls.
You fall into the silvered tube of portalspace. It snakes and writhes, following safe courses through dimensions no eye can see, and magic can scarcely chart. And then...
The tunnel does not collapse as it always does. It peels open. You are weightless, formless, tumbling through an empty violet abyss. So tired... Sleep...
And something, somewhere, tears a little more...

Your vision swims. For a moment, you seem to be sitting before an orb wreathed in sourceless, clean blue flame. Across from you sits a young man, his hands knotted in anguish, his golden eyes flaring with anger. He speaks, the words flowing like the musical speech of the sea peoples of Ispar. Like an afterimage, the words come again a moment later, in your own tongue. "Someone has to do something. They say we may only watch. But the things we see! You cannot believe what she subjects these people to. This mad queen should be cast down!"
You hear words, as if from your own mouth, saying, "But what can you do?"
"I can do what's right. I'm going back with the next study group," he says, looking at you carefully. "Maybe... for good."
"How could you stay without being found as something... other?"
The man laughs, a bitter thing. "The same way we take our smug notes. We don't hide away in hunting blinds, you know. The life masters create flesh glamors for us. I've strolled through the markets, smelling the crops." He rubs his head, chin ducking with some faint embarrassment. "Being that short takes some getting used to."

Your vision swims. For a moment, you stand upon a crest, a frigid wind blowing icy knives through you, the land dropping away from your toes. You stumble back a step back from the precipice, dazzled by the light that skitters and skips across the snowy ground. Squinting, you raise a hand against the light of the dying sun to see...
Mount Esper. But not as you know it. Heat haze causes the sun to dance a jig as the cinder cone's lake boils white. On all sides, people and golems move about. A floating stone pallet is loaded with bars of greenish gold metal; a white-hot golem illuminates the entry shaft it trundles out of, the the echo filling the crater with the sound of a mountain falling down.
You turn to your left. An distinguished elderly woman looks to the west, the clean white light of the sun sharpening the crags of her cheeks. One hand rests on a platinum cane inscribed with fine, elegant calligraphy. Impossibly, you know her friend Ejan made it for her. And impossibly, you find yourself speaking words you cannot guess the meanings of; and you seem to hear it in Roulean. "Shaura... All these things... the great books, the monuments... The Cathedral that stood for eight millenia. What will happen to our works? They'll fall to dust if we're away so long."
"Time will come when these things will be again," the old woman smiles, her silver hair glinting in the waning sun. "Don't worry, my dear. When all has fallen down, you and I will be there to rebuild it, won't we?"
Her storm-grey eyes turn away to the west again, like ship sailing over sea. Distantly, she murmurs, "He's a good boy, Resanne. I believe in him. Unlike that daft Emperor who has us make him coins as the olthoi approach."

Your vision swims.
Violet light.
Violet light.
Violet light.
Violet light.
Violet light.
A column of blue light, vague as smoke, shimmers briefly in the distance.
Violet light.
Violet light.
Violet light.
Am I awake? He said we would --
Violet light.
There's something moving in the light...
Violet light.
Violet light.
Violet light.
The vision releases you abruptly, leaving you trembling and breathless.

Attempting to communicate with Yalaini Man

Your vision swims. For a moment, you seem to be on the deck of a ship. A ship? There are no... Over the rail you can see docks carved from alabaster and chalcedony. Where? A crowd that roars. Shrill. The clouds recoil over the glittering spires of the city, and black rain descends on buzzing alien wings. The deck lurches - you find yourself clutching the wall of the dungeon.

Your vision swims. For a moment, you seem to stand in creaking jungle. You are running, swinging a sword wreathed in astral flames. A hundred men around you roar as one. There! At last, the ornate blue spires rise before you. Ridiculous lizard-men flap towards you, their eyes glowing. Women dressed in the skins of animals raise their hands, and the ground erupts. You swim forward, wading through a rain of earth and a razor wind of flying thorns. The noise of falling water becomes deafening.

Your vision swims. For a moment, your vision dims. Great wooden doors, intricately carved and glowing faintly green, creak open before you. Before you is a long, wide hall, its cloistered ceilings lit by false stars that mime the constellations of the sky outside. Niches along both sides are lined with candles. No... not candles, but simple silver rods, tarnish blackening the hollows of their fine reliefs. Over the apex of each rod floats a waterdrop of arcane light, rippling as it spins in place. The light colors alternate, azure and violet, casting shadows as faint as wind.
Musical, incomprehensible speech calls your attention to the end of the great hall. A figure stands there, backlit by a roiling white inferno as blinding as the sun. A long shadow, unleavened by the waterlight from the silver rods, paints the marble at your feet. Like an echo, the meaning of the words comes back at you.
"Raen Ameranten. Chevaird of the Ialarchess. Child of Atermore, the Alabaster Fortress that Rises from the sea; the Rock which guards the eastern ways of the glorious Imperial Archipelago. You are here required to swear the Rule of Life. Will you walk upon the path of a righteous life, in fear of and in service to the clear Light? Or will you turn aside to darkness, as have others of your order? Speak now, and be cautious; for if an unworthy or insincere tongue dare speak the Rule of Life, it shall be burned from the mouth by the radiance of its holy truth."

