Lady Aerfalle Quest

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Lady Aerfalle Quest
Level: ??
Type: Solo/Group
Starts At: ??
Repeat: ??

Quest Overview

  • This quest requires Lockpick.
  • If leading a group, the first portions of the quest can be completed solo. Everyone must be present when the Relic Watchman is killed to enter Aerfalle's Keep.
  • The easy version of this quest is the only version that yields a recall scroll. If you do not hand in the Sacrificial Dagger, you will not receive a recall scroll.

Walk Through

Part 1: Preparation

These steps can be done alone or with a smaller group, there are no rewards and participation is not essential to being a part of the later sections of this quest.

  1. Go to Crater Caves Dungeon at 66.7N 12.5E. At the bottom of the dungeon near the forges take the Pyreal Forge Bellows laying on the ground.
  2. Travel to Aerlinthe island by handing a D Note to Garaena the Emissary at 87.6S, 65.6W, just East of Candeth Keep.
  3. From Aerlinthe Island, follow the inner harbor beach around to the harbor's northwest corner (87.7N 44.4E). Go due west up the slope to 88.0N 43.4E then follow the ledge that wraps around the mountain to the north and enter the Tenkarrdun Foundry at 88.8N 42.8E.
  4. Retrieve the Sluice Gate Bar from the Foundry. Lockpick is required.
    • Note: See map for location of the Sluice Gate Bar.
    • Tip: You can take any surface portal to exit the dungeon with the bar, however one portal in particular drops at 88.6N 42.4E, near your next destination (see map for portal's location).
  5. Run to the Aerlinthe Reservoir at 85.5N 43.4E.
  6. On the way down, stop and pick up one Sacrificial Dagger (3 day pick-up timer) if you will be doing the standard/low version of the quest. It is behind a locked door just before you get to the large downward sloping room. If you are doing the high version it is not needed. Most people pick it up just in case.
  7. At the bottom of the reservoir behind a locked door (322) is a portal to the Aerlinthe Lower Reservoir, use this portal.
  8. Run to the bottom of the Lower Reservoir and hand the Sluice Gate Bar to the Repair Golem.
    • Tip: There is an important jump near the end, when you come to a shaft facing east. There is a small grate you need to hit or you'll fall to the very bottom of the shaft and there is no way back except running back to the dungeon from Aerlinthe drop. To hit the grate, jump normally towards the SE corner of the shaft, you'll slide down the corner and hit the grate.
  9. Back up onto the ramp next to the Repair Golem and jump through the left wall opening to get to the exit portal. This officially starts the quest and causes the Smithing Golem to spawn.
  10. Run back to the Tenkarrdun Foundry and at the very end give the Pyreal Forge Bellows to the Smithing Golem. Retrace your steps (use floor lever to reopen door) and use the exit portal in the broken bridge room.

Part 2: Infusions and Relic Town

Because nice infusions drop on each hellfire, it's common for the entire group going on the quest to begin together at this point although it is not necessary for people to join the group until Relic Town.

  1. Handing the bellows causes the Tenkarrdun Hellfire to spawn after 5-10 minutes near 90.3N 46.3E. Kill the Hellfire and loot a Red Fire Infusion. Killing this Hellfire causes the Relic Watchman spawn check to begin, and the Mount Esper Firestorm and the Mount Lethe Hellfire to spawn. Most people go directly to Relic Town at this point to do the keep. If you main goal is just to get the infusions, you can do the Mount Esper and Mount Lethe infusions now to avoid having someone else kill them before you get there. (If you do this, be sure to go to relic town afterwards to kill the watchman even if you don't go into the keep, this allows the quest to reset properly for the next person).
  2. [OPTIONAL] Just south of the Hellfire spawn is the spawn spot for the Behemoth of Tenkarrdun at 90.0N 46.3E. The spawn is independent so it may or may not be there right away.
  3. [OPTIONAL] The Mount Esper Firestorm is located at 66.0N 13.0E in the middle of Crater Lake and drops the White Fire Infusion.
  4. [OPTIONAL] The Mount Lethe Hellfire is located at 34.4S 84.9W in the middle of the Mount Lethe crater and drops the Blue Fire Infusion.
  5. Go to Relic Town with your entire group to kill the watchman. The portal to Aerfalle Keep opens at 86.4N 45.4E upon the death of the Relic Watchman. The watchman normally spawns nearby, but can spawn anywhere in the town. Like the Behemoth the spawn is random (~10% per minute). So sometimes he appears quickly, but sometimes it takes a while.