Your vision swims. For a moment, you seem to be staggering up a flight of stairs. A fetor rises from the room below, the stink of the slaughterhouse. They never made a sound. None of them, not even once, not even when the blades began to hew. Men follow you up, slapping each other on the back, laughing too much as they adjust their campaign cloaks. The air is no cleaner above, though. Here the smell is of burning. You sidestep a fall of blue marble. A drunken warrior shouts apologies from the loft above, a purloined silver icon clutched in his stained fist.

Your vision swims. For a moment, you seem be running down stairs. Men lining the walls grin at you, bowing as you pass. They smell of sweat and blood, their white, star-branded campaign cloaks stained a lurid incarnadine. Their nostrils are flaring. Lips pull back from grey and brown teeth. You hold the torch above your head.
The women huddle together in the center of the blue stone room, watching the men with cool, detached defiance. Is that how it is? We'll see how long that detachment lasts. You nod to the men. One steps forward and wrenches a heretic girl out of the group, bending her arm a way it is not meant to go, driving her down to bruise her knees on the stones of the floor. She does not scream. The beads woven into her hair clack like teeth coming together. He grins, and rips away one sleeve of her vesture with a languid hand.
The room is silent but for the snapping of your torch. A lone bird cries in jungle outside.

Nearing Aun Tanua

Suddenly, you hear a lone Tumerok's anguished scream from the depths of portal space, and you nearly jump out of your skin for 1 points of damage!

Giving the Akiekie Ember to Aun Tanua

You give Aun Tanua Akiekie Ember.
Aun Tanua gently cups the ember in his clawed hands, and as its glow warms his skin, his past gradually seeps into memory. For the first instant in an endless monotony of time, he remembers. Ezheret. Palenqual. Timaru. Home.
As determination and strength return to the old warrior's stance, he turns to you once more.
Aun Tanua tells you, "I have no knowledge of how long I have been imprisoned here. Endless half moments on moments, my memory failing, my own keh draining away...All I know is that I cannot leave, for the Atua ngamaru have me captured inside these walls of light."
Aun Tanua tells you, "My own Timaru is far from me, but you have brought me an ember of her heart, and once again my people are with me. You must have been sent with this gift by one of my brethren, and for that I thank you."
Aun Tanua tells you, "There is but one way to let my brothers envision my fate, and I must ask one more favor of you."
Aun Tanua lifts the akiekie ember to his face and softly blows across its faintly glowing surface. As his keh suffuses the ember, it suddenly fans into a flame. He holds it a moment longer, then relinquishes it to your care.
Aun Tanua gives you Burning Akiekie Ember.
Aun Tanua tells you, "Give this to the one that sent you here to me. He will understand its intent and what should be done. Go now, and if you ever tread upon the shores of Palenqual, let her know I am with her."

Giving the Burning Akiekie Ember to Aun Aulakhe

You give Aun Aulakhe Burning Akiekie Ember.
Aun Aulakhe carefully lifts the glowing ember from your hands and gazes into it with awe.
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "Aun Tanua was unable to return with you again, but look! He has infused this ember with his own keh. I wonder..."
Aulakhe kneels down and carefully adds the glowing ember to the encampment's fire.
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "This is a triumph, for even though he remains in captivity, Aun Tanua's spirit can now dance with our ancestors in the akiekie fire. For this I must reward you, for you have done the Tonk of Timaru a great service this day."
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "Give me the magic Buadren you received from Tikakhe, and I will add to its medicine."
Aun Saritea stands protectively in front of his fledgling akiekie.
You give Aun Aulakhe Buadren.
Aun Aulakhe takes your Buadren and carefully leans into the heat and smoke of the fire. He slowly starts to beat the drum, infusing it with the heat and magic now emanating from the fire's warmth. As he drums, the fire's glow coalesces around the drum with a shimmering intensity. When it seems as if the Buadren itself will catch fire, Aulakhe removes it from the flames.
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "You have done the Aun of Timaru a great service today, and for this I shall reward you. I have bound this Buadren to Aun Tanua's own keh, so you may carry it against your enemies. In your time of greatest need, invoke him, and he will come to your aid."
Aun Aulakhe tells you, "My own mission here is not finished, for I shall not walk through the gates of Timaru until the day when Aun Tanua himself may walk beside me. If you would like to brave Aun Tanua's prison once more, come to me after the Shining Twins have finished their journey, when I will have regained the strength to stabilize the Lightning-Sea."
You've earned 30,000,000 experience.
Aun Aulakhe gives you Invoker.

Quest timer

Aun Aulakhe tells you, "Greetings, friend. Although my mission remains, bringing calm to the Lightning-Sea has sorely taxed my strength, and I must meditate to regain it. Come back in four weeks-at that time I may need to call upon your help once more."

Retired text

Aun Aulakhe murmers a prayer to calm the waters of the Lightning-Sea. Slowly, a portal starts to shimmer in the depths of the akiekie pond.