Part 3: Aerlinthe Keep and Lady Aerfalle

In order to get the main rewards everyone needs to be at Relic Town when the portal opens.

  1. A five minute portal opens upon the death of the Relic Watchman that leads to Aerfalle Keep.
  2. Lockpick is required.
  3. If doing the low version, hand the Sacrificial Dagger to the Ghost of Galaeral, if doing the high version, you do not need to do anything special.
  4. Kill Lady Aerfalle's Apprentice. They can be assumed to be identical in stats and spells of the easy and hard Lady Aerfalle they replaced. Both drop about 10 keys.
    • Note: There is a separate 14 day timer for the Ashen Key and the Ornate Ashen Key so you can do both without having to wait by repeating the quest. Although the 7 day hand-in timer for the bar and bellows means someone else would have to start the quest up.
  5. Backtrack to the lever room with the Infernos and use the key on the appropriate chest (Lady of Aerlinthe's Chest or Lady of Aerlinthe's Ornate Chest) and loot all the rewards from the chest.
  6. If doing the lower version, take the Unreadable Scroll to Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator in Zaikhal (in the domed library on the hill) and she will teach you Aerlinthe Recall.
  7. [OPTIONAL] - Ashbane can be given to Leikotha for 20% xp (capped at level 100 for 13 million). Take the Yinar portal in Samsur at 0.9S 18.9E then run west to the supulcher at 10.1S 31.3E. He portals you to Subway when you hand him the sword.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Crater Caves Dungeon ?? -- 019A
Tenkarrdun Foundry ?? -- 0116
Aerlinthe Reservoir ?? -- 02EE
Aerlinthe Lower Reservoir ?? -- 02ED
Aerfalle Keep ?? -- 01F5


Easy Rewards

Aerfalle's Pallium Staff of Aerfalle Ashbane Unreadable Scroll

Hard Rewards

Aerfalle's Supreme Pallium War Staff of Aerfalle Superior Ashbane

Side Rewards

Red Fire Infusion Black Fire Atlan Stone Ring of the Watchman

Quest Items

Ashen Key Black Boulder Ornate Ashen Key Pyreal Forge Bellows Sacrificial Dagger Sluice Gate Bar

Untranslated Texts

Charred Book Sheets of Paper (Aerfalle) Singed Note

Translated Texts

Aerfalle's Letter Aerlinthe Record Smith's Note

Experience Rewards


Lore & Dialog

You give Repair Golem Sluice Gate Bar.
The golem turns and fuses the bar into the Sluice Gate. Somewhere below, you feel a grinding vibration through the ground... The fires of Tenkarrdun have been redirected to the ancient Yalaini forges.

You give Smithing Golem Pyreal Forge Bellows.
The golem, obeying ancient directives, turns and ignites the forges. Far below you, a tremor runs through the earth. The decayed machinery groans, shivers, and grinds quickly to a halt. Mount Tenkarrdun has become active again!

Your attack stops Tenkarrdun Hellfire cold!
As <Player> smites the Hellfire, the flame-creatures sigh, and begin to disappear back into the vents and fumaroles they surfaced through. But, from the base of the mountain's slopes, you hear the whisper of falling ash, and the clacking of petrified bones...

You flatten Relic Watchman's body with the force of your assault!
Just before <Player> scatters the petrified bones across the ash of the port, it attempts to cast a portal to retreat! The ancient port of Aerlinthe is peaceful again... or at least as peaceful as it ever gets. But now the party has only ninety minutes to find and destroy the Lady of Aerlinthe!

Ghost of Galaeral tells you, "The songs of my sisters echo across eternity and I am left to rot; bound through the arts of ill-wind taught by sisters who had fallen to the call of the twisted dark. Thousands of years bound against my will to a tether not of my making, bereft of power and ability to purchase a final release, I have waited and watched within the walls of this prison."
Ghost of Galaeral tells you, "The skein of her life now draws taut as she is stirred to action, re-exerting her command over these halls and drawing on the lives of those she once imprisoned. Through the countless years, most that were bound here against their will have become lost and slipped into madness, the echo of their lives now scattered dust and formless agony. Not I."
Ghost of Galaeral tells you, "I recall the device, the tool used to pull the blood of my heart into a vessel that held my precious vitae long enough to rip free my soul and lock it within the walls of this keep, evermore a servant to her will. But my years of servitude draw near an end, and through the voices of elder sisters who sang to the deep and refused to sell our secrets to the Dericost, I am given a moment of clarity to find my freedom. Yet the walls ever remain my prison."
Ghost of Galaeral tells you, "Aerfalle has changed. She has grown her flesh anew and taken the glamour of her youth. But all this imagery is false. She risks more power at the cost of those bound in these halls. My fallen sisters seek not redemption, but through their folly they will give me mine. Aerfalle's strength lies in tunnels long crushed by the weight of time, halls within this keep that you cannot traverse, halls which I can still travel."
Ghost of Galaeral tells you, "But I cannot lessen her strength without an instrument of sacrifice. The blade that drew my heart's blood must be used to stab at her crusted heart and weaken her strength."
Ghost of Galaeral tells you, "Bring me the dagger and I shall take my revenge and aid you in her destruction."

You give Ghost of Galaeral Sacrificial Dagger.
A haunting voice echoes in the halls of the Keep. "Light is not lost on this world yet. I shall enact my part of this bargain, outlander. Seek vengeance for the countless years, the suffering and the agony of those she has destroyed. Blessings of Ithaenc go with you."

You bring Lady Aerfalle to a fiery end!
On far Aerlinthe Island, an intrepid band has found the lair of the Dark Lady Aerfalle, at whose whim the earth itself does shake. But the bold <Player> has driven her back into her hidden crypts, and the ground stills... until she next awakens.
The withered corpse of Aerfalle hisses in rage as it is hewn in twain... "I shall not be sent to a final rest by primitives like thee, <Player>!" her severed head says from the stones. "Enjoy this insignificant victory, child. For I have walked this world for over ten millennia, and I shall walk it long hence your little race has returned to the dust that birthed thee!"

You give Bretself the Translator Charred Book.
Bretself the Translator tells you, "Well, this may be of use in our researches. This is a sort of record or timeline, detailing the major events in the history of the Aerlinthe port and island."
Bretself the Translator gives you Aerlinthe Record.

In your mind, a soft voice sighs, "Disturb me not... Travel past this hole in the earth."
You give Leikotha Ashbane.
Leikotha releases a dry, rasping gasp.
Leikotha tells you, "Ashbane... mine own sword."
Leikotha examines her sword, feeling the weight of the blade in her hands.
Leikotha tells you, "I had dropped this on the hill of Ayn Tayan... My rage had so blinded me. Ferah, had played me for the fool..."
Leikotha tells you, "Spinning lies in my mind..."
Leikotha tells you, "What I did..."
A sound slowly builds within Leikotha, until finally an unearthly scream emanates from her. You feel the din about to deafen you when the scream stops.
Leikotha tells you, "Why... why..."
Leikotha stares silently at the blade of the sword.
Leikotha tells you, "How... where... ai, thy mind tells me that thou has found in one of Aerfalle's caches. Foul magus that she is. I shall reward thee for thy efforts."
You've earned 8,861,536 experience. (Level 89)


  • This quest was significantly updated during the From the Darkness Born event.
  • XP rewards were adjusted during the Foolish Ambition event.
  • In an unknown event, the easy and hard versions of Lady Aerfalle were replaced with two versions of Lady Aerfalle's Apprentice. The global changed slightly to reflect this.